The Untold Story of the Iroquois Influence on Early Feminists
Sally Roesch Wagner
Sky Carrier Press, 1996“I had been haunted by a question to the past, a mystery of feminist history: How did the radical suffragists come to their vision, a vision not of a Band-Aid reform but of a reconstituted world completely transformed?” p. 1
“In the United States, until women’s rights advocates began the painstaking task of changing state laws, a husband had the legal right to batter his wife (to interfere would “upset the domestic tranquillity of the home,” one state supreme court held). But suffragists lived as neighbors to men of other nations whose religious, legal, social, and economic concept of women made such behavior unthinkable. Haudenosaunee spiritual practices were spelled out in an oral tradition called the Code of Handsome Lake, which told this cautionary tale (as reported by a white woman who was a contemporary of Stanton and Gage) of what would befall batterers in the afterlife:
[A man] who was in the habit of beating his wife, was led to the red-hot statue of a female, and requested to treat it as he had done his wife. He commenced beating it, and the sparks flew out and were continual burning him. thus would it be done to all who beat their wives.” page 3
Bold added by me.
“. . . . shortly after Matilda Joslyn Gage was arrested in 1893 at her home in New York for the “crime” of trying to vote in a school board election, she was adopted into the Wolf Clan of the Mohawk nation and given the name Karonienhawi (Sky Carrier). In the Mohawk nation, women alone had the authority to nominate the chief, after counseling with all the people of the clan. What it must have meant to Gage to know of such real-life political power?” page 5
“A Tuscarora chief, Elias Johnson, writing about the absence of rape among Iroquois men in his popular 1881 book, Legends, Traditions and Laws, of the Iroquois, or Six Nations. . . , commented wryly that European men had held the same respect for women “until they became civilized. A Cayuga chief, Dr. Peter Wilson, addressing the New York Historical Society in 1866, encouraged white men to use the occasion of Southern reconstruction to establish universal suffrage, “even of the women, as in his nation.” ” page 8
“In her important work, The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine In American Indian Traditions, Paula Gunn Allen writes:
Beliefs, attitudes, and laws such as these [the Iroquois Confederation] became part of the vision of American feminists and of other human liberation movements around the world. Yet feminists too often believe that no one has ever experienced the kind of society that empowered women and made that empowerment the basis of its rules and civilization. The price the feminist community must pay because it is not aware of the recent presence of gynarchical societies on this continent is necessary confusion, division, and much lost time.” page 12“It was not simply the absence of rights that was the problem, they came to believe. It was the fact that, as Stanton said:
Society is based on this four-fold bondage of woman- Church, State, Capital, and Society – making liberty and equality for her antagonistic to every organized institution.” page 17From pages 22-38: Among rights which women held among the Native American tribes:
- Children belonged to the mother’s tribe, not the father’s tribe.
- If a marriage proves to be an unhappy one, each is at liberty to marry again. What each person brought into the marriage, each take out of the marriage. Women get custody of children.
- When a man brought the products of the hunt home and gave it to his wife, it was hers to dispose of as she saw fit. Her decisions were absolute, even to the sale of skins.
- A woman retains control of her possessions at all time, even after marriage. They are hers to sell, give away, or bequeath as she sees fit.
- Women ruled the house, stores were held in common.
- Rape and wife-battering were almost unknown.
- Women had the right to vote.
- Treaties had to be ratified by 3/4 of all voters and 3/4 of all mothers.
- Women had the power to impeach a chief (they “removed his horns,” the deer’s antlers he wore which signified his position.)
- Women spoke in council meetings.
- Women could forbid braves from going to war.
Again, the situation was very different for Indian women, as Alice Fletcher explained:
. . . the wife never becomes entirely under the control of her husband. Her kindred have a prior right, and can use that right to separate her from him or to protect her from him, should he maltreat her. The brother who would not rally to the help of his sister would become a by-word among his clan. Not only will he protect her at the risk of his life from insult and injury, but he will seek help for her when she is sick and suffering. . . ” page 30“Fletcher was concerned about what would happen to the Indian women when they became citizens and lost their rights, and were treated with the same legal disrespect as white women, she told the International Council of Women in 1888:
Not only does the woman under our [US] laws lose her independent hold on her property and herself, but there are offenses and injuries which can befall a woman which would be avenged and punished by the relatives under tribal law, but which have no penalty or recognition under our laws. If the Indian brother should, as of old, defend his sister, he would himself become liable to the law and suffer for his championship.She was referring, of course, to sexual and physical violence against women. Indian men’s intolerance of rape was commented upon by many eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Indian and non-Indian reporters alike, many of whom contended that rape didn’t exist among Indian nations pervious to white contact.” page 31
“Minnie Myrtle wrote in 1855 about the Seneca:
The legislative powers of the nation are vested in a Council of eighteen, chosen by the universal suffrages of the nation; but no treaty is to be binding, until it is ratified by three-fourths of all the voters, and three-fourths of all the mothers of the nation! So there was peace instead of war, as there would often be if the voice could be heard! And though the Senecas, in revising their laws and customs, have in a measure acceded to the civilized barbarism of treating the opinions of women with contempt, where their interest is equal, they still cannot sign a treaty without the consent of two-thirds of the mothers!” pages 33- 34“The India women with whom [ethnologist Alice] Fletcher had contact were well aware of their superior rights:
As I have tried to explain our statutes to Indian women, I have met with but one response. They have said: “As an Indian woman I was free. I owned my home, my person, the work of my own hands, and my children could never forget me. I was better as an Indian woman than under white law.” pages 37-38A nineteenth-century contemporary of Stanton and Gage, Arthur Parker, a Seneca, supported women’s rights in part by writing newspaper stories which can be found in the Harriet Maxwell Converse collection, State Museum, Albany, NY.
