I had not planned to post a diary today, but I just received my email from TomPaine, and it includes an article which appears at TomPaine now and will be appearing in the next issue of American Prospect. The author, Arlie Hochschild, is a sociology prof at Cal Berkeley. As usual, I urge you to read the entire article, which can be found here.
Let me offer one snip above the fold, and few more, with comments below the fold, to encourage you to read.
The piece begins with a scenario of a chauffeur driving a rich man, who orders the car stopped and then snatches a loaf of bread from a homeless woman and her two children. The chauffeur obeys instructions to drive on, despite his own experience of poverty. This is what the piece calls the chauffeur’s dilemma.
I will not quote the scenario which I described. I will note what Hochschild says immediately after the beginning, and before the part that I quote above:
* On average, the 2003 tax cut has already given $93,500 to every millionaire. It is estimated that 52 percent of the benefits of George W. Bush’s 2001-03 tax cuts have enriched the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans (those with an average annual income of $1,491,000).
* On average, the 2003 tax cut gave $217 to every middle-income person. By 2010, it is estimated that just 1 percent of the benefits of the tax cut will go to the bottom 20 percent of Americans (those with an average annual income of $12,200).
* During at least one year since 2000, 82 of the largest American corporations–including General Motors, El Paso Energy, and, before the scandal broke, Enron–paid no income tax.
Hochschild lists a lot of the cuts to social programs that this administration is making, and then poses the following:
Before directly addressing this question, Hochschild takes time to note the difference in American society since 1970, a time when people were far less likely to object to the government taking care of those less well off (even though Nixon, a Republican, was president). She then notes the following:
What is being forged, then, is a strange, covert moral deal between the millionaire and the hard-pressed chauffeur, sealed by the right-wing church. It is a deal that says, in essence, “Let’s ignore the needy at home, exacerbate the class divide, wage war after war abroad, and sustain the idea that all this is morally good.”
She immediately follows with this question
She answers in part by noting how people tend to identify with their aspirations:
For 150 years until 1970 these aspirations seemed to have a reality base, and the piece offers some evidence to that point. And then?
This leads, according to an economist named Wolff to whom Hochschild refers, to tougher life at home and the resulting empathy squeeze. People are working longer hours, wives have had to go to work, the real family income is shrinking.
People still may feel some “Christian” responsibility, they want to do the right thing. And here are for me the critical two paragraphs of the article:
Rather than fixing the problems that make people anxious, Bush takes advantage of the very feelings of anxiety, frustration and fear that insecurity creates–and that his policies exacerbate–while deflecting hopes away from government help. He makes life quietly harder at home while pointing a finger of blame at one enemy after another abroad. He is, I think, deregulating American capitalism with one hand while regulating the resulting anxiety with the other. And to do this, he has enlisted powerful allies on the corporate and religious right.
Hochschild goes on to discuss how the Bush people use the idea of the Rapture to divide people.
She points out that an economically just society need not have a permanent economic underclass, that we have addressed economic problems far worse in the 1930’s. He follows with two brief but pointed paragraphs:
Like many others, I felt moved by the Christians who knelt in prayer for the family of the late Terri Schiavo, the comatose patient on life support in Florida. But it made me wonder why we don’t see similar vigils drawing attention to near-comatose victims of winter living on city sidewalks. They’ve been taken off life support, too.
Let me skip to the final paragraph, and then offer several final remarks of my own:
Progressive blogs like dailykos and boomantribune have seen many discussion on why the political left is failing to connect with many whose economic interests would seem to align them with the left but who vote with the right. We have seen queries about how to make those of faith feel that the political left is not hostile to them. We have, unfortunately, also seen comments that are totally disrespectful of people of belief, people who perhaps COULD be reached on the basis of their sense of Christian responsibility.
I doubt that one can say there are many people who are totally good or totally bad. There are far too many who can rationalize doing things that in their heart of hearts they probably know are not quite correct. So long as they have not irretrievably slipped over to selfishness and even “evil” one must presume that they can still be reached. Christianity has scriptural and liturgical sources that make this clear, whether it is the story of the Prodigal Son, the man in the sycamore tree (Zacchaeus – I use the expression of which Merton was fond), the Easter homily of John Chrysostom, etc.). As a teacher I am something of a constructivist — I do not believe that I can have someone learn unless I start with where she is, and then prod her to go a bit further. We must be willing to address people of faith not merely on the basis of their economic needs — which we cannot ignore — but also in some way connect with whatever is the BEST of their religious traditions.
