Back around Memorial Day, I posted a diary about being given insulting propaganda at my donor center in the form of a free 9/11 photo book that Amazon can’t give away(and it turns out, neither could I!). The original diary is HERE if you’re interested…
Well, this morning they wrote me back!
This was my original letter:
I am writing to complain about the distribution of “America’s Heroes” to blood donors as an incentive to give blood over Memorial Day weekend.
In my opinion, the book is decidedly politically skewed, and I resent the implication that the tragedy of 9/11 should be associated with Memorial Day, and therefore, a particular political agenda. I realize that this campaign may not be nationwide and only limited to the particular site at which I recently gave. If this is the case, please note my address above and forward this complaint to the appropriate people.
At a time when blood donations are down nationwide and many centers have been cut back to less than half time (as is the case with the center at which I donate) would it not be a prudent strategy to adopt a more centrist stance so as not to offend some people who might otherwise be inclined to give? While I have given for years, and will continue to do so despite this perceived insult, I fear that many might be inclined to walk out when confronted with “America’s Heroes”.
Additionally, I feel that the money used to purchase this book in bulk could have certainly been spent in a more useful manner.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention into this matter.
The Dood (I didn’t really sign it “The Dood”)
This morning I got responses from the national and regional offices:
Thank you for contacting the American Red Cross. Your local Blood Services regional headquarters supervises the Red Cross blood collections in your community. I am forwarding your email (below) to them for their review and response.
Some Southern Blood Region
Some street
Some City, Red State 23510-1000
We hope this information is helpful.
American Red Cross Public Inquiry Center
and this one from the local level:
I am the Manager for the Donor Recruitment staff at the _____Center in ___, _. Your email regarding the distribution of the book “America’s Heroes” was forwarded to me by National Headquarters.
I apologize that you were offended by the distribution of these books around the Memorial Day Holiday. The book was meant to be a thank you to the donors who took time to come in around the holiday to save a life.
Thank you for your blood donation during that time. You are correct that donations are down nationwide and your donations are badly needed. I hope that you will continue to donate. If you would like to talk with me about this, please call me at _–_-_, ext 18.
D___ S__, Manager
________ Center
Take home lesson…? I’m not sure that there is one, other than sometimes people actually listen when you complain in a civil manner… or like the line from the movie Summer School(1987) where Mr. Shoop says “Writing letters can get you free stuff…”
I’ll let you know if they break out the expired bent needles on me next time I donate…; )
You reminded me that I need to start giving again. (I’m one of those universal donors who’s CMV negative, so they use my blood for preemies.)
Nice job on the letter. I think many people just need to be made aware that they are pushing propaganda- and that about half the nation isn’t buying it.
Plane Crazy has a premie that’s one of the joys of my virtual life right now
I’ve got LOTS of problems with the American Red Cross.. and this story of peddling booklets is just more fuel to the fire. I hope you called Mr. so and so with the number and had a chat with him about the issue.
As for donating blood, I realize how critical it is and how much it helps. I wish there were a way around the ARC to do it though… but there’s absolutely no need for a blood shortage so when they play on people’s heartstrings it makes me even more outraged.
I ought to write a Diary about this organization one day but for now let me just say congratulations and thanks for reminding all of us that our individual voices DO matter!
And I love the new design of your site. It’s been bookmarked.
For some reason their response does not strike me as very satisfactory (despite saying “I apologize” in one sentence).
They don’t really address the substance of your complaint in any way, so one interpretation could be that they are flicking you off, being condescendingly gracious enough to say “I apologize” and then keep doing exactly the thing you complained about, to others.
In other words, apart from knowing how to do their PR, I am not sure they actually listened.
Did you know you show up as “Bood Abides” here?
Not for nothing, I just thought I’d give the heads up.
I did it as a show of support for the Boo man, for having the guts to take on this little endeavor… a bunch of us signed up when he first started and incorporated “Boo” into our old handles from DKos and joined the “Boo Tribe”(sort of a wootang thing, I guess)… ie. susan hu used to be susan bhu… I decided to continue to show my support for him and leave mine the way it is … I guess that would make you “rcvanbooz”…; )