I have tried boys and girls, men and women, oh have I tried to not be punitive or demeaning in my stance toward wingers and crackpot wingers in particular.  But this winger really gets my goat, rubs me the wrong way and generally makes my skin crawl.  I have had to watch in the papers mainly, I don’t do TV, so thank you Great Spirit and the radio as this crackpot winger of the week has demoralized the once proud and wonderfully competent education system in Kansas.

  Yes ladies and gentlemen, I nominate Connie Morris.  The author of “From the Darkness: One Woman’s Rise to Nobility, who states quite clearly that illegal immigrant’s children should never be educated by the people of Kansas, even if those same children are US citizens, you know that pesky clause in our Constitution that says if you are born on US soil you are a US citizen. She further stated today that

State Board of Education member Connie Morris has issued a newsletter that criticizes evolution as an “age-old fairytale” and describes board members who disagree with her as liberal, rude, disruptive and phony.

Now I have refrained from implying that wingers and crackpot wingers should seek some help, you know EST would do nicely for this crackpot winger, say 50,000 volts at about 500 milliamps, should suffice.  Damn, I miss living in a nice blue state with nice liberal issues to work with and a nice liberal thought process that doesn’t make me cringe and my flesh crawl.

I recommend that if you have one of these crackpot wingers in your area, lets get the word out that they exist, that they are detrimental to a civil society and are at the least a threat to common decency, but more importantly they are a threat to our Constitutional rights as a US citizen.

Please follow the yellow brick road, err the links to the many write ups on my nominee for Crackpot Winger of the Week




