…Importing a Saturday-night tradition from that other place:
What’s my f-ing problem, you ask? I got a bag full of them tonight:
- Pinheads who want to jump Dr. Dean for calling the Republicans a “white, Christian party”, and those who’d defend him by saying Republicans ought to be a white, Christian party.
- Pinheads like the anonymous one who wrote to me after reading last Saturday’s thread saying he was “sorry to see me writing about how sorry I feel for myself.” Memo to the moron: this is the complaining section. If you want an argument, head on out to the shark tank.
- Pinheads like…well, actually that one doesn’t work here. The central air is busted at Casa Pastor. We’re lucky enough to have a window unit up in the blogcave, a.k.a. the den. With a fold-down futon and an air mattress, we’re getting by.
Dear, is it just me, or does that wall seem to be getting closer with every passing second?
- And one more: our f-ing problem is that we think we do want to organize a late-summer meetup here in sunny Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We’re thinking Labor Day weekend or thereabouts, with a waffle breakfast and afternoon barbecue, with side trips to local attractions like Central Market, Dutch Wonderland, or Hersheypark. We could even invite Chuck Pennachio.
What say you?
can be your f-ing problem, if you like.
…is not my problem anymore. I’m over it and that feels good.
See you in the prayer thread here tomorrow, then.
Splashing in the pond with you all feels good.
Splash, splash!!
And RIBBITT RIBBITT RIBBITT (Big frogs where I came frome!)
WasMFP. but not no more! so i hear you catnip. just think! no more un-named front pager zero-rating me five times in his late-night “throwaway” (or was that throwdown?) diary.
ain’t life grand?
I can’t get the blogging Wisc. liberals frequenting Kos or here started for nothing.
We’ve had two private liberal parties, but I’d sure like to feel that Wisc. represents well at blog meet-ups.
At least, don’t forget to post if you are coming to visit, okay?
We’ll be out that way in July. We’ll let you know when the schedule gets firmer…
at our home, or I can plan well at a great spot.
P.S. We’re only out of town until July 7th.
my WYFP is Aunt Flo. Damn you, Aunt Flo, for those of you that get my drift!
Many midols later with a glass of white wine, I’m feeling perky enough to relax in bed with my pooches.
My constant WYFP is Bush’s smirking face on TV to the point I turn it off so I won’t have to see his dumb smirk.
Yeah, and that smirk comes in clear as a bell over the radio waves, too. I have to turn it off when I’m driving or I start yelling. I don’t think it’s just me, either. I was sitting at a light the other day when Dear Leader’s voice came on over the radio. As I lunged for the volume control I glanced over at the car next to me – and spied the driver of that car lunge for her volume control at the same time. Coincidence? Nah…..
I KWYM about seeing or hearing Bush. I decided after the bitter disappointment of the last election that I wouldn’t watch or listen to him speak for the rest of his presidency if I could manage it (though I do keep track of what he’s up to via printed articles). So far, the “Bush free zone” has been mostly airtight–maybe once a week, three or four words will slip through on NPR or something before I either turn off the radio or clap my hands over my ears and start humming, LOL. But I can proudly say that I have not heard him say a full sentence since before the election.
Maverick Leftist
The dude never speaks in full sentences, anyway…
If you have something in Lancaster, I’ll be there.
MFP is that I have a migraine from the fucking heat and no matter how much water I suck down, I can’t get rid of it.
My problem is I am walking out the fucking door to go see my nephew who is going to Spain tomorrow for his school Trip (Fucking spoiled brat…We are in California and My class trip was to Marine Fucking World, which was 20 miles away from my house)and I am not going to be here to Participate in Pastor Dan’s first Booman’s “What’s your Fucking Problem Diary” Fuck that shit. I hope it’s a rip roaring fucking success. Perhaps some fuckers will still be around when I return home. Hey PD…Give my best to the fucking Mrs. btw/ I am hoping there are some great fucking pictures on this thread when I return…
I’m not sure pictures of what. Ay-mish?
<s>Good luck, Chamonix!</s>
Good fucking luck!
Marine Fucking World? What’s that? Some bizarro peep-show for people who are into watching marine animals fornicate?
