This regular meta-diary focuses on the best overlooked diaries (didn’t get front-paged or on to the recommended list) from the past week; it was once called “Week’s Best Diaries You Didn’t Read.” This column also includes information from elsewhere in cyberspace, blogosphere PSAs, and my own commentary. Diaries are listed because:
- they’re fabulously written & have SUBSTANCE
- they’ll educate you on candidates and states.
- newsworthy items that got lost in the mix
- there was research involved (copyright rules must be followed)
Please add to the list in the replies or email me links you’d like to see included. For previous editions, search my diaries for them. Consider subscribing to my diaries if you never want to miss an edition. Opinions expressed in the links are not endorsed by me. Archives are here as well.
Blue Ribbons:
- Resolution Introduced to Rebuke Sensebrenner for Patriot Act Hearing Behavior. Rep. Nadler (D-NY) introduced it.
- Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies Act Go read about it.
Overshadowed News & Outrage(s) of the Week
- Religious right wingers protest military funerals WTF?
- Christian Coalition leader wants gays to wear warning labels You mean, like how Hitler made Jews wear patches?
- Denver Three Update: Either Disinterest or a Cover-Up
- Fakin’ It: There are no moderate Republicans
- Alabama lawmaker wants inquiry into Ralph Reed
- White House: If You opposed the war, you don’t count
- Update on NH GOP 2002 phone jamming case
More outrages & news:
- Where’s the Apology? Bending the Facts on Schiavo
- Remote Viewing of Autopsy; Frist, W., Bush, J.
- Call for Sen. Frist to Apologize to Sen. Durbin
- Round up of Congressional Republican shenanigans through Thursday
- Rep. Sherwood (R-PA) is being sued for strangling his mistress.
- Very funny. (WakeupCall) House Maj. Leader Tom DeLay owed 3 law firms between $125,000 and $315,000 in ’04 even though a defense fund “to defray” his legal costs had already raised $439,300 that year (Houston Chronicle).
- Right wing smearing Durbin
- FBI investigates Rep. Cunningham
- Mitchell Wade and Rep. Randy Cunningham (R-CA) and a transaction that doesn’t exactly look above board.
- That Wade and Cunningham transaction looks even more suspicious
- VA Rep Virgil Goode (R) is in bed with funny transactions
- Bush’s press people Funny.
- Bush friend responsible for Justice Dept. lowering tobacco settlement demands.
- American “family” Association promotes Aryan Nations Spreading the hate.
- More questions about DeLay and the DeLay machine
- CA Gov. Arnold wastes $45 million for special election
- VIDEO: Arnold gets booed at Santa Monica College
- DeLay aide quits amid maelstorm
- Another conflict of interest problem for DeLay This one involves ExxonMobil.
- Sen. Shelby from Alabama lies about anti-lynching bill Americablog has updates on the excuses other Republicans gave for not co-sponsoring the bill.
- Sen. Ted Stevens (AK) finds himself in hot water
- Article on Mary Carey
- Porn Star dines with Republicans
- Stakeholder’s Wamp Watch
- Coingate: Mimi Forbes
- Cincinnati Enquirer on coingate Cincinnati is the center of conservatism in OH.
- Bill Frist’s Middle Name is Hypocrisy On delaying votes.
- Frist sucks as a doctor
- Frist’s office lies about not holding a roll call vote on the lynching apology bill
- Cheney Moves Integrity to Undisclosed Location I just really liked the headline at Wonkette.
- Spokane Mayor Jim West says he’s found a new relationship with God. Whatever. He should still stand trial for molesting underage boys.
- Cooney leaves WH job; goes to work at Exxon
- VIDEO: First lies to Matt Lauer re: Schiavo
More blogs that frequently have posts that deal with this topic:
- DNC’s Case File. Scandal Man: A Guide to the Ethics Violations, Abuses of Power, and Corruption of DeLay
- Tom DeLay’s House of Scandal
- Jack Abramoff and Friends
- Drop the Hammer on DeLay
- Republican Noise Machine from MyDD
- DCCC blog: The Stakeholder
- First Draft
- For video on the worst of the phony Republicans, visit Crooks & Liars.
