George… the father of our country! I was  thinking about it, and it seems to me that nobody ever remembers you on father’s day… how sad. No cards, no presents, no day off, no special meals, no nothing…

I took it upon myself to do something really special from all of us this year! I put a lot of thought into it and it was tough… can’t really cook out for you, can’t really have a beer with you…

I read where a new I-Pod is all the rage for fathers this year…but… then I saw where you already had one….

Oh well… like I said, I put a lot of thought into it, and I hope you’ll like it…

Happy Father’s Day, George… from all your BAD Kids!

Disclaimer for the FBI and Secret Service: This picture is satire, and in no way should it be construed to mean that I intend to harm, or wish any harm to come to the President… other than that allowable by American and International law after a fair trial for war crimes… Come to think of it, why don’t you guys get moving and halt the spread of fatherlessness on this Father’s Day by arresting this man?