Watch it! π
Don’t laugh–I’ve seen male dolphins going at it many, many times–twosomes, threesomes, foursomes.
I bet Seaworld is REAL glad they put in that panoramic viewing window on their dolphin feeding pool….
it would crash the database…
if what you were hinting at in your post the other day is what I think you’re trying to say.
Good luck, buddy.
the pair of cheap-ass flip flops I bought last month that managed to burn holes on the side of my feet with blisters every time I walked. I threw them out after three days but still have scars. WTF?!?
Am I allowed use naughty words in this thread? Cool. Americans are so fucking uptight about these things.
What’s my fucking problem? Mothers-in-law: Stereotype City here we come. But I can be more specific. My mother-in-law. Specifically, my mother-in-law who considers it perfectly reasonable that she should go in holiday while her daughter – that’s my wife, bitch – has stay in her house to look after her bat-shit crazy dog – who already tried to kill one of our dogs – leading me to sit up at the computer getting into bar-fights on MOA and watching my diary disappear into oblivion rather than snuggling comfortably.
Oh, and earnestness. I’ve seen enough earnestness this week to do me for several years.
I haven’t heard this ever described as a flaw or problem. WTF happened with these earnest people you reference? Do tell.
MFP? Well, by now you all know what MFP is – pain.
It’s a growth experience, right? RIGHT???
Well – hopefully NOT an actual, physical growth experience. That’s all I need!
PD, same problem I had last week, I have had this headache for 12 hours and can’t take anything more than tylenol because of my other meds. Sorry to be such a consistent downer.
Please – you go ahead and be the downer. I’ve held that spot too long this week. π
You are officially relieved of the title. π
I am a headache pro. Trust me on that.
If you took Tylenol and it didn’t work, wait 4 hours and take Excedrin. That’s the only thing that works for mine. Here’s another trick that works sometimes but it sounds weird.
Soak your feet in hot water and put an ice pack on your head or the back of your neck. I heard Andrew Weil say that once and thought he was a nerd….until I tried it!
Hiya, my daughter has had migraines her whole life and she swears that taking 1 excedrin along with 1 ibuprophen works for her. Something about the combination that works.
Try an icepack or a box of frozen vegetables at the back of your neck or on the soles of your feet.
Helpful Harriet
is that no one checks the blogroll. Hint.
European Tribune Starts with E!!!!!! I Win!
What’s that you say? Something IN THE BLOGROLL? Did something change? Is there something new there?
Do you have to speak French to get in?
and now I know, finally……when’s the unveiling??????
Okay. What’s the story? How will it operate? Will they have chocolate chip cookies there?
Nope. Soda bread, French patisserie and wine. Lots of wine.
Well, I’ll let the rest drink the wine, but I’ll say oui, oui, oui to the French patisseries!
You don’t like soda bread?
I don’t believe I’ve ever had it (?), but I absolutely love French bread. (Je suis francaise).
I never want to join a group that won’t have choco chip cookies as a member…
supposed to bring ’em Dan.
MFP is that I don’t know what a blog roll is, or where it is. And I didn’t know what PPP is–so much else I don’t know. On the bright side I just fixed my digital camera, all by myself, and I think I can come to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, looks like a 2 hour drive or so for me.
Front page – bottom right.
It’s what male bloggers acquire around their middles from too many hours in front of the keyboard
After all the secrecy this is how you announce it?
I thought there would be ballons for sure!
We might have balloons. Who knows?
I’ll bring the punch and cake. (is it just me or does the <s> not work here?)
What the fuck is a blogroll, and does it go well with coffee? π
EVERYTHING goes better with coffee. (Can you tell I am posting this early in the morning? Eyes wouldn’t focus without it.)
Blogroll is the list of blogs you’ll find on the right side of the main page. Yes, definitely better with coffee. (Otherwise might go to wrong blog.)
I have three fucking problems tonight, and two of them need a quick explanation. I have been in a book group for five years with 6 other women. We’re all 50-60 somethings. So here’s the fucking problems:
1 – One member of the group lost her sister to colon cancer, seperated from her husband and was diagnosed with lung cancer all in a little over a month.
