…Importing a Saturday-night tradition from that other place:

What’s my f-ing problem, you ask? I got a bag full of them tonight:

  1. Pinheads who want to jump Dr. Dean for calling the Republicans a “white, Christian party”, and those who’d defend him by saying Republicans ought to be a white, Christian party.
  2. Pinheads like the anonymous one who wrote to me after reading last Saturday’s thread saying he was “sorry to see me writing about how sorry I feel for myself.” Memo to the moron: this is the complaining section. If you want an argument, head on out to the shark tank.
  3. Pinheads like…well, actually that one doesn’t work here. The central air is busted at Casa Pastor. We’re lucky enough to have a window unit up in the blogcave, a.k.a. the den. With a fold-down futon and an air mattress, we’re getting by.

    Dear, is it just me, or does that wall seem to be getting closer with every passing second?

  4. And one more: our f-ing problem is that we think we do want to organize a late-summer meetup here in sunny Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We’re thinking Labor Day weekend or thereabouts, with a waffle breakfast and afternoon barbecue, with side trips to local attractions like Central Market, Dutch Wonderland, or Hersheypark. We could even invite Chuck Pennachio.

    What say you?