Donald Luskin — at his blog, “The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid” — blathers about “Global Welfare Queens,” the result of “[l]eftist welfare impulses on a grand global scale.”
Luskin targets “the forgiveness of underdeveloped countries’ debt (when they’ve stopped paying the interest years ago anyway), and the extension of further “debt” (under the circumstances, merely a gift).”
Meanwhile, The Guardian reports the U.N. will announce tomorrow that “[t]hree million children will die in the poorest countries of sub-Saharan Africa as a result of the failure of the global community to meet its promise of slashing the death rates of the under-fives by 2015.” The timing of the release will increase the pressure on Tony Blair and George Bush:
The BBC notes that “[a]id agencies are urging Tony Blair not to ‘cave in to US pressure’ and weaken his relief plan for Africa.”
From The Guardian‘s report:
On current UNDP projections, there will be 5 million under-five deaths in Africa, compared with 2 million if the goals were achieved; 115 million children deprived of an education; and 219 million extra people living below the poverty line.
The outline deal on debt requires further consultation with the Germans and some other EU finance ministers and it was accepted by British officials that most of the progress had been made on the cancellation of multilateral debt to the World Bank, rather than the International Monetary Fund.
[T]he Washington trip will be remembered for the progress Mr Blair made on debt cancellation and the assertion by President Bush that lifting Africa from poverty “is a central goal of my administration”.
On debt cancellation the Americans promised not merely 100% cancellation, but also additional funding to ensure that the World Bank does not lose out over cancelled interest payments.
America had been insisting the World Bank was recompensed through cuts in aid programmes to Africa. Now it will provide additional cash.
President Bush told a White House press conference: “We agree that highly indebted developing countries that are on the path to reform should not be burdened by mountains of debt. Our countries are developing a proposal for the G8 that will eliminate 100% of that debt and that by providing additional resources will preserve the financial integrity of the World Bank and the Africa Development Bank.”
He omitted any mention of the debt owed to the IMF since America is opposing the British proposal of funding the cancellation by the revaluation of IMF gold reserves.
Mr Bush insisted he would not lift aid to a fixed formula but said he had already tripled aid. …
Jesus wept.
Susan, Chalk another one up for the culture of life, huh?
Please, let Tony Blair talk some sense into him. (when am I going to say that again?)
Really. Do you think that Bush ever sees those children as real people?
From ThinkProgress:
The Bush administration’s global AIDS initiative certainly is doing something for countries … just not something good. Human Rights Watch provides searing insight into the effect that Bush-pushed “ABC” (Abstinence-Be Faithful-use Condoms) programs are having in Uganda, which was once the poster country for successful AIDS combatance: …
I just watched Primetime Live with Brad Pitt in Africa. They showed children who are so filled with hope, children that know education is the one hope they have for survival. Children that know America is the country that can save them.
They made a great point on the program. For those who can’t see it in humanitarian terms they dropped a nugget. For the safety and well being for Americans it is imperative for us to foster good feelings about us worldwide and Africa is no exception. They showed a young boy who had been given a donation of $16.00 for one year of schooling. He said he loves America. They said the chance of him being recruited by terrorsts is zero.
They also said for the price of a coffee drink in the US a child with AIDS could get medicine for 6 months. For the price of a latte.
They showed young girls who are going to school this year through donations, once again $16.00 for a year, who are studying to be doctors and engineers. One of the girls was coughing and it was stated that her mother died of AIDS so it’s possible she has it also. She cried not because she’s sick, she cried because she was fearful she wouldn’t get funded for the next year to go to school.
Young girls that have turned to prostitution at 12 and 13 years of age say they are beaten by the men if the girls ask them to wear a condom. They say they are always one john away from getting the virus. They all see education as their savior.
Brad Pitt said we can elimate half of the poverty in Africa in 10 years and eliminate it all within 20 years. Perhaps with the awareness now, the debt relief, the devastation that is hard to ignore any longer, the impact of what it means globally we may be closer than we have been in years past.
I watched Scott McClellan this morning when he was asked about the G8 meeting, Blair’s visit and aid from the US to Afirca. The question was about the $15 billion Bush pledged and Scott kept rattling off names of programs and dollar amounts that fall far short of the pledge, making it sound like Bush has done so much. It is a travesty, both his strings to funding and abstinence and his refusal throughout his presidency to follow through on what he promises.
These children showed how much can be gotten with so little. A father in Ethiopia was granted a loan of $300. Within a year he paid back the loan, sent his child to the university and can feed, shelter and clothe his family. He turned his barren land into a farm that has made him solvent and prosperous.
So much more could be done if Bush wasn’t such a dishonorable man. It is infuriating to watch these children and know so manh of them will die because the US gives less than 1% yearly in relief around the world. The wealthiest country in the world and we have a president who gives more to Halliburton and Enron by a 1000 times more than he gives to those who desperately need it.
Those faces will stay with me for the next few days as our pig of a president poses for photo ops and smugly smiles as if he is the chosen one. He is in a word, contemptible..
That program with Brad Pitt was superb. My daughter asked me to tape it for her, so I did, but I watched it too. Those children! And wasn’t Pitt fantastic with them?!
(Of course, I wnted to bash Diane Sawyer right across her schnozz for the stupid, stupid, stupid Qs about Pitts’ private life, but he handled her Qs in a wonderfully dignified way.)
It was like the Nightline that featured Angelina Jolie and the other Nightline that featured Don Cheadle.
These people are using their celebrity and their money in marvelous ways … and they are a powerful example to Americans.
No matter how the White House tries to spin it, Bush is SCREWING these African children. Bastard.
Susan, Brad Pitt was absolutely amazing. I woke up this morning with the faces of those children. The hope and spirit of so many is so inspiring. One of the biggest impressions for me was truly how little it will take to make a difference.
Something Brad said several times really struck me, that we are so fortunate to be born in this country. By an accident of birth we have been born in the wealthiest country in the world. Why wouldn’t we do everything we can to help those who are born into such devastating poverty?
So much of what Bush does engenders rage but nothing comes close to the hate felt for him when he screws children. I kept thinking while watching Brad that Bush has not and never will go to see what he has wrought in person. He will never touch the hand of one of those children. What kind of blasphemist Christian is he?
He only has what he has because he had the good fortune to be born in America. I bet there are millions of people who are more talented, more intelligent, and harder working who live in poverty around the globe simply because of they were not born here.
When it comes to the third world, the neocon agenda is to take take take and never give anything back. We use their raw materials, we exploit their labor, we pollute the global environment shared by all, but heaven forbid we try to raise the standard of living anywhere but here in the U.S. — and even then it is only the wealthiest who neocons seem to think deserve their standard of living raised (if that is even possible). The rest of us can only do it on credit.
And this is why we have enemies and terrorists out to kill us. If we want to win the war on terror, we need to be a good global citizen and practice what we preach. The rest of the world doesn’t want handouts, they want us to stop exploiting them, supporting dictators, sending our military where it doesn’t belong, protecting corporations that abuse and pollute, and being out-and-out hypocrites. We should forgive their debt, since our wealth is often largely based on what we have stolen from them… not the least of which is their human dignity.
What, are you crazy?
We’ve got to save all our money for Halliburton, and to pick up the slack when all of corporte America defaults on its pension obligations.
Them that’s got shall get. Don’t you read your Bible?