I have a confession to make. I haven’t actually been to a formal confessional since I was a child and routinely lied to the Catholic priest when I had nothing sinful to confess by making stuff up I thought he’d like to hear – although, lying to a priest is a sin in itself. I was a confused child. What can I say? Anyway, I left the church as a teen and, although I’ve come clean about absolutely everything in my life by vocalizing all of my deepest and dark secrets over the years – a very freeing practice – I still have one thing that I have to come clean about. Do I need an intervention? You decide.
I truly value patience and tolerance. I do not tolerate abuse, however. And, as a born again Buddhist, these days I work very hard at having compassion for every living thing. This helps me to better understand those I disagree with. I’m also a logical person. I even studied logic in university, so I’m quite versed in what constitutes an ad hominem attack.
From Wiki:
Over and over online I’ve called people out for not arguing the substance of a person’s argument when they have chosen to attack the person instead. I truly believe in respect – in disagreeing without being disagreeable.
But, personally, I have failed repeatedly to honour those values about one person: George W Bush.
I knew it was time to confess when I caught a televised portion of a speech of his this morning and heard myself saying, once again, “you’re such an idiot!!”
That’s my secret: I frequently call Bush an “idiot”. I know he’s not, technically, an idiot. He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I suspect his IQ is a bit higher than I’m willing to give him credit for. I know he’s not the best public speaker. That’s certainly forgivable. Not all of us speak well in public. I know that he couldn’t have risen to the post of president of the Unted States if he were truly an idiot. I know he’s quite politically savvy – no idiocy there. I try – I really, really try not to blurt out the “i” word when I see him speak or read various quotes after the fact. And, I’m truly, truly sorry for not being the purely principled person I and others sometimes expect me to be.
I mean – really!
This is dubya we’re talking about here!
Okay. There I go – justifying my behaviour again.
I’m sorry. (I’m Canadian. We get bonus points every time we say we’re sorry, even when we’re not exactly really sorry.)
So, there you have it. I’ve admitted that I’m powerless over my impulse to call George Bush an idiot. I don’t suppose there’s a 12 step program out there for me, although I’m sure there must be some right-wing deprogrammers I could turn to. That, however, could turn my brain to mush, just as Karl Rove warned:
…unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.”
What to do? What to do?
Is there hope for me? Do I really need an intervention? Or, can you all just forgive me and allow me this one imperfection?
You’re the jury. You’re my priests. You’re my conscience. You decide.
(Phew! I feel better now that I’ve let that out!)
Do I deserve forgiveness mojo? And, just how many categories of mojo are there anyway?
I call him a complete asshole and ask for no forgiveness.
No ye absolution tip jar for you!
because everything he does is half assed. <rimshot> (no pun intended?)
You deserve mojo for stopping at “idiot”.
Hoover Dam couldn’t stop the torrent of obscenities I unleash every time I see or hear him.
you have ever called him and his cronies and you need absolution – OMG – what will happen to me? My personal litany is “You sorry SOB” mainly cause I like the way it slides out of my mouth and because I think he is about the sorriest excuse for a human we’ve seen in a long time. So – how much hell time do you think I have coming?
Well, Catnip, sometimes you’ve got to just call a spade a spade. (or in this case, an idiot, an idiot)
I too must confess to an irrational, consuming contempt for the man, even though I also believe he is mostly just the “face” of this BushCo cabal.
He is L’enfant terrible, or sometimes I call him the Sun King, spoiled, overindulged, not used to ever being talked back to, lazy and atrophied, as can happen to those who grow up with too much wealth.
I can just see Karl Rove appeasing him, stroking his ego, while giving him the words he is to say to complete the performance. There are few people easier to manipulate in this world than the egomaniacs.
It’s the smirk that really gets me though, the puffed up grandiosity, the sense of entitlement, that releases in me an overwhelming desire to see that ego balloon punctured, as can happen with the mere lightest touch of a tiny pin. That’s why he can never be seen spontaneously in public, the damage could be devastating.
It’s just like driving past the scene of an accident and slowing down to see if you can get a glimpse of the mess. Looking at it will make you feel like crap, but you just can’t help yourself.
Heh — I just posted something about my own rubbernecking on the open thread.
I feel the same way about Bush as the two of you do — I like to use a word that my son came up with:
(he was combining the words maroon (Bugs Bunny’s usage) and lunatic)
or “marooniac”? I’ve always liked the word maroon though. That might work. Then again, isn’t that like substituting beer for whiskey?
I think my son went with maroonatic because it rhymed with lunatic (he’s 6 and loves to make rhymes!).
