I didn’t cancel my subscription to Newsweek after they “murdered” people for telling their “lies”, and it’s a good thing.  Not only does Anna Quindlen write a wonderful column every week (she wrote a beauty two weeks ago), I’m here to talk about the writings of the original bow-tie wearing, baseball loving conservative pundit: George F. Will.

Will’s this week is a bio/plug for Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS).  In this piece, we see where the theo-con movement is going the next Presidential election.

:: travel to the flip, if you dare ::

Brownback says opposition to same-sex marriages has “broadened the movement” of social conservatism. However, opposition to abortion is still the movement’s molten core. He insists there is a pro-life majority–a majority opposed to abortion other than in cases of rape or incest or when it is necessary to save the mother’s life. And he says the youngest voters, ages 18 to 25, are the most pro-life cohort. They were born, he says, when abortion rates were highest, so “many of them feel they’re the survivors of a holocaust: one in four of their compatriots are not here.” Actually, almost one in three: the abortion rate peaked in 1983 at 30.4 percent.

I’m left speechless by this.  Abortion is the molten core of exactly what, Mr. Brownback?  Just when they can’t go far enough, they keep going.  But I can already here Mr. Brownback in Iowa now, screaming “those Holocaust Abortionists”.  Someone call the ADL.  Have you all heard this before?  This 1 in 3 kids “died” in the “abortion holocaust”.

While Will pushing this guy is pretty disgusting, what also bothered me was this:

Liberals have decided what is the matter with Kansas, the archetypal red state: Kansans are insufficiently self-interested and materialistic. Instead of voting on economic issues (and therefore, liberals assume, voting Democratic), they allow themselves to be distracted by social issues–abortion, the coarsening of the culture, etc. Today some Kansans are at daggers drawn with one another over Darwin, debating state standards for teaching about evolution.

Hey George, you forget to tell us how what we Liberals think is wrong.  You say, “liberals thing Kansas is ass-backwards” and then give an example of just how ass-backwards Kansas is?  You’re not even trying to justify this demagoguery anymore.

So what are Brownback’s plans for the future?

In 2008, he plans to build upon the “tens of millions of dollars” the Bush campaign spent to mobilize evangelical Christians. “They didn’t go away” after the election, he says.

They didn’t?  Darn.  Because I heard after the Rapture, we get all their stuff.

I post this as a warning to us all.

Front-paged @ jScoop – a new blog community for politics, rants, and meta-blogging