Haudenosaunee society, on the other hand, was organized to maintain a balance of equality between women and men. Shown here are the contrasting differences between the two worlds of women who lived side-by-side in this region of upstate New York in 1848.
Children are members of the mother’s clan.
Violence against women not part of culture, and dealt with seriously when occurs.
Clothing fosters health, freedom of movement and independence.
Women’s responsibilities have a spiritual basis.
Work satisfying, done communally
Responsible for agriculture as well as home life
Work done under the direction of the women, working together.
Each woman controls her own personal property.
“Sky Woman” the spiritual being, catalyst for the world we see.
Mother Earth and women spiritually interrelated.
Women have responsibilities in ceremony.
Responsibilities in balance with those of men.
Women choose their chief.
Women hold key political offices (e.g., clan mothers)
Confederacy laws ensures woman’s political authority.
Decision making by consensus, everyone has a voice.
Children are the sole property of fathers.
Husbands have legal right and religious responsibility to physically discipline wives.
Clothing is restrictive, unhealthy and dangerous.
Woman’s subordination has a religious foundation.
Work drudgery, isolated
Responsible for home, but subordinate to husband.
Work done under the authority of the husband.
No rights to her own property, body, or children.
No female in the godhead.
Spirituality not connected to the earth.
Women forbidden to speak in churches.
Responsibilities subordinate to men’s authority.
Illegal for women to vote.
Women excluded from political office
Common law defines married as “dead in the law.”
Decision making by men, majority rules
Some suggested reading
As so many wonderful women have posted about their concerns, particularly about minimizing women’s issues, as you can see, Native peoples have always seen them as human rights issues. I hope that everyone can find something in this diary to take with them after they have read it and see the importance of women in any culture. Of particular note is the demonstration in Iran this weekend, for the society as a whole to stop demeaning and minimizing women in that culture. I hope someone will do a diary on Iran and what women are facing in that culture of oppression, that people like Dobson, Cheney, Bushchimp and others would like to enforce upon our culture.
I’m not all that familiar with the cultural practices of native American tribes, to be honest, but I have been wondering how interaction with European settlers and the introduction of Western captilism have transformed attitudes to women within native American groups. Has it shifted towards something more akin to the male-centered forms one finds in modern industrial societies?
In some areas yes it has, yet there is a cultural revolution occurring within the Native peoples to return more closely to time honored traditions. All the while knowing that Native peoples must interact with the society around them. This return many think and I agree, will help to alleiviate many of the current problems facing Native Americans and hopefully the cultures will flourish.
In my experience it depends on how much a group interacts w/ white society at large.
My tribe is spread out across the state of AL. We are dependent on the larger society and the actions of various people reflect that. The tribes in this state are not as close knit for many historical reasons including the Trail of Tears and racism.
More close knit tribes are more likely to still display more of the old ways.
Thank You so much for this wonderful diary. Remembering all of this makes me more proud to be a woman and Native American 🙂
extend to the Lakota tribe? I know next to nothing about their culture. My great-grandmother told me a couple of days ago that her father had some Lakota blood in him, so I’m interested to see if what you wrote also applied to the women of the Lakota tribe.
These womens’ rights being referred to are among the nations of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) – the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk and Tuscarora peoples – and part of their Great Law of Peace, which arguably had an influence on our founding fathers’ decisions on what form the new U.S. government should take.
It is thought that women have such a say in Iroquois government because a woman (Jikonsaseh) was the first person to accept the message of the Peacemaker, when he was going around trying to bring the Great Law to the people, circa 1450, or perhaps even earlier.
When negotiating the Treaty of Canandaigua with George Washington’s emissary in 1794, the Iroquois chiefs of the Confederacy’s Grand Council desired that the emissary listen to a speech by some of their clan mothers. The emissary wasn’t very interested and preferred to deal only with the (male) chiefs instead.
Ghostdancers Way ◊ Have You Met DrKate?
Hello from Indian Country
by DrKate ◊ Mon Jun 13th, 2005
Oui aka @dKos as creve coeur and new creve coeur
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Thanks and I will make sure to post to her diary over at Euro Trib.
Thank you (yet again) Ghostdancer. So much to learn, and you’re such a great catalyst in sharing this information. Bless you!
let us hope that some of our history may be repeated ; )
as always ghostdancer, informative, and inspiring
I had the opportunity to hear a fabulous lecture about Matilda J. Gage–her contact with the Five Nations had a profound influence on her envisioning of a revolutionary feminism:
thank you so much for this diary! i’ve been thinking about doing something similar, but i don’t have the knowledge / expertise to do so.
this is a very important post! thank you!
I saw this yesterday, while on a short break and read it quickly, I just went over it again but I still don’t have as much time (about to go to work 🙂 as I woud like to follow all the external links. I am looking forward to doing so though, and I will! Thank’s for putting this up.