- The Daily DeLay is updated regularly & has action items.
- TAPPED from The American Prospect.
- The Fly Trap at The Gadflyer
What they’re doing to push CAFTA
I know you are, but what am I?
Weldon (R-PA) writes book based on a known fabricator Weldon insists that he’s not a “wacko” or a “pariah.” Uh-huh, and Nixon wasn’t a crook, either.
- Ohio Coingate – BILLIONS- Yeah, you heard me., by Pounder
- Sensenbrenner Pulls Plug on Conyers, by fink
- F. James Sensenbrenner. And I mean that. A call for House Action, by Kagro X
- Bush’s Whitewater Land Deal!, by Scoopster
- AJC: Frist’s Dubious Finances, by internik This has been a longtime coming. Frist’s dubious finances have been reported before in small bits and pieces, but not fleshed out like this.
- DPW Resolves to Impeach, by coldfusion04
- W’s 2002 quote confirms the DSM! “F___ Saddam we’re taking him out”, by Magorn
- Dan & Jeff Lungren: Judiciary Committee “Nepotism”, by kainah
- Bush greeted at Penn State with protests (photos), by gspan
- Iowa’s Republican Party Platform, by Eloy
- Michelle Malkin Can’t Read, by edkra
- Ohio CoinGate – Focus Shifting To election Result, by Pounder
- MN GOP Eats Itself Alive, by Minnesotan
- Brownback’s flip-flops infuriate wingnuts., by Eternal Hope
- White House environmental cheater resigns, by Jerome a Paris The cheat is going to Exxon.
- From Normal to Wingnuts, A family’s journey, by jasonwhat
- Empty Suit Thursday, The Going Ons of Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN), by jimdscott A weekly series.
- McCain makes Nazi comparison, by jump23 Well, sort of.
Republican(s) Off Message
- Wm F Buckley Jr On The War In Iraq: Conservative Dissent, by DemFromCT
- When Republicans read polls
- Defeat and retreat; cut and run Some Republicans catching up to what some Democrats said.
- Sen. Voinovich – the Long Knives Cometh, by daulton
- Brit Hume and Bill Kristol bicker over Gitmo fate
- (WakeupCall) “I’m going to show Washington that a porn star is more than someone who just flashes her boobs” — Mary Carey, who is known for flashing her boobs (New York Daily News).
- George W. Bush was off message… if you look at Sen. Inhofe’s comments.
- (info from Hotline) Sunday — Meet the Press hosts Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Face the Nation hosts Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE). This Week hosts Sec/State Condoleezza Rice and Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT). Fox News Sunday hosts Rice and ex-Sen. George Mitchell (D-ME). Late Edition hosts Rice, Reps. Jane Harman (D-CA) and Curt Weldon (R-PA) and Mitchell. Other Weekend Shows — On Road to the WH, Rep. Rep. Tom “Immigration” Tancredo (R-CO) speaks to NH GOP State Cmte meeting in Concord and Wesley Clark speaks to Dems Flag Day Dinner in Manchester (C-SPAN, SUN, 6:30 p.m.).
- A 3-pronged Assault on Michigan’s Public Radio & TV Stations, by fergusonforcongress
- Yahoo picks up Conyers’ Cudgel re Milbank, by seesdifferent
- The Reporter Who Broke DSM Explains Its Importance, by pontificator Yet, the idiots in the US media don’t find it important.
- O’Reilly Lies About Franken. . . AGAIN, by pontificator
- Kurtz Cites DailyKos and, by lapin
- WorldNetDaily makes up story about Fetus Eating Abortion Doctor, by Senator X
- Wed WaPo: bloggers:shut up about DSM, by seesdifferent
- St. Louis Post Dispatch goes after Dean, by admiralh
- Judy Woodruff – Gah!, by kevin lyda
- Reuters–bad reporting in PIE FIGHT article., by hekebolos
- Matthews on “Hardball”: CA Dems “party of same old crap” , by ourprez08
- Terrorism Convictions: Is “misleading at best.” the same as lying?, by BarbinMD
- MTP- Washington Press Corps Just Hunky Dory, by jetfan
- ACTION ALERT!: Stop Congress From Killing Public Broadcasting …, by Murshed Z
- The NYTimes Today: A Profile in Media Whoredom, by Volvo Liberal
- Media News Monday 6/13/05, by Newsie8200 Non-DKos RWCM watch here.