2 – This week another member lost sight in one eye and they are still trying to figure out the cause. The hardest part was the day she had to wait to have an MRI to find out if she has brain cancer. Thats a negative, but still no answers.
3 – Unrelated to the above, I can’t help thinking about militarytracy’s diary today and feeling sad not only about her uncle, but just thinking about the pain this evil Iraq war is bringing to the lives of Vietnam vets.
Now, do I fee better – no. But some days I think you’d have to be crazy not to be sad and angry. And I AM NOT crazy. For that I’m grateful.
My fucking problem (other than the heat and the migraine–must be contagious) is that I thought I was buying a house because I had arranged a private loan. My private loan, for reasons not important, has fallen through. So, instead of getting to buy a house, I’m looking for yet another rental. YES, I’m grateful to have a roof over my head, yes, yes, yes. But damn. I wanted to own a house for a lot of different reasons. Someday. But not this summer. And so, off into the overpriced rental market I go.
Oh, and by the way, since Ithaca is not that far away from Lancaster, I’m wondering if I can come to the party on Labor Day?
Don’t forget to bring some of that delicious NY wine with you!
There’s lots of that around. Tons of good wineries here in the Finger Lakes.
Awwhh that’s a shame about the loan. I would tell myself it wasn’t the right house for me was why. I always tell myself stuff like that, partly because I think it’s true and partly because it makes me feel a lot better….
IT’S CHEAP! (My daughter sent this to me, and I might get one.)
Ultra Frosty Pack, Low Budget AC
It’s just a gel pack, the same kind you stuff into your kid’s lunchboxes, adapted in such a way that you can fit it over your living room fan. It comes with “Easy Attachment Cords” and costs all of 15$. You can get it here. Story VIA BookofJoe.
MFP is its my birthday!
How Old!
Too old, apparently.
Gosh, on the internet you could create a virtual age. Who would know. PS I’m 21
yeah, honesty is my downfall!
twenty four, oh man, now noone is going to respect my opinion! π
at least until I turn 25 in September. π
Nor should they.
Minor (as usual), but annoying:
If I strained my brain, I could probably come up with more…but the spouse and I have to go find something to cook for dinner (ah, there’s another one…).
Jeez, sorry to hear of that last one. We had a friend/ acquaintance go that way. Left behind three kids, one teen and two youngers ones, one of whom is autistic. That was a hard thing for everybody.
My f-ing problem is that I’m trying to be good and not eat horribly fattening globs of empty calories, but two of my kids have summer jobs at food places and they keep bringing home extras.
The 20 year old works at Panera Bread and just try not to eat an Asiago baguette dipped in olive oil a couple hours after dinner. Just try.
The 17 year old works at a restaurant and brings home gooey cinnamon rolls and leftover pizza. I don’t even f-ing like pizza, but it’s there and, apparently, I have no self control.
My problem, you got it…it’s hotter than hades in Texas, and the politics is straight from the devil.
We have central air but can’t afford to run it. That’s another problem that comes from another problem.
The good news is that there may be a solution on the horizon.
With the open windows and screen door, this dog is in an overdrive of anxiety, barking at every activity going on outside the house. He’s mostly G. Shep, so his bark is loud and deep. This morning’s first one came at 5:47a. with the papergirl.
More importantly, my husband just did a tirade on how he hates dogs, has always hated dogs, and dog people, too. (He would deny agreeing to get this dog 2 yrs ago.)
The dog isn’t going anywhere. He’s devoted to me and the kids. But it’s going to be a long, anxiety ridden, loud, heart-startling, mad husband summer.
Insurance Companies are my problem.
My 14 pound rat terrier escaped from the house two years ago while we were moving in some goodies for resale we got at the yard sales. She ran to the street and started barking at some people we call “the walkers”, they walk, three, four five times a day on any given day doing a circuit of the neighborhood. She never waves when waved to and he will only wave when she is not with him (does she have a vision problem or is she just unfriendly?).