Mel Blanc(the voice of bugs, porky, daffy, et. al., may he RIP) was once asked about the term “Maroon” that Bugs frequently resorted to… he said that he felt that this is what a free-spirited, semi-educated Flatbusher like Bugs might come up with when he was trying to say “Moron”… sort of a Bugsism, or Bushism if you will… IMHO Dub’s political career has mirrored the typical plots of a Bugs Bunny cartoon, where everyman Bugs succeeds despite any threat from logic or reality… this is the teflon effect, and the archetype that Rove has so successfully woven Dub into… Yep, we have Bugs Bunny as president… but even Bugs gets nailed in the end in most cartoons for his most despicable behavior… so I keep hoping… I know that this pic has been posted all over the place, but it just doesn’t get any better than this:
(since you ask us to), even though a fellow ex-Catholic (LOL), I absolve you of all your sins.
Especially since the priest can forgive sins even though a sinner himself.
I think you’re being too hard on yourself, even though I have great admiration for the Canadian trait you refer to – think about it: Why are “the evildoers” after the US and not Canada? We know it’s not that “they hate us for our freedoms.” It’s the imperial hubris thing. A nation of people who make a habit of apology are quite unlikely to ever be accused of imperial hubris.
You’re being too hard on yourself because, as a part of “the reality based community,” you naturally base your opinions on your observations, of Bush or anyone else. And if it quacks like a duck…
It’s like the concept of “evil.” Are people evil, or do they just do evil things? I’d go even further, and say that “evil” is a loaded word that just sets up people to think self-righteously and make an enemy/object of the other. “Stupid” is the same way – Is HE stupid, or does he just make an endless string of stupid statements and judgments?
Perhaps a better choice of word is “foolish.” One can be intelligent but not wise; look at Dick Cheney. Such people are perhaps best described as clever, crafty (no offense to the Pagans meant there), tricky…
Some additional thoughts – just because he plays a fool on TV doesn’t mean he really is one. That could be an act for the sheeple. Or, just because he went to Yale doesn’t mean he’s intelligent; he’s burned a few brain cells along the way with some of his old habits. Odds are, he’s of middling intelligence, but lacking in curiosity by his own omission, and allowed himself to be bouyed along into a position of power by forces greater than himself, forces that even I, who eschew the word, would be tempted to call evil.
So go and sin no more; refrain from calling Bush an idiot and call him what he really is – a fool.
For your penance, do a corporal act of mercy in connection with the floods up there. π (Such as – when they get into the mop-up mode up there, please let us know what we can do to help.)
A nation of people who make a habit of apology are quite unlikely to ever be accused of imperial hubris.
We may not have imperial hubris, but we sure do have hockey hubris! And, we make no apology for that. π
It’s like the concept of “evil.” Are people evil, or do they just do evil things? I’d go even further, and say that “evil” is a loaded word that just sets up people to think self-righteously and make an enemy/object of the other.
I actually don’t believe in the concept of “evil”, but that’s another discussion.
Some additional thoughts – just because he plays a fool on TV doesn’t mean he really is one. That could be an act for the sheeple.
He seriously deserves a lifetime achievement Oscar if that’s the case.
So go and sin no more; refrain from calling Bush an idiot and call him what he really is – a fool.
But, but, but…”idiot” has a kick to it. “Fool” just kind off rolls out of your mouth. I suppose I can practice though.
For your penance, do a corporal act of mercy in connection with the floods up there.
Can’t do that. I’m still in too much pain. π
Everybody’s needs seem to be met so far, so that helps me feel less guilty. Thanks for the offer of help. I suppose the best thing to do would be to donate to the Red Cross, as usual.
(Sidebar: for those following my health saga – had the test this am…kidney is fine…pain is being referred from somewhere else…who knows where? more drs appts….more tests…pain sucks…I’m whining…)
good lord, am glad to hear kidneys ok but sorry about another round of testing etc.(I was misdiagnosed for 30 years and can’t begin tell you how demoralizing that is).
Also don’t consider you to be whining by any means. My definition of whining is someone who pisses/moans for no reason and that’s not applicable in your case.
Just hope they find out what is wrong sooner rather than later so you know and can take steps to get it under control…and hopefully get rid of the pain.
by a person who has a true certification in acupuncture – not an MD or a Chiropractor because they don’t have enough training and the stuff is powerful.
I need different penance, Mr Faux Priest.
I didn’t realize penances were negotiable.
Perhaps you have me confused with a Unitarian.
Well, OK.
But don’t go telling anybody I did this.
This is just for you because you feel so guilty, and that’s how we measure whether we’re doing a good job in this organization, you know.
Your penance is…
Get well soon! π
I nominate you for pope!
Something to be said for the perfect idiot, one whose image is maintained as both. Never makes a mistake, except when he’s making mistakes. His idiot image endears him to his loyal followers, allowing them to see him as human enough to project their own image and perfect enough to deserve their awe and obedience.