- Penndit’s RWCM Watch & Media News Link Listing
Sad Stat of the Week US deaths in Iraq top 1700, almost half came in last year. And the administration continues to say that things are improving.
Fashion Item of the Week
T-shirts that help Americablog: Aske me about the Downing Street Memo
You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me Stat of the Week
- More money may be going into Iraq than in your town
- Condi lies again! Don’t allow her to get away with it!, by bhouston79
- GOP Congressman Wants Troops Out of Iraq, by muledriver
- Half of Iraqis poor, no baby milk in Baghdad, by DrReason
- Dad, you’re talking politics again!, by supak
- 3 Senators express doubts on Guantanamo, by Eternal Hope
- LAT’s Scheer: Pattern of Deception Persists in Tillman’s Death, by Intellectually Curious
- 45% of Iraqis Support Insurgents, by Coldblue Steele
- Bush Beware: Iraqi unions tour US with WMD…., by Juno
- DOWNING STREET DOCUMENTS — Ten Briefcases Full, by Apian
- My Vacation with a U.S. Marine, by agpc Avoid the replies, because the discussion kind of degenerates.
- Manning Memo is the Gunshot Residue, by Sterling Newberry
- Military going into Iraq still forced to buy their own equipment, by Coldblue Steele
- White House lies about terrorism convictions
- Halliburton given $30m to expand Guantanamo Bay This smells.
- US lied to Britain over use of napalm in Iraq war
- DSM: “Fixed” means what the center-left thinks it means
- Gitmo Hearings
- Nelson Report on DSM and DC Politics via TPM
- Opposition to gays in the military declines a bit
- Military brass says Iraq is “not going to be settled, through military options or military operations.”
- Deerlove’s Briefing, by BooMan23
- Philly Inq: Public starts to get a fix on ‘fixing’ intelligence
- WaPo: Memo: U.S. Lacked Full Postwar Iraq Plan: Advisers to Blair Predicted Instability
- Pentagon Minutes: Gitmo = War Crimes, by zekeL
- Former CIA Analyst Blasts WaPo Editorial Staff, by SusanHu
- Detroit Free Press editorial on DSM
- Feingold introduces resolution for Iraq withdrawal
- Another Leaked British “Cabinet Briefing” paper, by KristyZ
- Time: Inside The Interrogation Of Detainee 063, by SusanHu
- Critical Issues For Conyers To Explore At Next Week’s DSM Hearing
- More Downing Street Memos
- Downings Street memo and the press
- SF Chronicle blasts Bush over DSM
- Outrageous: Wolfowitz ignored facts in run up to Iraq war
- Condi and Cheney duck questions about the Downing Street Memo
- Zimbabwe’s ‘Cleanup’ Takes a Vast Human Toll, by SusanHu
- Larry Franklin Indicted in Info Leak
- Lugar was for Bolton before he was against him before he was for him
For more on these issues, check these out:
PDBs from Soj Fantastic daily resource. Subscribe to Soj!