Anyhow my precious pooch ran out and started doing figure eights around her leg going yap yap yap. Lady walker then started kicking the dog, she was in the way, nothing stops lady walker from walking including yapping little dogs. Precious pup bites Ms. Walker cuasing some bruising, but I see no blood, might be little teeth marks without blood (?). Ms. Walker goes to urgent care, I pay 15.00 copay for Ms. Walker.
I go ahead and call my insurance company the next week, even though I get the impression that they are not going to file, then give them insurance company’s #. Isn’t that what your supposed to do, be honest and forthright in all your dealings. My biggest fear was that Ms. Walker would have psychological problems from being attacked by big bad precious pooch…that would be bad, she seems to enjoy walking so much (I’m serious here).
Hear nothing until two years later when the insurance company decides to drop my homeowners. Agent tries to write me another policy with another company 3x higher than what was normal and raised my replacement costs $65,000 from what they were (and the neighborhood is depreciating not appreciating in value).
Ask agent if Ms. Walker filed a claim, she says no…it’s just that it happened and I reported it. Tell her go ahead and send the quote to mortgage company, this was for God’s sake in late April, early May.
Agent calls me Thursday, she is going out of town Friday and will not be back until middle of next week and has just faxed the quote, my homeowners expires next Friday, says the mortgage company might need to overnight payment…WTF didn’t she mail them the quote sooner. Also informs me I will have to sign a waiver that the insurance company not responsible for future dog bite….she also put that in the mail which I still have not received. Has to have that by Friday also…we discuss my having to hand carrying to their office.
Sleep on it…wake up and I’m paying 3 x what I used to pay, because I have a vicious 14 pound dog, but they aren’t going to cover the dog, so why am I paying 3x…???
Call Allstate (a whole new company for another quote) and explain situation. Allstate says sounds kinda weird to them…looks up on computer. Computer does say that insurance company paid a claim for 1500.00…WTF… Allstate also gives me a quote for $650.00 less for homeowners without a waiver, also says that they were not figuring my replacement costs correctly. Probably be cheaper than that when I move my cars over to them.
Call the other company agent and ask for the claims telephone # so that I can talk to them about the claim, they decline to give me the #. I looked it up on line and will call them Monday.
The agent who wouldn’t give me the number, said that she would call them, that they probably wouldn’t talk to me anyhow…HUH??? She supposedly called and reported back to me the $1500.00 was paid to Mr. Walker…that went right over my head until after about an hour and then I said wait a minute, it was Ms. Walker that got bit, why would they pay Mr. Walker (I don’t even know for sure they are married….). Also says had a 4″ bite. The whole dog’s dam head isn’t 4″…
I have come to the conclusion that there is a good possibility that I am being taking advantage of either by carelessness or design or perhaps a combination of both. ARRGGHHHHH!!!
But you must soldier on. I have had many battles with the bureaucracy, health insurance claims, car insurance, etc. If you just keep at it, many times they back down, or forget about it or lose your records (e.g. when the doctor’s office says the insurance won’t pay). Just kick back, put on some music, have wine or nice coffee, fire up the computer and wait to be put on hold for a half an hour. One strategy is to ask to talk to the person in charge, say if it is the phone company. Sometimes being extra nice works, sometimes not. Persistence is the main thing.
Sometimes I think how hard it must be for people down on their luck to navigate the social welfare system. Dealing with the bureaucracy can take up so much of your time.
packing up my fucking house, that’s MFP. I hate packing. I have way too much crap. I’ve already given away TONS of stuff to friends and the Goodwill. My husband wishes I would give away my record collection. No way!
I’m excited to be moving and all, but try packing up while your little one is learning to walk. It’s, um, trying…but very cute. He thinks he has to keep his arms in the air (didn’t someone ask for photos on this thread?):
Great photo! Love the red diaper cover! You cloth diaper?
Packing up with a mobile baby is a nightmare. I agreed to a move when my son was 3mos, having no idea how different life would be six months later when we were actually moving and he was crawling and into everything. My advice is to keep one room absolutely baby-proofed and have one other room where all the packed boxes go, and do your best to keep baby in the first room and out of the second. But when they need constant supervision and company, I don’t know when the hell you’re supposed to actually pack anything! Good luck.
