image: A brother and sister stand under electricity cables strung in front of their home in a neighborhood in central Baghdad.(AFP/Ali al-Saadi)]
support the Iraqi people
support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
support CARE
support the victims of torture
support the fallen
support the troops
support the troops and the Iraqi people
read `This is what John Kerry did today,’ the diary by lawnorder that prompted this series
read Riverbend’s blog – `Bagdhad Burning’
read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches
witness every day
image and poem below the fold
Normal Like You
by Everclear
They said you called me maybe yesterday
I don’t even have the strength to pick up the phone
Wouldn’t even know me since you went away
The prozac doesn’t do it for me anymore
You ought to take your medication everyday
Be a good dog live life in a wonderful way
Tell me why you want to be blind
I don’t want to be normal like you
I know now everyday
I get closer
To the place inside where I can be normal too
I heard those stupid people talk about you again
I just have to laugh to keep from hurting bad
Their simple minds just cannot seem to understand
You are neurotic and depressed
It doesn’t mean that you’re sad
You walk around oblivious to everything
You wear that party dress and black mascara
Like you’re queen for the day
Tell me why you want to be blind
I don’t want to be normal like you
I know now, everyday
I get closer
To the place inside where I can be normal too
I will never be normal like you
You walk around oblivious to everyone
I see you walking slow and simple
Underneath the big black sun
Tell me why you want to be blind
I don’t want to be normal like you
I know now, everyday
I get closer
To the place inside where I can be complacent
Yes, I get closer
To the place inside where I can be sedated
Yes, I get closer
To the place inside where I can be normal too
Where I can be normal like you
Maybe normal like you
I can be normal like you
Mornings over here now.
When will they learn that we are all humans?
Gay, straight, white, black, rich, poor, male… female…
….raises glass of orange juice towards Boston. (even though it’s a Annakin Skywalker plastic “glass”) 🙂
You sure live dangerously some times…be careful, the world is full of violent lunatics with poor impulse control.
My mouth is mightier than the “W” supportin’ red voter 🙂
but… I’ll be careful 🙂
Oh… I shared this with some cafe people… seems lately I’ve been caught in some political heat all in grocery lines 😀
The other day I noticed a one of those Hummer2’s parked in the grocery lot of the little local store. It was adorned with “W” sticker and the magnet.
I was not even looking for a fight. I swear. I thought two things after this minor confrontation: That this time I was going to get hit or the man’s head was going to implode. He turned… well, he turned red.
Here’s what happened
While in line two men started talking. The owner was carrying on about how he had “THE” car to escape in in case of any emergency. The other man commented on how much traffic jams would suck in case of a evacuation. The owner said… that he would “run over anyone who got in his way”
I loudly stated, “Typical Republican Response”
becuase you are
and there
and somewhere I can’t be
but wish I was
becuase you are
not destroying
because you are
true (with a little ‘t”, of course)
because you are
I am too
by me (aka deepingtheheartoftx)
sorry if that is too cheezy for some folk, but I have to let those words out when they come a knockin’ — thank you, always, rub.