Daily War News from a veteran
Laura Rozen’s blog War and Piece
Juan Cole’s Informed Comment
The Washington Note
Flogging the Simian by Soj
Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La., takes part in a luncheon on Capitol Hill Monday, June 13, 2005, for family members of lynching victims. Doria Dee Johnson, the great-great granddaughter of a black South Carolina farmer who was killed by a white mob nearly a century ago, is at left. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)
- GOP Moves To Ban The Morning-After Pill In Wisconsin, by Rimjob
- Gay partner wins WV custody battle, by BarbinMD
- HR235 — Your Church CAN Tell You How to Vote, by mhcypher
- Senate Resumes Debate on the Energy Bill, by environmentalist
- Sunday Michnews – Bankruptcy for Northwest?, DN: Sen. Johnson Proposal a ‘Back Door Tax’, by fergusonforcongress
- Alert!!! NEPA under SERIOUS Assault by Pombo!!!, by environmentalist
- While Bush guts SBA, rate of US entrepreneurship falls., by MH in PA
- Now THIS Is An Energy Policy! HR 2828, by RichRandal
- Arizona tolerant Christians “No Longer Silent”, by Nonpartisan
- Major Victory Against Pay-Day Loan Sharks, by ProgressiveSouth
- SCOTUS Today: The Dog That Didn’t Bark, by acbonin
- June 13, 1805, by mcjoan
- NJ newspaper supports universal health insurance, by Democratic Hawk
- MA: Please help save partnership rights, by JamesB3
- At Schiavo’s Hospice, a Return to Routine
- Vilsack gives felons the right to vote
- Everyone but Bush and cronies believe that the globe is warming
- Big Oil Unites to Fight “Moderate” Plan on Global Warming
- Minimum wage by the numbers
- Emissions Cuts Legislation in the Senate
- Lynching: It’s Not About Race, It’s About the Rule of Law
- SS, Age Expectancy, and a Faulty NYT article
- Liberalism and American Greatness
- Debunking a wingnut’s love letter to supply-side economics
- ACLU director on the Flag Amendment
Series & Roundups
- Supreme Court Roundup, by hoyapaul
- Sunday Talk Roundups & Poll Screencaps, by Al Rodgers
- Jerome a Paris economic & international events diaries
- Investment Club, by CA Pol Junkie Link to first diary on this, titled “The Basics.”
- Healthcare News Round-ups by the holy handgrenade
- Daily Pulse, by dhonig Roundup of smaller newspapers.
- Reasonable Conservative bloggers
- CrooksandLiars’ blog roundup
- Basie’s interviews with prominent Democrats.
- DKos Diary Series: A Compilation
- NYers United to Portect Social Security
- DCCC: Privatize This! Anti SS Privatization website
- AARP Social Security Blog
- For the latest on Wal-Mart’s crimes, click here for JR Monsterfodder’s diaries.
- For the day’s Greatest Hits, Progressive Pundit Picks from baldandy
- For your LGBT news, please read pamindurham’s LGBT news roundups.
- For all your economy news, please read bonddad’s diaries and economic news roundups.
- For all your religious news, please read PastorDan’s religious news roundups. You can also check out his blog, Faith Forward
- Other meta-diaries: Tomtech’s this week in facism, SeattleLiberal’s Nerd Network News (Science Diaries), and jotter’s jotter’s Most Recommended Diaries.
Like Whoa
News on Independent World Television, by tribe 34
Campaign News Round-Ups Here:
Some DKos diaries are listed here. It’s usually posted at DKos on Fridays or Saturdays.
* 2005, 2006, 2008 Campaign News, Notes & Analysis for 6/11 to 6/18
From other Kossacks:
- How to Turn a Red County Blue–an update. We’re off and walking, by philinmaine Excellent diary that everyone should read.
- Blogging – TIM KAINE, by teacherken
- Dean NPR interview June 13, 2005
- Michigan Politics: The Week in Review, by Dump Terry McAuliffe Posted on Saturdays every week. Very informative.
- Colorado Political RoundUps, by Ralph Posted everyday, Mondays to Fridays. Very informative.
- dKos Reader Blogs Alphabetized by State, by JenAtlanta
- List of blogs on all kinds of subjects.
- Issues, Activism, Political Info, and General Political Blogs & Websites
- Donate to the DNC
- Donate to the Democratic Governors Association
- Donate to the DSCC
- Donate to DCCC.
- Be a Monthly Donor to DCCC
- Donate to College Democrats
- To Donate to Specific Campaigns, find a campaign site here and donate directly…or check out ActBlue.
Selection of Newsie’s Entries: