Update [2005-6-17 7:15:31 by susanhu]: Amnesty Int’l: “Following a week of mixed signals from the US administration about the future of the Guantánamo Bay detention camp, Amnesty International today condemned the US government’s announcement that it is to expand the prison. The human rights organisation said that the decision would fuel worldwide concern over accounts of torture and ill-treatment, religious humiliation and arbitrary detention emerging from the facility.”
By 2006, you can eat your orange-glazed chicken in an air conditioned cell!. Via Salon‘s Daou Report:
An air-conditioned two-story prison … Detention Camp #6, will be built at Guantanamo to house 220 men. It will include exercise areas, medical and dental spaces as well as a security control room, the contract announcement said.
The contract announcement did not specify whether the new prison would also hold foreign terror suspects.
Under the deal with the Norfolk, Virginia-based U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, the work is to be wrapped up by July 2006. It is part of a larger contract that could be worth up to $500 million if all options are exercised, the Defense Department said.
The project is to be carried out by Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root Services of Arlington, Virginia. It includes site work, heating ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing and electrical work, the Pentagon said. … (Reuters/Yahoo)
This is absolutely ridiculous! No wonder Bushco won’t listen for calls to shut it down. Halliburton hasn’t made enough damn money off the war yet.
So, I guess when Biden asked yesterday if the detainees were going to be held “in perpetuity”, meaning “forever”, the answer was a very definite yes.
And…no wonder Bush seemed out of the loop on Gitmo according to this WSJ article (or maybe he was just LYING again):
So, once again, who’s really running your country??
(I’m cranky tonite – can you tell?)
Probably another no-bid contract too?
This pisses me off to no end. It’s bad enough that instead of closing the site down, they’re planning to expand… but Halliburton and KBR??!
They just have to rub our noses in it.
I can’t tell you how incredulous I was watching Duncan Hunter parade that meal around. The man is totally removed from reality.
Once again…Bush say’s to the American People*……….FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!………..*
Dick Cheny has the same sentiments as Bush. After all, if he can say it to a Senator in Congress, he can say it to us.
These criminals have got to go. And just who approved these contracts? I mean someone has to sign them right? Doesn’t congress have to approve this kind of spending? Was there a bid on this? These fuckers are not only warmongers but greedy warmongers. How much stock does Rummy have in Haliburton. As the saying goes, follow the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rummy: We need to make sure there are plenty of high bars to hand cuff detainees to!
Gonzales: And don’t forget the waterboarding stations. We need one of those in each wing. But no air vents. We don’t want anymore Koran “accidents.”
is that I read a diary not too long ago, the the Pentagon was considering to build an execution chamber. Hmmm, now this. It would be best for someone with a little more blog savvy to fact check me, but IF it is true, then we have:
Trying not to reach for the tin foil, I realise that it could never be a systematic execution factory (after all, they use lethal injection now instead of gas), but just the tought is chilling in itself.
I would like to know if anyone has run across this.
I am just trying to assimilate this info, and having a problem. My first reaction is that it is the combination of inhumane brutality, high technology and out of control corporate power that gets to me. It is the M. O. of these people. Their response to allegations of brutality is to build a better jail. This is beginning to remind me of Orwell’s 1984. Will they have a Room 101 in this facility?