For me, GWB is a deeply flawed human being. Granted, most of us are deeply flawed human beings. What makes GWB dangerous is the level of external compensation he requires to live as that deeply flawed human being.
A mass murderer masquerading as the light of the world. Now that’s a perfect idiot.
Romans 12:9 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
9Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Okay…but I don’t see anything about idiots in there.
and all part of the plan to deceive america.
Alright…so if it’s willful on his part…then I can righteously call him on it?
In fact I believe it may be your duty as an american and citizen of the world.
But, I’m not an American… π
Canadians become more and more cool every day Bushco is in office. ;-D
I’m not frowning because I’m Canadian. I’m frowning because Americans can take advantage of the escape clause. Maybe I should get dual citizenship? Oh there must be an easier way…
All the more reason to help us hapless people here in the USA. Otherwise we may be moving to your hood.
from the long lost “Book of Brian” will help:
The Crowd: Tell us! Tell us both of them!
Brian: Look, you’ve got it all wrong! You don’t NEED to follow ME, You don’t NEED to follow ANYBODY! You’ve got to think for your selves! You’re ALL individuals!
The Crowd: Yes! We’re all individuals!
Brian: You’re all different!
The Crowd: Yes, we ARE all different!
Man in crowd: I’m not…
The Crowd: Sch!
Actually, I don’t know if it helps, but it makes me laugh, which beats some old mistranslated mush any day.
That’s my second religion: Monty Python.
well, if you’re going to find a bunch of silly men saying silly things (walking in silly ways, no doubt), I can’t think of a better bunch!
The Brits have a wicked sense of satire and humor.
Well said catnip and my confession is that the entire string of reichwing wingnuts from Bush to DeLay makes me lose my composure. I then want to revert to a whirling dervish of blatant foul language and contortions of my facial features that makes my wife and children wonder what planet I came from and what have you done with my husband and daddy.
Fortunately, I rarely have the discomfort of having to see or hear Bushco the talking head and therefore my wife and children are not presented with that ugly distortion that manifests itself when I do have to hear or see that monsterous thing that once I believe was a human being.
I can only hope that this affliction will one day be cured, you know when Bushco and his gang of thugs and thieves are escorted to the nearest federal prison for high crimes and crimes against humanity.
I wonder if I have facial contortions when I say “idiot”. I think I’ll go and check. Then again, it’s just me and the cats so…
See? I have 1001 ways to rationalize this. I’m just hopeless.
I believe you read my diary with the Indian 10 commandments. I strive to daily uphold that code of conduct, yet knowing that I am a human being, I will not always achieve a perfect score each day. I believe it is the willingness to strive for that mark that truly measures us in our sincerity to be the best human being that we can be today. I live in the today, I have used up all my tomorrows and yesterday is history, all I can do is learn from what transpired there.
I pray that the damage being done by this outrageous fascist regime will not become so great that we will not be able to repair what has been torn asunder.
I live in the today, I have used up all my tomorrows and yesterday is history, all I can do is learn from what transpired there.
That’s Buddhist philosophy as well. I missed your ten commandments diary. Can you please post a link? Thanks!
Did you know that yesterday was National Aboriginal Day in Canada? Do you have a similar day in the US?
No, the US doesn’t have a Native or Aboriginal Day in celebration of rich heritage of its Native peoples. Though, you might check out my diary entitled
A cultures last stand (Little Bighorn revisited)
hmm, well that was supposed to appear in the talk about faces a few posts up. Oh well.
He may not be an idiot, but he sure does remind me of a used car salesman lately. If you haven’t caught video of the Preznit recently, he’s looking more and more like Nixon trying to keep all the lies straight in his head. And it just comes off as if he doesn’t even believe what he’s saying any more. So he just rinses and repeats.
After I ran against then WI Governor, later Secretary of HHS, Tommy Thompson in the 1990 Republican Primary, we became friends, despite my not infrequent cheap shots during the race.
He eventually picked up on my 2 major themes, that those businesses who got ahead of the curve on less polluting means of production would eventually be the most profitable, and use of hemp for agriculture.
Thru the ’90s, while his staff strymied all efforts to set up an appointments, I could always show up at his public appearances and bend his ear for a few minutes, frequently with an incremental effect on policy. had i used these opportunities for “fuck you, you’re wrong”, I’d have accomplished nothing.
Best example… 1993, during the 1st phase of his W2 Welfare Reform, you could continue to receive benefits during an interim period while showing up for a “jobs skills training” routine. Their theory was the foremost missing skill was showing up for work everyday.
For women, the program ostensibly taught computer skills, but actually was just drone practice typing in documents. One friend was in the routine, her typing speed mired at 22 wpm. After I dumped her in a political chatroom for an afternoon, where she was racng to actually express herself, she tested 40 wpm next morning. She told me the classrooms for the “computer training’ had no Net access.
