If you haven’t been watching Conyer’s hearing on C-SPAN3, you’ll want to find a replay of it at some point. It is like a parallel world where the truth is spoken, pollsters and consultants are ignored, and no one hesitates to say that the President and his whole national security apparatus should be frog-marched into Leavenworth prison.
Of course, those of us that have been following the Downing Street Minutes flap know that the President has committed high crimes. The Washington Post can go fuck themselves.
The Washington Post wrote this lead editorial which says that these memos were not given much play in the press because:
The New York Times can go fuck themselves. They tried this pathetic justification:
This is all a charade. There were no drones, no scuds, no uranium, no connections to al-Qaeda, no potential for a mushroom cloud, no immanent threat, no conceivable legal pretense…
Clinton may have exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam in order to justify the continuance of our containment policy. But, he never fed an already traumatized public a steady diet of terror warnings, he never told them to buy duct tape, he never spent 300 billion dollars of their money to launch a preemptive war, he never sent Ms. Albright before the United Nations to give an intelligence assessment that was totally at odds with our intelligence community’s real intelligence assessment.
High crimes? In Conyer’s hearing room, no one is embarrassed to say it.
you got that one right!!!!!!!! little is left to be said, that has not already been said in the hearing today. I think we all will agree with the fact that the MSM let down their $$$$$$ guard for it is now showing and it is not a pretty sight to behold. It is eveident that these itiots in the administration is going to have to demonstrate to the public an dthe world that they either are innocent or guilty…it is going to be in their court now…the ball, I mean.
I now can see we are placing them onthe defensive and we will see just how they play this game. To be interesting in the least to be revealed.
frankly, Boo, I can not wait for the show to begin, either..it has been a long time and many deaths to occur to get to here from there.
…the ball, I mean.
Nah, Conyers has all the balls.
u bet he does…
They are trying to spin it, because they know they can’t ignore it anymore. It’s a great start!
Democratic forum focuses on ‘Downing Street memo’
Brandishing! LOL!
they can spin all they want…but it will happen with or without them…
I totally agree. The coverage in the LA Times yesterday was also a virtuoso performance in the art of spinning. When the MSM gets around to covering the story, they so artfully craft their allegiance to the lies that engendered this illegal war.
Knives may be scary, but paper cuts deeper, apparently.
Of course the MSM will throw stones at the Dems. But you don’t bring stones to a rock-paper-sissors fight when the other guy’s brining paper.
I had to listen via streaming audio and I was riveted to my seat. It was history being made. The audacity of the administration to think that could so easily deceive and get away with it. So far they have.
Rep Conyers has guts and determination, God love him. I was in tears a few times to think that what I was listening to was actually a Congressional hearing, not Liberal talk radio. It’s really happening.
It’s going to be a long dangerous road, but we’ve finally taken the first step. Oh happy day.
Damit all to hell anyway…how much more craven and obsequious can the MSM get do you suppose? Maybe we need a Daily Outrage of the Day Diary where we can really really turn the air blue to let off fucken steam against these prick-bastards. Not that we don’t anyway but maybe a Blue thread would let us know that’s the place to go right away to tear our hair out.
And once again thank god for Conyers for being so persistent on this explosive issue(and the whole Ohiogate voter mess, Coingate and other Ohio scandals also).
and put on the record. The last voice I heard was a man thanking the group for their search for the TRUTH on behalf of his loved one. It was heart-breaking.
Now Harry Reid is talking to the real losers the Republicans about Guantanamo
Dick Durbin faced Warner – what a mess our government is.
Tidal Wave of Truth!
What you see in the metajournalism about the DSM is nothing more or less than the standard operating proceedure of our semi-official media (NB: “semi-official” is the term that’s always used to describe Egypt’s Al-Ahram daily newspaper. I think it nicely describes our MSM under Bush).
Here’s how it goes. When a scandal initially breaks, the MSM refuses to cover it, occasionally claiming that it’s just partisan speculation. As they continue not to report it while evidence mounts, they begin to add that since the story’s been hanging around a while, it’s now old news, and thus not worth reporting. This was how the media managed to never really deal with such items as Bush’s military record, Halliburton’s war profiteering, pre-9/11 intelligence about terrorism, and so forth.
With the DSM, you see this process in an extraordinary overdrive. As Billmon points out in this typically terrific post, Michael Kinsley actually managed in a single column to claim that the information in the DSM was both tinfoil-hat conspiracy mongering and old news.
At a certain point this begins to resemble a journalistic version of Brechtian epic drama. Kinsley, and the many writing similar stories, might as well put big signs around their neck with “LYING WHORE” written on them. Of course the MSM’s understanding of all this is that
With the Conyers hearings and recent indications of the President’s declining popularity, there are many signs that the American people are slowly waking up. The question is: will this administration resort to harder forms of domestic repression when the velvet glove and repressive toleration no longer serve. Keep your (metaphorical) powder dry!
mine is dry and always has been,metaphorically speaking.
I hope an dpray that today is the day that history will be writtien about as the start of the begining of the end of this administration…and we can see them in jail for a very long time.
Actually as CiC, could dubya be held for treason? I really would like to know. If so, would be justfully good for his skipping out in the guard.
I so want him on trial and behind bars.
I’m so having Nixon/Watergate flashbacks now, though. Watergate first started trickling out in just this manner, it seems to me. (I was a bit young but I took history classes p) ^_^
This just uncovers the fact that the press knew this whole war was based on lies, but did nothing to report it.
