“Cops cracking down on Marin drivers who honk for peace“
“TIBURON, Calif. – Protesters are locking horns with police in pacifist-packed Marin County for fining drivers who honk for peace. (San Jose Mercury, free sub.)
There’s “OC star wants his acne tape” (is it a new acne removal adhesive?) at the Miami Herald. Then there’s “Fugitive school secretary turns self in.”
Fugitive school secretary! Now that one really got me curious … her story is below the fold, along with more on “unlawful use of horn”:
“She looked like she hadn’t slept or bathed in three days,” said her daughter Brandi Price, who drove her mother to San Jose police headquarters.
Authorities last week issued an arrest warrant accusing Barbara Jo Price, 44, of embezzlement. She had apparently spent the past few weeks in Texas. But late Saturday night, she telephoned her oldest daughter from a San Jose pay phone, saying she needed help finding the police department.
Brandi Price said her mother — who once coordinated gift and food drives around the holidays for Bret Harte Middle School’s underprivileged youth — suffered from depression and has experienced several nervous breakdowns since her son’s accidental death in a dentist’s chair in 1999.
“My mother has been under a lot of emotional distress, but she would never do anything that would take away from the children,” the younger Price said.
She described her mother as a selfless person and said she may have committed the crime at the behest of others. …
(San Jose Mercury, free sub.)
Now that story turned out to be sad.
She had been a school employee since 1993.
Back to the “Cops cracking on Marin drivers who honk for peace“”
Tiburon police Capt. Dave Hutton said excessive honking is an “unlawful use of horn” and officers are simply doing their job.
So far, officers have issued three citations and nine warnings.
Five to 10 protesters typically participate in the hourlong Friday peace vigils.
Protester William Rothman said about four weeks ago police began “lying in wait” for motorists. As soon as a driver honked, police pulled the car over.
One neighbor who lives near the protest site said the honking “annoys the hell out of me.”
(San Jose Mercury, free sub.)
P.S. “The OC star Adam Brody is offering $100 to anyone who can find a copy of a commercial he starred in — a commercial for an acne cream, reports Ananova.com.
Brody, 25, played the before-and-after boy in a TV ad for a high-strength spot cream but has never seen it.
”My first commercial was for a medication grade acne [treatment] . . .” Brody said. “I’ve never seen it, but my friends have seen it. That’s in existence somewhere and $100 to whoever finds it!.” …
I hate hornblowers enough that I’d probably go to war with pacifists over it. If I were King, hornblowing would be metered and taxed at $10-$100 per second, depending on the offending car’s mpg. Plus a special $500 Hummer bonus.
Maybe the girlfriend of the sleaze across the street would actually be motivated to move her fat ass out of the car and go ring his doorbell instead of announcing her unwanted arrival to the whole neighborhood.
As for the pacifists, maybe they could try being quietists as well.
I dunno. I have to put up with the flag-waving “Support Our Troops!” gatherings on the highway near the Hummer dealership … they get lots of honks of support.
Btw, my daughter who passed her driver’s test recently and therefore is an expert on proper driving habits, chews me out every time I tap my horn at some old goat who’s driving 35 MPH on a 55 MPH highway.
“tap” your horn. We know your kind.
My dark side comes out when I’m following a slow driver on a two-lane highway.
“accidental death in a dentist’s chair”! Gawd, doesn’t that conjure gruesome images! Maybe he just had an allergic reaction to novacaine or something but my mind is begging for a more specific explanation instead of rolling thru horrific possibilities.
“Brandi Price said the family bought the four-bedroom home on Chynoweth Avenue with money from a financial settlement after her 16-year-old brother suffered a fatal allergic reaction to painkillers and sedatives administered before oral surgery.”
Now the family is claiming that this is what did the mother in. The death occurred in 1999. However: “Authorities believe the embezzlement began in 1998 with forged checks from student body funds.”
So …
The police have time to issue citations for people laying hands on the car’s noise blower?
Have they rounded up all muggers, rapists, pickpockets, burglars, layabouts, scallywags, bounders, wastrels, mashers, hooligans, idlers, rogues and reprobates?
No? Then they had better put down the ticket book and get out there fighting some real crime. Hooligans are hooliganising all about Marin County virtually unchecked, I’m sure. And don’t even get me started on the mashers and scallywags.
(By the way, being an idler and/or a rogue is not technically a crime, but those folk irritate me and I want them all put in gaol…and, and women who take their little dogs into restaurants and shops need to receive stiff prison sentences, because those dogs also annoy me.)
What about rounders and chippies?
My mother loves to use those terms.
If not stopped in time, they can become evildoers!
I assume the rounders and chippies were all in Sonoma County.
Have you ever been there? It’s a rounders/chippies paradise.
Wow! I’m going to stop everything and join the search. It’s not every day that one gets a chance to make this kind of money.
Cheap bastard.
… you can remember when “you look like a hundred bucks!” was a compliment.
So true.
The term, “I feel like a hundred dollars,” becomes more ironic every year.
I feel like a bit of Monopoly money at large under the sofa, myself.
Back, dust-bunnies! Back!
Say the word bunny, and I immediately think of “Night of the Lepus.” One of the great all-time bad movies.
Yeah. That buff bastard probably gets $50K per episode. A hundred bucks indeed.
He should’ve at least added another zero to that.