Cross posted at Daily Kos
An article by Jonathan Darman on the newsweek/msn websited entitled In Jacko’s Wake discusses the changes that are envisioned by the new CNN president Jonathan Klein. The article goes on to say:
More below the fold.
The article seems to imply that this plan to show “serious news” doesn’t look very promising. My thoughts were quite the opposite, but I was left with many questions, that maybe some of you can answer. Namely is this for real?
Since the election, and even before it, there’s been a lot of talk on this site about how to combat the MSM and Fox News, could this shake up at CNN play into that at all? I’ve heard there’s been talk of developing a progressive news network to compete with Fox news, is there anyway that CNN could be converted to this cause?
To be honest, I’m not sure what to make of all this, but I’m hoping that our reporters and journalists regain their courage and start to report the truth again. Hopefully these changes at CNN are a sign of that starting to happen.
If they have any sense they will realize that the freepers are all watching Fox and they won’t try to compete with news for the stupid anymore.
Give us balanced investigative journalism and we will come back CNN.
showing so much teeth while reporting major tragedies.
Can he get rid of the editorializing Carol Lin who constantly cheered for keeping alive the living corpse of Terri Schiavo.
Can he stop the fake bonhomie between the talking heads especially on the morning show. Who needs personalities? We need serious journalists like Christiane Amanpour.
Can he get rid of Rush Limbaugh’s lame girl-friend, Darryl Kagan?
Too late for me – I’ve given up on cable and not planning to go back anytime soon. I see no reason why I should have to pay for the privilege to watch their commercials.