So, in the mind of the press, everyone knew the war was bogus, even if they didn’t actually put pen to paper or lips to microphone and say it.
And now that there is proof, it’s old news, but unfortunately it’s only old news inside the echo chamber of thier own heads!
It’s not old news to the alarming number of people who beleive that WMD’s were found, that Saddam caused 9/11, and that he and Osama were golfing buddies from terrorist school, class of ’81.
The press is supposed to disseminate information, not assume that everyone can read through thier wall o’ crap to discern the hidden truth.
… is that the MSM were complicit in hiding the fact that Bush was lying about his justifications about the war, despite the apparent fact that they all knew it all the time.
They apparently forgot to mention that fact to the American people, who were overwhelmingly unaware of it at the time. Thus the MSM shares Bush’s guilt over his lies, because the neglected to do their basic jobs of informing the citizenry of important truths. Instead, they lied too.
they didn’t just lie, they did the dirty work for the administration. I knew this BEFORE they attempted to say they knew it was all lies.
Of course you knew. You fucking published it as the truth, OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.
And then you reported that people at the CIA said it was a crock of shit, and then you kept reporting on drones, and mobile weapons labs, and centrifuges, and Salman Pak, and on and on.
They’re worse than the Bush administration.
They’re no longer the Fourth Estate. They are courtiers, supplicants at the court of King George II.
This is the hard, basic truth they close their eyes to so tightly. Their denials of the importance of this story are getting as through-the-looking-glass, as unintentionally self-revelatory, as Scott McClellan’s.
I can hear the spin from the Lying white house now, Well you know this is all partisian politics and just some parents who lost their sons, because they volunteered to join the military. They knew there would be risks and we are at war, if you haven’t noticed. So lets just get beyond this and settle down and let the president run the country.
Yep I can hear it now. Spin, spin, spin, spin, I hope they spin themselves before a War crimes tribunal.
Well lets hope they can keep kicking ass, taking names and tear down this worthless house of lies and get GW the talking head Impeached and Imprisoned.
The NewsHour is covering DSM right now, with our buddy Ray McGovern as the first panelist.
i missed that tonight
from Democracy Cell Project blog:
The White House press corps is retreating away from the gate. There’s a small conclave at the gate talking. Someone is yelling “Power to the People”. Karen is returning to the rally.
UPDATE:18:19:05: They have moved to the gate of the White House. Representatives John Conyers, Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee are just waiting there quietly. Cindy Sheehan has joined them. Everyone is just waiting, people are hugging one another, some are crying. Chants of “Conyers is our hero” can be heard. There are perhaps 1000 people there. There are 2 huge stacks of petitions right in front of Karen. Pictures will be forthcoming.
UPDATE:18:01:35: Karen has moved to rally in front of white house…
It’s a beautiful day… the sun is smiling on our efforts.
oh how exciting…I can just imagine the feeling they are having…God bless them all…..
Am I dreaming? Is it really happening. I cannot wait to see the spin on the news tonight if they covered it at all. How can they not cover over a thousand people marching with petitions in hand at the WH gates? Everyone, Everyone, listen now, Can you hear the drum beat? It’s the beat of the frog march. get ready!!!
I was mesmerized by the CSpan feed until it locked and died on me. Then, I relied on catnip — bless her heart! So many people calling lies, lies. And that young whippersnapper calling for a Congressional investigation as a prelude to impeachment. Impeachment! Right out there on the public airways! What a day!
On the other hand, there were all those commendations to the panelists for their courage and bravery. Ye Gawds, it makes me fear for these people’s lives. I ask you all now, if some “accident” happens to Conyers, will we take to the streets?
How many people plugged into the CSpan3 link today? Is there any way to find out? How many people witnessed the truth being told?
I feel exhilerated and yet, I’m wary about whether this event will ever be allowed to register on the national consciousness.
Check out this poll on MSNBC.com. Only 122 votes so far but 94% say yes to the question:
“Do you believe President Bush misled the nation in order to go to war with Iraq?” :-O
95% yes with 1,142 votes.
I just felt like the Republican propaganda machine drove by my house in the form of an ice cream truck playing “The Yellow Rose of Texas”. ewww.
Good night!
Looks like many took the hint 😉
1281 votes now – 96% yes.
Looks like I picked a great day to be on vacation and have a chance to watch this on TV. (BTW, it is replaying on C-SPAN2 right now.)
As I see Sheila Jackson Lee sitting there I think of all the passionate speeches some of the members of the CBC made before the war vote in October, 2002. I have such angry memories about that vote that I’m afraid if this really does take off, they will just come up again… and then I will really want Hillary’s head on a (metaphorical) platter…
The truth is that WE outside the Beltway KNEW it was all a lie, nobody listened to us, the high and the mighty (of both parties) did not care.
I just feel like a lot of these people need to pay.
Canada’s CBC is carrying the DSM/Conyers hearing story tonite on the teevee, with the reporter mentioning the “scant coverage” in the US media. They also showed a clip of an antiwar protest in front of the WH this evening as well as calls for impeachment.
David Halton – who sadly is retiring this year – also said ‘lies’ and ‘lied’ and said it like he meant it. Yeah, the “scant coverage” remarks were right on.
OT: He’s the son of Mathew Halton, who followed the Canadians across North Africa and Europe during the Troubles. Gripping stuff.
Sad that he’s retiring. He has been a reporter with integrity – a true symbol of fair reporting throughout his tenure. Another CBC oldie I’ll miss. Thanks for the info about his father!