Progress Pond

This is it: I declare war on the Republican Party!

The Republicans have been shamelessly and immorally desecrating the memory of our friends and family who died on 9/11 for some time now. But this week, I have finally had enough. The Republicans have declared war on America in general, destroying our economy and our Constitution. But they have declared war on NYC in particular, screwing us out of money we are entitled to, using our tragedy for their gain, using our tax money to fund their Convention while excluding us from our own city. I experienced 9/11. I lost a friend when that first plane hit. The ashes of my fellow New Yorkers rained down on my neighborhood that night. It is time for us to fight back. This week the Republicans have gone so far beyond what is reasonable, moral or even sane, that I can hardly articulate my rage at their behavior. I am asking you all to help me in my fight against the ongoing rape of my city and our dead by the Republican party.
This week two prominant Republicans continued the disgusting tradition of using 9/11 for partisan purposes, using the deaths of nearly 3000 New Yorkers for their own political benefit.

A California Congressman,  Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham, used 9/11 to push the flag burning Amendment, claiming that those who died in 9/11 would want the amendment passed. When called on it by the New York Rep. Nadler (from Brooklyn), Nadler’s mike was shut off and he was yelled at by other Republicans. This clearly shows what Republicans think of New Yorkers–we are silenced and shunned by the party that continuously uses our tragedy for their partisan politics. How could Rep. Cuunningham even DREAM of using my friend’s death on 9/11 for his purposes. My friend was in favor of civil rights and freedom of expression, and he would NOT have wanted this amendment passed. How DARE Rep. Cunningham presume to speak for my friend. How DARE he presume to speak for New Yorkers. He does not know us. He does not represent us. He should stop exploiting New York’s tragedy for his gain. Let us also not forget that this is the same  Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham who sits on the powerful Appropriations defense subcommittee and has taken bribes from a defense contractor around the same time that defense contractor began getting big government contracts. This corrupt SOB has NO RIGHT to be speaking of the wishes of those brave men and women who died on 9/11.

Next we have Karl Rove coming right here to New York City and blamed liberals for the 9/11 attacks, apparantly ignoring the fact that many of those who died were liberal Democrats. He also ignores the fact that it was Bill Clinton who first wanted to go after bin Laden and was prevented by the Republican-led Congress. He ignores the fact that Bill Clinton WARNED Bush that bin Laden and al Qaeda would be a major concern and it was Bush who ignored this warning. Karl Rove forgets that it was Bush who seemingly has given up the hunt for bin Laden in his rush to invade Iraq. As a New Yorker who experienced 9/11 I consider Karl Rove’s comments to be absolutely disgusting and he and those who are defending him are the most dispicable of amoral political opportunists I have ever heard of. If Mayor Bloomberg, Rep. Vito Fossella and Gov. Pataki, all Republicans who represent New York, don’t call for Karl Rove’s resignation, I swear that they are traitors to New York City.

It is time the Republicans actually started to show some of those ethics that they so often talk about. Because this exploitation by Republicans of the deaths of nearly 3000 New Yorkers is one of the most immoral, disgusting things I have ever seen in my entire life.

Here is what I suggest:

I. It is time for a massive letter writing campaign: NYC to the Republican party, and Bloomberg and Pataki and Fossella have better fucking pay attention because they are betraying us so far. Write letters to the San Diego papers raging at Randy Cunningham for his desecration of the memory of our dead friends and family. Write letters to the New Jersey papers calling on Doug Forrester to apologize to NYC and to publically call for Karl Rove’s resignation over the comments he made while fundraising for Forrester. Write the New York Papers calling on Pataki, Bloomberg and Fossella to call for Karl Rove’s resignation over his desecration of the memory of our dead friends and family. And don’t forget to include copies of your letters to the national media like CNN and USA Today (included in the above links).

II. Support the Democrats in these places where Rove and Cunningham are trying to influence. Support the Dems in Staten Island to try and help oust Vito Fossella in 2006 in retaliation for the Republican war on NYC. The Staten Island Dem organizations I know of are the Staten Island Young Democrats and the Richmond County Democratic Committee. Also support New Jersey Democratic organizations, a variety of which can be found listed on the NJ Democratic State Committee website. Pick one or two organizations to help out if you can. Finally, help out the San Diego Democrats to get back at Randy “Duke” Cunningham.

III. If you are represented by a Republican mayor (e.g. Bloomberg), Governor (e.g. Pataki), Senator or Congressman (e.g. Fossella) write them and really strongly demand that they call for Rove’s resignation and an apology from Bush to NYC. You can find your local, state and federal politicians on

Please. If we all spend some time on these actions, the Republicans will feel the reprecussions of their despicable acts. Please act now and over the next week to join in the fight against the disgusting exploitation of 9/11 by the Republican Party.

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