“Seven bombs have rocked Baghdad, killing at least 38 people, just hours after the Iraqi government met members of the international community in Brussels to seek reconstruction help,” reports Al-Jazeera. “Scores” have been injured.
See Catnip’s new diary on chickenhawk Karl Rove — “This Time Karl Rove Has Gone Too Far” (Jesus, Karl. Don’t get Catnip riled, you fool!) — and, below the fold, David Sirota’s blistering “Attention Chickenhawks: Enlist, or Shut Up.”
From David Sirota … and it’s ssssssssizzling hot:
When ultra-hawk Vice President Dick Cheney had the chance to fight in a war, he said he had “other priorities.” When George W. Bush had the chance, he used his dad’s name to get out of combat service. While Peter Beinart and the New Republic claim they truly believe in more hawkish policies, I don’t see him or the magazine’s writers lining up to enlist. And last I checked, the same Karl Rove who is attacking Democrats for questioning Bush’s management of the Iraq War, is the Karl Rove who has never served in the military in his life.
Now, as I wrote in a cover piece for the Nation magazine a while back, we shouldn’t be surprised that these chickenhawks have no problem talking tough about war, while running away from it in their own personal lives. Tough talk about war, and criticism of those who oppose it, makes these pathetic souls feel stronger than they actually are – and they have used it quite effectively in the political arena.
But Steve Gilliard today really puts these chickenhawks in their place:
“If you will not serve in Iraq, and no one you know will serve, stop expecting someone else to do what you will not. Therefore, it is time to stop calling for more troops, or the US to make Iraq safe. We cannot do this and even Americans are refusing to join the fight. It is time to look at your actions and realize, that despite your ideals, you oppose continuing this war. In practical terms, you have decided that this war is not worth your life or anyone you know. And million of Americans have joined you in this decision. So, with this fact evident, it is time to call for US troops to withdraw from Iraq. Not save it, not add more boots on the ground. You have already voted by your actions. It is time that you match it with your words.”
This is the way Democrats need to be talking about these issues – not cautiously asking for an “apology” from Rove. We don’t want “apologies” – we want a real debate about this. That means it is time to go for Democrats to finally go for the throat and make clear that if you are going to vehemently advocate sending more and more innocent Americans to die in Iraq, you better be prepared to back up that rhetoric with some sacrifice of your own.
And that goes especially for the inside-the-Beltway neocon crowd who makes decisions and spouts off opinions from the well-guarded confines of the D.C. cocktail party circuit, and thus never has to deal with the blood-and-guts ramifications of what they’re talking about. If you are willing to ask others for sacrifice but evaded such sacrifice when you had the chance, and aren’t willing to make any sacrifice yourself now – then sit down and shut up.
By the way, the Al-Jazeera site auto-updates its stories, I’ve noticed. The other day, as I wrote about one of its stories, I referred back only to see what the page had auto-refreshed, with the latest news up.
Has anyone been keeping track of the deaths for the past months since the Iraqi “election”? It seems to me that on average there have been over 23 deaths per day, not including US troops. That is only a guess from headlines but almost daily the number seems to be increasing not decreasing. Yep, Rummy, things are going so well, making progress, must be patient, go with the army you got. Their meme is so out of touch with what is really happening. It is time to take this to the streets my friends. Our blogging and writing letters and emails and phone calls just is not enough anymore. We MUST protest this grotesque illegal occupation….NOW!!!
Yes, we need to take to the streets and video tape it ourselves and put it on the internet — screw waiting for media coverage, unless anyone knows of any Arubans who might march in front of the 80 million cameras they have down there…
Well, I have been saying this since 2000. Now, what are we going to do about it? Organise? Meetups? What? I know impeachbush.org has a march planned for Sept 24th but is that soon enough? I am in the San Diego area. Anyone within an hour or so willing to meet? I would be happy to host at my place in Del Mar?
I’ll come, but do I have to march? Del Mar? I might lose all resolve.
no marching yet Susan but let’s get organised for one soon and maybe we can make contacts with others on other blogs or something. This is all new to me but god I just can’t stand by and not voice this out in public somewhere. I will gladly host a meet up as I said at my place(pool and jacuzzi, ocean view?)Crap I will even serve lunch/dinner whatever. Just come. Soon.
Fear the wrath of catnip! Fear it, I say to you!
Don’t I wish?!
This proves Cheney and Bush were right! I mean, how in hell can an insurgency who is well equiped, well trained and enjoys the support of the population possibly be able to coordinate such an effective, deadly attack?
Only a group of “deadenders”, who are in their “last throes” would have the audacity, the gall, the (dare I say it) balls, to launch such a coordinated, effectively deadly attack. Plainly there is a reverse inverse type of realtinship between insurgency strength and effectiveness of attacks.
Thank God George W. Bush and his crew of honest Christian advisors are running the show, and not a bunch of America-hating, pinko commie, intelligent, liberal elitists, who only want to “understand” the enemy.
</sarcastic rage>
Thanks, Billy. You mock!
We need BUMPER STICKERS that say:
“Enlist or shut up.”
I like that phrase.
(Or do they exist already and I’ve just, per usual, missed it?)
I’m pretty sure, Susan, that you miss very little! ;>)
Check out
Right on Susan, we don’t need to spend our all time taking their bait of repugnant comments, posts like these are what they are trying to distract us from.
Have you ever noticed how chickhawks squawk
they scratch and fluff and jump all around,
you know you found that squirmy chickenhawk
where he is trying to hide under the ground.
Oh chickhawk, you talk so strong and bold
when it comes to offering others to the grinder,
what makes your family members worth gold
while our families are left with just reminders.
Your place such value on your own war discourse
sacrificing our family members for your oil war,
Oh chickhawks, you are such war whores
you have no honor, you continue to lower the bar.
Oh chickenhawk, please leave our country alone
you bring dishonor, disgrace and shame upon us,
doing what you do, you shall soon be shone,
to the cell block that will make us joyous.
Ghostdancers_way 2005