Thanks! Our living room is completely blocked off with couches, but you are right – how are you supposed to pack when the little guy wants company? We let him watch just a little TV, but I even feel bad about that! Can’t wait until next Sunday when we will be at our new home…oh, but then there’s the unpacking…
Yes, that’s a cloth diaper. They have come a long way since I was in them as a kid – and they have hilarious names these days: Fuzzi Bunz π
The kid is a born orchestra conductor, obviously.
π You might be on to something there. The kid does LOVE music…
Or a yoga instructor:
Warrior pose
MFP is that I registered here in March and have peeked in occasionally since, but I’ve yet to make my first comment (whoa – problem solved!), and I’d just like to say thanks to Booman (always enjoyed your posts at the other place) and thanks to everyone here for the hospitable atmosphere and fascinating topics.
Tom Petty’s admonishments notwithstanding, hats off to you all for your kindly reception to a sudden, significant influx of electronic refugees. Quite an international hotseat, and you’ve all handled it with great courtesy and not one, but many plombs. (Foreign language joke there. Yee-haw!)
OK, so problem number one has just evaporated.
Next up: It sucks to have too little weekday time to engage in thousands of engaging, essential, exploratory, and mutually educational conversations, when so many excellent conversations (and a few important conflagrations) are occurring simultaneously, at any given point in time or (electronic) place.
The demands of meatspace have annoyed the hell out of me, this week.
MFP is that I just went got home from seeing Stars Wrs E3, and all through the movie, I kept thinking of Meteor Blades’ sig line “George Lucas at writing dialog so terrible is.”!
And now, I just had to scold the little shih tzu for getting into my purse and grabbing the box of leftover Whoppers! ARRGGHH!!!!
Now about that Lancaster meet up idea…
You can hardly hear the Amish yodeling in the city…
My fucking problem is that I now have taken the plunge and am a regular instead of a lurker at BT – and have expanded out to read TPM Cafe, and several other blogs I always meant to check on more often
thank goodness for Safari Tabs or I’d have time for nothing else.
My bigger fucking problem is that I leave at 11am (after teaching Sunday School) for a 3 day Cub Scout campout.
given that I’ll have 2 communities to catch up on…. it’ll be next sunday before I get all the threads read π (and WHEN am I going to come up with next weeks Sunday School lesson with all that blog reading to do).
Be kind to one another while I’m gone. (and concise – please!)
My fucking problem is that my neighbors have two huge chestnut trees that blossom every June and fill the block with an awful STENCH. And also, my mother spilled something in her car and now I can’t get rid of the awful STENCH. She’s 89 and can’t smell it–lucky her–but when I get in her car, I’m like, whoa, who killed and butchered the deer in here? And if her car sits in the sun. . .well, don’t even bother killing me, ’cause from the smell of it, I must be already dead.
Now your fucking problem is that I’ve made you all sick.
Sorry about that. At least it didn’t happen in my mother’s car.
MFPs are:
-housemate #2 who finally paid rent after months of not doing so-the problem is now he’s here for another month at least so I have to deal with all those OTHER things he does that eviction would have solved (sigh).
-and there’s just too much work to do on the house and the job and not enough me to go around. Guess I could hire my pals, the Buddhist monks, to help out at home with that extra cash I just got-they did a dandy job of digging up a big stump and putting in my new fence.
-housemate #1 who still isn’t sure if he’s staying, staying part-time or what.
-the dumbass I work with. He’s not as big a dumbass as the last guy but almost. He drives one of those jacked-up trucks and he’s 46. Has a mullet but bald on top. You can’t tell though because of the cowboy hat. He talks with a cowboy accent but is from Minnesota. Unfortunately he worked for himself so he thinks he knows everything. But he had to be told not to suck face with his girlfriend in front of the campus dean’s office so there may be a few things he missed.
-carpal tunnel in both wrists and tendinitis in both elbows that’s not improving much despite all sorts of treatments (chiro, acupuncture, physical therapy).
This is the first time I’ve posted on WYFP so maybe that’s too many. At least it’s not hot here in pdx-nice and cool and rainy.