Ya know, before the world turned upside down and truth was truth and lies were just that, outright lies? Pine away for those times friends, they no longer exsist.
I’m not sure when this happened, I’m guessing either yesterday or last night, based on the shit storm that’s brewing today.
The master puppetier, Mr. Rove, made these remarks at a dinner in New York:
NEW YORK – Speaking in a Manhattan ballroom just a few miles north of ground zero, Karl Rove said on Wednesday night that the Democratic party did not understand the consequences of the Sept. 11 attacks.
“Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers,” Rove said. “Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war.”
Rove, President Bush’s chief political advisor, spoke at the state Conservative Party’s annual dinner. He praised the conservative movement’s success, calling it “the guiding philosophy for the White House, the Senate, the House.”
Rove said the Democratic Party made the mistake of calling for “moderation and restraint” after the terrorist attacks.
“Conservatives saw what happened to us on 9/11 and said we will defeat our enemies. Liberals saw what happened to us and said we must understand our enemies.”
Rove also denounced Sen. Dick Durbin’s comments comparing interrogation at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp to the methods of Nazis and other repressive regimes. He said the statements have been broadcast throughout the Middle East, putting American troops in greater danger. Durbin has since apologized for the remarks.”
I’ll leave Durbin out of this for now… he’s an idiot for backing down.
Here’s the problem(s).
First of all, what the hell is this therapy and understanding for our attackers, crap? As I recall, this country came together, as it hadn’t in, well, my lifetime anyway. Flags (which you now can’t burn, by the way) were EVERYWHERE. People were KIND to one another…even on the streets…. people would let you (gasp) change lanes without giving you the bird. Even I, not a fan of W even then, was mildly proud that he was our President at the time. Standing on that smoking mound of hell in New York, he pulled us together… I don’t remember partisan behavior AT ALL post-9/11. So, what is this therapy for the attackers crap? We were all looking into THERAPY FOR THE WOUNDED, THE SURVIVORS, and most of all for NEW YORKERS who had bared the brunt of the shock that came with this attack.
Ok, so, Rove’s on crack with that one. What’s next? Conservatives… ah yes…. PREPARED FOR WAR. Good thing too… we wanted “Osama, dead or alive.” The campaign in Afganistan started, and yea, as memory serves, we AMERICANS (not one party or the other, mind you) were behind it. THIS was the man who organized this attack, THIS was the group who wanted to do us further harm… after him we go… but then… but then there was Iraq. Ah, yes, back to the Conservatives… MORE WAR… one war, the one we’re SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING, in retaliation for 9/11, wasn’t enough. There were grudges to level, old wounds and a convenient opportunity for the American public to be fooled, frightened into further WAR. We were scared. This was unprecidented and we were all scared of what and when the next thing would be. So, W sent Powell, a man for whom I STILL have a great deal of respect, in to the UN to illicit gasps and fear and fists on the table over those WMD’s (tired of hearing those letters yet?). I remember, I stayed home to watch it. Mobile weapons labs, YELLOW CAKE from Niger, aluminum tubes…. it was all too much, and it SEEMED plausible. But right there with it came the slimy beginnings of the slippery slope towards lumping Iraq and Al-Qaida together. It happened quietly, but it happened and it was NOT the liberals that did it. It was the Conservatives that convinced you, dear fellow American of mine that these two intities were one in the same. NOT SO.
They prepared for war alright. They built Guantanamo LONG before they started even mentioning Iraq in public. BUILT IT. Ready to go. Off our soil and immune to our own rules of interrogation. (NOT immune as I hope to see in the near future, to INTERNATIONAL laws.)
I’m going to skip ahead a bit now, but I’ll return to what I think is the most interesting of this little statement.
Rove then says, Democrats wanted to understand out enemies. Guess why, Carl? BECAUSE IF WE HAD A DAMNED CLUE WHAT IRAQI’S WANTED, what they were about, what they believe, how their religion works, what RESPECT is, what their belief systems are then perhaps WE WOULDN’T BE FIGHTING AN INNER WAR WITH THE PEOPLE WHOM W WANTED SO DESPERATELY TO “FREE” FROM TYRRANY. If we had a PLAN about this war, how to fight it, how to WIN, not the war but the trust of the people, and a way to get out, we wouldn’t be where we are right now. And I think more Americans are getting the idea… you’ve seen the polls…. we’re not happy about what’s going on in our name, and we’re NOT ok with sending any more of our sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, aunts and uncles to fight for… what was that again? Revenge is all I can come up with anymore. So, yea, Carl, SOME of us thought perhaps we ought to sit down and consider where we were about to go and who was there before we unleashed holy hell upon a nation. I don’t know, call me crazy, but it seems like a pretty decent idea, no?
Last but not least, Carl said he was proud of Conservatives… leading the way and, what was that, providing a guiding philosopy? Oh, Carl. You silly silly man.
What leading philosophy is that? The one where Big Bird is the enemy? Torture, rape, murder, all in the name of BAD intellegence is simply ok, or better yet JUSTIFIED? The Philosophy of No Privacy? Because if you’ve got nothing to hide then the government has every right to look through your medical records, find out what books you read, deny you access to public, TAX PAYER events because you MIGHT have a differing opinion, and to deny you your BIRTH CONTROL because pharmacists have the religious authority over YOUR body… right? That philosophy.?
No thanks Carl. Back to reality for me… you’re world is a bit to scary… it wavers in the light of truth and vaporizes with scrutiny.
Cross posted at http://screamingme.blogspot.com/
and Kos
Remembering reality is making me insane (in the Foucaultian sense — c. Madness and Civilization), all of us who do are no longer sane by the dictates of society and they will soon be building Gitmos for us….
Everything else has gone down the Memory Hole….
Nice rant!