I’m not usually one to do this, but please check out and support this diary by stormcoming at dKos.

Abortion is about autonomy. Autonomy is a core value.
Sorry Markos, but “abortion” IS the whole ball of wax. It is, for those of you who’ve read their “Art of War” our “dying ground” it is one of the ‘must defends’ if we’re going to survive. Why? Because far from some cute little women’s issue deserving lip service and to be refiled under some more palatable heading, abortion is autonomy. We loose abortion, and we’ve lost the most basic ownership of our own bodies and lives- no matter what gender you happen to be.

Perhaps no one has ever concretely, and theoretically explained strategically, why abortion, and abortion providers, and women who have abortions must be stood beside and actively supported if you have any intention of living anywhere other than a fascist snitch culture of State-ist and vigilante control.

I am a woman ‘of childbearing age’. Essentially, what that means, for those of you who do not happen to own a cunt of their very own, is that unless- and sometimes even if, women like myself take drastic measures EVERY single time we have sex there’s a pretty high likelihood of becoming pregnant at least once at some point during those fertile years. Without effort, and sometimes even with efforts to prevent pregnancy we women find ourselves pregnant- often against our consent. We become hostages in our own bodies, to a process we for the most part, are unable to end all by ourselves should we want to.

Some portion of women, will find themselves in an unintended pregnancy at some point during those ‘childbearing years’. And further, some of those women, who find themselves unintentionally pregnant, are going to have an abortion (regardless of legality).

I hope that tossing this up doesn’t offend. I will delete if booman or the communtity asks, but it’s a well-written defense of women’s autonomy, and deserves wide desemination.