Catching Tommy the next day, I explained that while there were currently lots of lowpaying gigs entering older documents, viable OCR was less than a year away, and that the longer term jobs were in the creative side on the Net. He found the $ to get the classes online within 2 weeks.
I use the term “His Nibs” instead. No one has ever not known who or what I was talking about. π
My mother always referred to me as ‘His Nibs’ when I was being particularly obstinate and self-centered. I always took as a term of endearment – which would seem to show how self-centered I was at the time π
Is that short for his naughty bits?
It’s a British term of uncertain derivation, reserved for a self-important person. Here’s as good an explanation as any from http://www.worldwidewords.org :
So not the naughty bits, in fact perhaps an altogether different part of the body.
I thought the nob thing was about comparing someone to a doorknob. How enlightening. π
that His Nibs is a term in cribbage. I think it’s where the dealer gets two points for turning up a jack after the discard, but it’s been a while since I played.
But I prefer the Irish pronunciation – eeeejit!
When I find myself ranting and raving about the despised one, I say: Watch it – that’s just exactly how those Others felt about Bill Clinton. Not wanting to turn into a raving maloonatic, I get a grip. Meanwhile give thanks that I will never have to meet the beast.
Speaking of religion – I recommend Thomas Paine’s “The Age of Reason.” It is available online.
Father Chamonix wants you to repent…REPENT CATNIP!! Say 9 hail Chimps, 7 our Cheney’s and 7 more hail Condi’s…and finish it up with 25 hail Rummy’s. After that if you are not feeling clean…add 7 Our Gonzales’s. And swear you will never live blog Bolton again.
Screw that! The only thing I’ll be hailing is a cab!
Or. . .the Rev Shirl offers you this. . .come over to Happy Hour at the Froggy Bottom Cafe and just smile your perceived sins away.
The “Church of Shirl” says their is neither right nor wrong, rather intent on a scale of contiuum. On one end of the scale is “Lesser Light” and on the other end is “Greater Light”. . .we all fit somewhere along that line and are moving toward more Light.
Forgive yourself for there is none here to condemn you.
How apropo since my real name means “light”. π
And the name and its meaning fits you very well. The Light that you are is noticed and appreciated.
See Mr. Faux Priest Recants, below.
It’s okay, dear catnip. You are only yelling it at an illusion.
Ding. Ding. Ding.
Now that’s a very Buddhist answer. π
I thought you’d like it!
Well catnip, it is admirable for all of us to believe in and want to respect the intrinsic dignity of our fellow humans.
And I bet you saw this ‘however’ coming didn’t you. Short answer is that there are exceptions to every rule. I’d say calling bush an idiot fits that category-especially as it happens to be true.
Longer answer is that you show admirable restraint with stopping at only calling him an idiot. I happen to think he truly is an idiot in the broad sense as everything he does causes chaos and he seems to be oblivious to what is happening-that is idiotic.
If it makes you feel better, I’ll double up on my calling bush and idiot and much much worse than that so you don’t have to..and be glad to do it.
pillows, one finger salutes as Bush calls them, and then I turn off the tv because I just can’t watch him anymore. So you are to be commended for stopping at idiot. I begin with idiot π
On the other hand, perhaps an intervention is called for, but for the opposite reasons. Obviously you’re struggling with restraining your dislike for Bush. I say free yourself and let it fly. He deserves it.
After reading you words of wisdom, I think Catnip should let loose her inner Xena!
I’m still nominating you for pope though.
“Be ye angry, and sin not.” Ephesians, 4:26. [Ok, I apologize for quoting scripture as I’m not much on religion any more and my brothers tell me this is just a bit hypocritical. They are likely right, oh well, I never did follow their advice. Mea culpa.]
It doesn’t say not to get angry. In fact, it sort of demands being angry, but without sinning. I’m not sure what the writer meant by sinning, but he goes on to mention corrupting talk, malice, slander, theft. I don’t see your expressions as doing any of those things.
And consider, calling people a “generation of vipers” was probably worse than calling them idiots, in that day.
If you were here in Detroit, I’d make you eat some of my warm gingerbread as penance. The batch is huge, and I don’t eat the stuff (been promising it to my spouse for eons, should have known that 7 cups of flour would make a lot).
I spent endless amounts of time in sesshin (retreats) and three years in Zen seminary and I still call Bush names. As people may be tired of hearing me say, “we define the genre”; I happen to be a Buddhist who thinks Bush is a major threat to the life, liberty and happiness of most of the world’s citizens. He will become a Buddha at some point, as will I, but not right soon.
attack, in the present case.
You are absolved. Go forth, and sin at will.
Hell, I don’t call him …at all anymore, the prick went and put a block on my number ; (
Just change it slightly to “he’s lying again!” Then, if you want, you can address the lies.