A salesman is far more effective when he approaches his customer and tries to persuade him how smart he is to make the choice the salesman is offering. It is very hard to sell to people by telling them they are total idiots.
I believe this article can help us understand the nature of the problem before us. Insofar as we seek to divide — to say there are those who are good and those who are not — as we far too often see rhetorically on liberal and progressive blog entries, we fall into a framing on which we will lose – that allows others to demonize those who oppose them.
If instead we appeal on the basis of inclusion, of showing once again how people are interconnected, we may again be able to motivate people towards seeing a common good. It happened for most Americans with the New Deal, with the Civil Rights movement, with the Great Society. We can and should acknowledge the fears people have, but then challenge them to be better than their dears. Remember that FDR was quite clear on this point: ” the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
I commend this article to your attention. I hope it sparks a thoughtful discussion.
This was an excellent diary, well-written and the article you pointed us to is useful.
A point to remember is that inclusion and exclusion are both necessary at times. A teacher would understand this, as sometimes certain students will not benefit from certain classes, at least until they are prepared. Thus exclusion at that point would be profitable.
A problem with our way of thinking is that we do exclude, demonize too much, but inclusion, without appropriate contemplation (in terms of the objective, the group of people, the raw materials, etc) is not the solution.
Its hard to talk to people in terms other than black/white, or inclusion/exclusion, or good/bad. But there is always a third (fourth, fifth) option.
And in terms of politics, you can have a general understanding that all humans have merit and are valuable, but choose not to spend hours and hours trying to convince another person of your point of view. There are more productive ways to reach one’s goal, and it isn’t always necessary that everyone be doing X for the same reason.
I enjoyed reading this, KHL
Tying together the religious, social, and economic aspects of the Bush Reich is insightful. What Bush’s supporters in the Religious right don’t realize, is that if they keep this up for any length of time they will so taint the credibility of their faith among the next generation that Christianity will be marginalized as a force in society, as it was in Europe, where the Church and State played footsie on the backs of the populace.
Puullleeeezzee — enough, already, about reaching “people on the basis of their sense of Christian responsibility.” Enough of referencing Bible passages that should “remind” the Professed of their belief systems.
I have seen little or nothing in this adminsitration, in the main of its Christian supporters, or even from the organized religions themselves that in any way indicates that there’s a possible reasonable resolve to the dilemma their religion places them in. Spare me the appeals to “moral values.”
Who can possibly figure out what those are when?:
On the one hand — Do Good
On the other — The hell with the world and worldly concerns, the Rapture’s a-comin’! Hooray, Armageddon!!
Talk about your forked tongue. Talk about textual scapegoating. Wanna wrap yourself in the mantle of Holier Than Thou? Call on the pertinent Scripture. Wanna free yourself from responsibility for your actions in any application? Call on the pertinent Scripture.
I wash my hands of any appeal to the American voter on “(Christian) religious grounds.” [All other religions don’t count. How American is that?!]
Dammit! Let’s stay in the Reality Community and separate religion out of politics. I, for one am heartily disgusted with the idea that Democrats/ Liberals/Progressives should court religion and religious “sensibilities” in order to gain political advantage. Let’s not jump on the bandwagon that’s hell-bent to destroy what’s left of the Great Secular Experiment devised at the end of the 18th Century!
My motto? Refuse to schmooze!
the largest group of voters that Democrats are not reaching are those who identify themselves as (usually evangelical) Christians, for whom it si possible to show them that you are NOT hostile to what they believe, and that they should not be operating on the basis of fear.
Were there a large group of Muslim voters, one could talk about the responsibility of charity and hopstiality that are laid out in the Qu’ran and the Hadith.
One does not see similary discussion about Jewish traditions because such a large percentage of Jewish voters still vote demcoratic, despite the demagoguing of Middle East issues done by this administration.
You will not eprsaude people by attaacking them for being stupid. You want to take that approach, you can be smug in your own self-righteousness. If people avhe value systems, and it is possible to show them how their value systems are NOT in contradiction the political ends you seek, you will have a far better chance of winning elections.
Ifyou stand for nothing except for winning elections, or at least if that is the perception people have, you will not persuade them.
