Todo es posible. Bolivia, with the second-largest reserve of natural gas on the South American continent after Venezuela, has seen growing protests demanding nationalization of the reserves. This morning, Democracy Now! reports:
Bolivian President Carlos Mesa has offered to resign after mass street protests forced him to flee his office. On Monday indigenous groups led a mass protest of some 80,000 Bolivians to call for the nationalization of the country’s gas reserves. The protests overwhelmed the city police and the president had to flee his office after demonstrators threatened to storm the presidential palace.
This story is a lot more complex than it seems. There’s a rightwing movement for autonomy in eastern Bolivia. There’s the U.S. distraction of Iraq. There are the failures of privatization of water and gas. More below on the IMF’s role:
The following are snippets from an in-depth June 3 interview on Democracy Now! with human rights activist Jim Shultz of the Democracy Center. Shultz lives in Cochabamba, Bolivia and is the author of Deadly Consequences. An image of the book’s jacket is in the quote below.
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Is it that the United States and the Bush administration are so distracted and overextended by their battle to control the Middle East that they have not been paying attention?
What’s been the particular reasons, in your opinion, why it seems the whole continent, the democratic vote and the whole continent is rapidly turning against U.S. policies?
JIM SHULTZ: It is — again, Juan, I think it’s a very practical rebellion against the effect of these policies. It’s important to note because you know, the new article du jour of the press is to talk about the rise of the left in South America. This is not the second coming of Ché Guevara. This is not even an ideological rebellion. It’s more interesting than that. You know, I live in this country. I have lived here for eight years. These are my neighbors.
By and large, people who live on the margin don’t have the luxury of ideology. What they want is practical solutions to their practical problems like: Can they get water? Can they find a job?
And what’s happening is, people in Bolivia, in particular, and it’s the same trend in Brazil — I was just there not long ago — people are basically saying, “This whole package of economic policies, it isn’t working. It hasn’t delivered the goods.”
If it had, if privatization of water, for example, had delivered water, if privatization of oil and gas had actually increased public revenues and made it possible to lift up people’s lives, I think people here would have embraced it.
hat’s the point to me that’s the most important, is what’s going on is a reaction to these policies that is not rooted in ideology, by and large. It is rooted in the absolute practical failure of those policies to do anything but make the lives of the poor more miserable.
JUAN GONZALEZ: And the current situation now in Bolivia, if President Mesa is forced out of office, given the fact that you have a very strong right-wing autonomy movement in the richest province and that Evo Morales, the popular leader, has been almost sidelined by this indigenous revolt that continues to grow, what do you see as the potential developments that could occur once Mesa steps down, if he does?
I think there will be some sort of settlement in which this issue of gas will be turned over to a constituent assembly, elected at large from the grass roots across the country, and that that’s where the gas issue will be decided. And the side issue to that is to make sure that this call for autonomy doesn’t pre-empt some national decision-making about how to develop the gas. I think we’re headed toward some sort of a negotiated settlement. That is generally what happens here. Usually the Catholic Church, the Human Rights Assembly step in and are able to sort of pull people together. We are at the brink of not being able to do that, but I suspect that’s where this will go. …
More from Shultz in the June 3 interview:
Bolivia did it all, privatization of water, privatization of oil and gas, relaxation of labor standards, all of the deficit reduction coming in from the backs of the poor. All of this has been done at the command of the I.M.F. and the World Bank.
And Bolivia doesn’t have a lot of choice. When the I.M.F. and the World Bank tell Bolivia, “Thou shalt privatize your water” or “Thou shalt privatize your oil and gas,” those are commandments that are very difficult for a poor country like Bolivia to say no to. The fact is it hasn’t worked.
I mean, this is a country that has had two major civic uprisings over water privatization, both of which have kicked big international companies out of the country, and now it’s having this uprising over gas privatization. It just hasn’t worked.
I think this is related to what’s happening all over Latin America. If you think about the last 30 years in Latin America, South America in particular, you know, we went in the period in the 1960s and 1970s of right-wing dictatorships and left-wing insurgencies and then we went through a period of elected governments that were very conservative, very tied to the United States and very dedicated to the policies of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and what’s happening now is this movement from the left to, you know, take over governments in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela through the political process, and in the streets in Bolivia, it is a practical rebellion against a practical failure of the economic policies imposed on these countries from abroad by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
We just released a report in April called Deadly Consequences, which people can find in its entirety on our website.
It’s a small book. It traces very clearly how the International Monetary Fund’s demands in this country two years ago for tax increases to reduce its deficit to pay its foreign debtors off more quickly, how that descended into 34 people being killed in the country’s capital, a shooting war between the police and the army in front of the national palace, directly, directly the result of I.M.F. economic policy.
So what’s happening in Bolivia is not just the story of Bolivia. It is absolutely the story of Latin America and South America and it is the story of indigenous peoples rising up against a set of economic ideologies imposed on them completely against their will, completely without their consent from institutions abroad. …
I hope some of you who know South America well will speak up here. I think we’d all like to learn more about what’s going on. Democracy Now! has more interviews this morning on the Bolivian government’s crisis — those transcripts aren’t up yet.
From the intro to the book, Deadly Consequences:
Colque, 24, was among thirty-four people killed during two days of violent conflict sparked by the announcement of a new tax on the nation’s working poor. For an afternoon, the conflict erupted into a shooting war between Bolivia’s army and police, directly in front of the National Congress and the Presidential Palace.
Deadly Consequences tells the story of Bolivia’s Febrero Negro, Black February. It is not just the story of two tragic days in La Paz, but also of the global economic system that set that violence in motion. The report traces a path that begins on the desks of economists at the IMF in Washington and ends with the squeezing of the poor beyond their tolerance and, finally, with death on a rooftop. …
Do you know who the international company was that came in and ran the water system in Bolivia after it was privatized? I think it was Bechtel but can’t remember. I do remember people being pissed about having to buy their own water when they used to get it for free.
I don’t. Would have that?
I think it’s Suez, or a subsidiary called “Compagnie des Eaux”. They privatized the public water in a country where people couldn’t afford the connection fee. I can look for more info. – – best I found was in spanish, as I recall. Also, maybe at IPS? It’s an int’l press site.
Here ya go: a press release (Mar. 10, 2005) from Suez Environmental on their activities in Bolivia. At the time, President Mesa issued a decree for local authorities to cancel the contract for Suez to provide water and sewer services in La Paz.
The Royal Dutch Shell oil company produces regular reviews of the world scene, called Visions of the Future. These aren’t really detailed predictions, but they are more like frameworks for thinking about how the future might evolve. Their most recent report (link above), outlines three scenarios: Open Doors globalization, Low Trust globalization and Flags – a nationalistic scenario.
What they would like to see is an Open Doors world, where they can invest in oil wherever it can be found, especially in the OPEC countries. But what’s happening in Bolivia is pure Flags.
It was Bechtal-found some more information here:
and it’s by Jim Shultz as well
and an interesting overview here:
It’s such an important topic-and a great diary by the way!
To be blunt, I haven’t thought much about Bolivia since I memorized its location on a map in junior high school.
Thanks to Amy Goodman, this story is getting told. Jim Shultz was on DN! again today and, as soon as the transcript is up, I’ll add it on here.
And you can listen or watch the shows, including the old shows such as June 3, at DN!’s site.