According to this AP story, CIA Director Porter Goss reveals the following in an upcoming June 27 Time Magazine article:

“Asked whether that meant he knew where bin Laden is, Goss responded: ‘I have an excellent idea where he is. What’s the next question?'”

“‘When you go to the question of dealing with sanctuaries in sovereign states, you’re dealing with a problem of our sense of international obligation, fair play,’ Goss said. ‘We have to find a way to work in a conventional world in unconventional ways.'”

The implications are gripping:  The U.S. knows where Osame bin Laden is, but he is under the protection of a sovereign government.  Yet, while we’re willing to savage an unrelated sovereign Mideast nation for no clear purpose, our “sense of international obligation, fair play” is keeping us from going after the man who brought us 9/11.

Or… is it prelude to a new attack?  Is it the building of a new pretext for a new offensive against another sovereign nation?

Either way, I thought it worth noting…