One reason it was important for the Republicans to destroy Howard Dean was that he was a far greater threat than John Kerry. He was precevied as standing up for what he thought, spekaing his mind directly. he also talked about values in a way that had the potentiality to appeal to voters for whom values matter. They could even accept someone with whom they did not agree on all the values if that person were forthright in what he believed, and why. That Dean’s campaing imploded is not so much due to his mouth as it was to some real mismanagement of the resources — money and people — the campaing had. The ads were, quite frankly, pretty atrocious. And they did not get the ground game in Iowa organized the way it should have been.
Dean aside, the attitude of “refuse to schmooze” is one that is a guaranteed loser. What I – and others far more perspicacious than am I – advocate is something far different. it is not being “republican lite” as Dean used to say. Rather it is reclaiming the real meaning of American values. It is being unafraid where appropriate to point to religious values that underpin much of the agenda we seek to accomplish. And if you cannot see that and want to rpevent it from happening, then you are a part of the reason Democrats and progressives will continue to lose elections they should sweep. You will appaer, in your attitude and expressions, as intolerant to many people of faith as people like Dobson and Robertson are to people whose faith is different than theirs. And the nation will continue to divide bitterly.
Where’s that come from?
I have no interest in going after this demographic for the very reasons in my argument. They’re un-capturable because their beliefs are mutually exclusive and on-call one way or another to dismiss any logical or reasonable appeal to their so-called Christian sensibilities.
By virtue of these being two mutually exclusive ideas (Do Good and Go Rapture) that cancel each other out, there’s no showing them that these ideas aren’t contradictory. They ARE. And they know it, but don’t care because reasonable appeals by us will never trump their loving their own beliefs when those beliefs make them feel good about themselves. Like trying to get mercury into a tube.
Go ahead, lay out the Democrat’s version of “American Values” to them. So what. All they’ll see is “Democrat.” They are already convinced they know values best. I think that’s known as having the moral high ground. If you thought you had that, would you exchange it for someone else’s perceived low ground? I think not!
Odd that you who want to convince the opponent of your position when challenged by a pretty much like-minded person resort to personal attack. Weak. Divisive. Bitter.
The religious morality that Bush appeals to is inherently hypocritical. Its basic logic is pious justifications for one’s own naked greed. Though it is loud and adamant in its profession of Christian faith, there are not many people anywhere who can discern what it has to do with what Jesus is said to have taught.
Why do poorer Americans support policies that plainly benefit the rich only? Because they can smell the stink of a civilization rotting. That the powers-that-be are looting America’s infrastructure can only mean that the US is being run down and liquidated. Everybody intuits this, but what can be done about it? The people at the bottom don’t know, but out of fear are learning how to suck up, in the hope that it is the other guy that will be selected for destruction, rather than themselves.
The chaufeur in the parable understands perfectly well that he could be the man whose bread is stolen, but the plainest way to avoid that fate is to embrace his cowardice, and help the rich man do the stealing. He knows the rich man would turn on him in an instant if he tried to do what was “right.”
(Is this description of the rich man the description of a bully. Yes.)
(By the way, the liquidation process first became visible under Clinton, a Democrat, even though under the Republicans it is now much accelerated. From the standpoint of mainstream politics, poorer people have nowhere to turn, and everyone can see this. The only hope people can see is to try to ally with the most powerful, and hope for some minimal, paternalistic protection. This is why Bush does all those crotch shots in his photo-ops. It is display only, and display without substance, but the message being conveyed at the basic level of primate pack behavior is: I am the big male here. In the absence of anything resembling substance, and in their quaking fear, Americans accept this.)
The more virulent forms of American Protestantism, with their emphasis on the deserved suffering of those who are not saved, reinforce the notion that one must accept the destruction of others, and seek to avoid being one of the ones destroyed, and it is further reinforced by the centuries-old notion that monetary wealth is God’s way of showing in this world who will be counted as worthy in the next. Not all Protestant Christians believe this, of course, but many do, including most especially the now-prominent evangelicals and fundamentalists.
A comparison with Muslims is not quite right: Perhaps no sects of Islam at all promote materialism as a sign of God’s favor.
Despite what I have just said, I agree with you that Dean represented a serious threat to the Corporate establishment. But I think the possibility of “political conversion” lies not in reaching “religious” Christians–who do not wish to be reached and anyway are a minority–but in the fact that most Americans are just desperate and adrift, and are ready to respond to someone with enough character to show them a way out.