Just in via Raw Story:
By Colin Brown, Deputy Political Editor
The Independent
17 June 2005
American officials lied to British ministers over the use of “internationally reviled” napalm-type firebombs in Iraq.
Yesterday’s disclosure led to calls by MPs for a full statement to the Commons and opened ministers to allegations that they held back the facts until after the general election.
Despite persistent rumours of injuries among Iraqis consistent with the use of incendiary weapons such as napalm, Adam Ingram, the Defence minister, assured Labour MPs in January that US forces had not used a new generation of incendiary weapons, codenamed MK77, in Iraq.
But Mr Ingram admitted to the Labour MP Harry Cohen in a private letter obtained by The Independent that he had inadvertently misled Parliament because he had been misinformed by the US. “The US confirmed to my officials that they had not used MK77s in Iraq at any time and this was the basis of my response to you … I regret to say that I have since discovered that this is not the case and must now correct the position.” …
Below, about those rumors of firebombs (MK77s) used by the U.S. in Fallujah:
Mr Ingram did not explain why the US officials had misled him, but the US and British governments were accused of a cover-up. The Iraq Analysis Group, which campaigned against the war, said the US authorities only admitted the use of the weapons after the evidence from reporters had become irrefutable.
Mike Lewis, a spokesman for the group, said: “The US has used internationally reviled weapons that the UK refuses to use, and has then apparently lied to UK officials, showing how little weight the UK carries in influencing American policy.”
He added: “Evidence that Mr Ingram had given false information to Parliament was publicly available months ago. He has waited until after the election to admit to it – a clear sign of the Government’s embarrassment that they are doing nothing to restrain their own coalition partner in Iraq.”
The US State Department website admitted in the run-up to the election that US forces had used MK77s in Iraq. Protests were made by MPs, but it was only this week that Mr Ingram confirmed the reports were true.
Mike Moore, the Liberal Democrat defence spokes-man, said: “It is very serious that this type of weapon was used in Iraq, but this shows the US has not been completely open with the UK. We are supposed to have a special relationship.
“It has also taken two months for the minister to clear this up. This is welcome candour, but it will raise fresh questions about how open the Government wished to be… before the election.”
The MK77 bombs, an evolution of the napalm used in Vietnam and Korea, carry kerosene-based jet fuel and polystyrene so that, like napalm, the gel sticks to structures and to its victims. The bombs lack stabilising fins, making them far from precise. …
I’m telling you, never make a deal with these folks, never think they’ll be at your back.
Even Dobson will get sold out when his time comes.
Oh they’ll be at your back alright…with knife in hand.
Just like Tony Blair’s found it. The damn fool.
Just like the Pentagon has found out when it needed a letter from the WH to cover its ass legally .. I have no sympathy for the Pentagon but they were carrying out WH-ordered torture and interrogations and expected cover.
That’s what happens when they trust people like that. Follow a back-stabber, expect a knife in the back.
I know that doesn’t seem like it follows but it works out that way.
Another nail in the administration’s coffin. So, that’s how they play the foreign relations game, huh? Well at least they’ll have one helluva time trying to convince the world to attack Iran next – unless they just nuke first and ask permission later.
Napalm… my God, what is wrong with them? I remember seeing video of napalm bombs from Vietnam… they are horrific. All the best generals are leaving the military, all the best analysts are leaving the intelligence services, so that leaves, um, the loonies. You can tell who the biggest loonies are… the ones with the biggest medals.
…because every time I think we have the most ridiculous government in the world, I visit UK news sites, and I see Tony Blair’s mug: the guy who keeps getting ass-raped by George Bush and keeps coming back for more. I sometimes wonder if the British public kept Labour in power just to watch Blair get smacked around some more. Blair obviously isn’t stupid like our President; he just has to be the world’s most pathetic masochist. Either that, or the poor bloke can’t remember the safeword.
I’d almost feel sympathy for the UK, but it was their collaboration with the Bush administration that made all of this possible.
I caught part of Joe Conason’s interview last Friday on Al Franken’s Air America show.
When asked what Blair’s gotten out of his cooperation with Bush, Conason exlaimed, “Nothing! Nothing! He has nothing to show for it.”
Maybe Blair sees a goal further down the road than we’re looking?
Dahr Jamail wrote about this in January.
(For those not familiar with Jamail, he went over to Iraq to do investigative journalism b/c he didn’t feel that the media was doing their job.)
The stories he has written have been HORRIFYING and very hard to believe.
Sometimes it takes a few months, but most of the things he has written about are eventually documented by others.
And now this story has been.
Here is is entry: Odd Happenings in Fallujah. Snippets:
Seriously folks, this is what horror is. He has pictures that show the bodies, where the flesh has melted away from their bones. (And I’m deliberately not linking.) This makes Abu Ghraib seem small.
My god, what these people have been going through while we all enjoy our movies and sports and regular lives… Not only are they trying to stay alive, but everyone is lying and no one knows what is truth and they have no way of getting people to listen.
Yes, it’s something of an open secret to those of us who follow things closely but it sure would be nice if the mainstream media would have done any investigating so many months ago. Even if they were kept away from Fallujah (as they were), they could have gotten Jamail and corroborrating witnesses. As it was, they just covered their eyes, ears and mouths.
At least we can count on the UK press. Raw Story’s doing a great job of finding these stories…
I’ll be broadcasting this information as far as I can. Even the conservatives in the family/friend loop are going to get this email (and probably one about Conyers and the DSM!).
I feel as though we are in the belly of the Beast of the Apocalypse. Is there no end to this madness?