Apologies to those of you that have been around in the last few minutes and have tried to have a look at the pictures I posted.
Sadly, they are still hidden behind the firewall that hides our incoming surprise…
I’ll put them up later. In the meantime, have fun speculating.
And sorry for the couple of comments that have been deleted alongside with my post.
was that the same as the diary on dKos that forced you to quit the browser because you couldn’t get past the password prompt? How in the world did you do that?
Ya, I had to put up with that password stuff 15 minutes ago. So I googled EuroTrib.com and got the Sorry line.
So that’s what you and Boo are up to. A dedicated European Tribune site… At the least we won’t have to put up with billions of diaries/ comments on Terry Schiavo and pie fights.
But will the Americans read it? With pie priorities it’s a big if…
Good luck! and I’m waiting in line to sign on!
But of course, if someone in Europe wants to start a clafoutis fight, count me in. Mmmm….cherries!
No big worries, Jerome. I knew you would handle it pretty swiftly.
looked like an interesting project but couldn’t find more on it. Is it a PhysWorld publication?
Hi Jerome…you’re one of my favorite writers…besides being informative on economic issues, you like to explore European politics, both of which I’m trying to learn more about (especially having just moved to Europe in the last year). So…if it is true you will have a regular column…awesome, and all the more interesting if it is Euro focused. Congratulations (and also, thanks for turning me onto Booman…I enjoy it here a lot!)
When did you move to Europe? Did you register and vote in the last US election? I’m a volunteer for http://www.overseasvote.org so if you are an American living overseas, check it out. I am working on getting all of the Board of Election addresses and contact information into the system but we hope to have the whole site completely launched in January 2006. If you want to help, sign up on our volunteer list. I can sure use the help.
I moved to Switzerland last summer, I was already registered and voted absentee in California. I tried contacting overseasvote (or was in Dems Abroad?) and no one contacted me…so would like to be involved, somehow. What kind of help do you need? I’ll check out the overseas site too. By the way, where are you? Germany? Austria?
I’m in Munich, Germany. There was an overseasvote and overseasvote2004 website last year. Overseasvote was the first one and did really well. Several people decided to take it one step further and make it easier to register by creating a website where you enter in your US address – from that the website generates the BOE address and other questions that you have to answer(that was overseasvote2004 – which I volunteered for). It may sound easy to register but every state has their own rule in what needs to be filled out. One little mistake and the BOE can reject your registration. We want to expand on that and provide everybody with the email address, telephone number, fax number, etc. of their local BOE official. We also discovered that the FVAP that provides the addresses are not always up to date. In Ohio for example, 17 counties had the wrong BOE address. Anyway, I have lots of stories to tell about registering voters overseas but I would be here all day writing them. The http://www.overseasvote.org is a non-partisan organization and our goal is to help all Americans living overseas and in the military vote.
Please sign up on the volunteer contact list. I really need help with putting the BOE information on spreadsheets. Let me know if you can help. Thanks!
I’ll go over and sign up…we can take it from there
What I wanna know is…
Where is Armando’s Diary?
Soj and Armando deleted – for the best.
Armando didn’t want to smoke a peace pipe, used many comments without spending time to listen. Comments 100+, yet was [dis]functional. It hurt our new fellow BooTribbers instead of healing. I was very upset just reading and not participating.
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Shame.. although it was distasteful it was best and most accurate account of what really happened. You could tell people here were more at ease in saying what they really felt without the fear of retribution.
I hope that is the last of this sad story.
Must disagree on the deletions, Oui. In fact, I intensely dislike that it is possible to erase, just by clicking a button, threads that contain as much as hundreds of posts, potentially representing hundreds of collective work hours.
I can’t help feeling it’s absymally arrogant to delete other people’s writing like that, not to mention, airbrush away a piece of our communal history as if it never happened. I have suggested to Booman that the option of deleting diary entries be reserved for the editorial staff, i.e. those with admin privileges, and I hope others will support this proposal.
I should stress that in Soj’s case there is a strongly mitigating circumstance: She stated at the top of her diary entry that she would delete it if it proved unpopular. Thus those of us who commented did so at our peril. Armando, like most who delete their entries, gave no such fair warning.
Should at least fix ease to hit wrong button and delete diary in error. At dKos you need to check a 2nd box before diary can be deleted.
I totally agree when there is no motivation. At dKos I have watched in astonishment when an author concluded he/she had enough, deleted the diary in anger and left the blog site for good.
Soj’s diary was left unattended for too many hours and commenting went bad, when absence was interpreted as reluctance to come forward and participate to answer the many questions.
Armando’s diary probably never should have happened here at BMT. Our new BooTribbers were still in anguish and Armando’s attitude only increased the hurt instead of providing relief. This is an act of poor performance, negligence and just don’t give a sh.. attitude. I followed the comments somewhat closely, at the end it left me with a awkward gut feeling I had felt before.
I’m sorry to say, it was the attitude of the three advisors Dean, Haldeman and Erlichman to Prez Nixon. The Congressional hearings and later with the disclosure of the White House tapes. Nixon cursing and bigotry of minorities, it just made me shake my head in disbelief. If Markos would have been a man of his word and offer a fair discussion, directly with the IMHO, pleasant and talented group of his own community, he himself should have come forward on his own web site or in agreement with BooMan. That didnt happen, so this attempt was futile and confirmed hurt feelings.
Best illustrated with my comment above: Armando was not prepared to offer the peace pipe and interact with the group in a smoke filled TeePee. Ask Ghostdancers Way, he could enlighten us with his view.
He kept his Teepee opening closed.
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
I just wanted to let all of you know that we have 70 donors and raised $1,731.51 so far. SusanHu and Booman are going to help me get a bat and make this campaign go further. Thanks to all of you who have helped!
Good Morning Hausfrau —
Meet one of our new BooTribbers and German friend —
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Hello Jerome.
If there’s a regular European open thread, should that be treated as a substitute–or trigger, perhaps–for articles about European news?
As you know, I think that what’s going on in the EU right now is the real geopolitical story of the year. It seems to me that there is a very real possibility that Europe may fall into its bad habits of the last century, with globally devastating results.
For example, today, Chirac and Blair have each made demands that the other retreat on the British “refund,” and as Chirac is politically vulnerable he’s likely to stand on this point, as will Blair. Implications are tremendous.
What do the French papers say about this?