Lawrence O’Donnell, on tonight’s The McLaughlin Group, apparently said something along the lines of:
… the source of-for Matt Cooper was Karl Rove, and that will be revealed in this document dump …
More below the fold:
I looked for any other diaries about this statement, apparently just thrown out there. I was unable to find any, and will remove this if I am mistaken.
I have seen this posted at DailyKos , Atrios, and Catch which provides this:
Tonight on The McLaughlin Group Lawrence O’Donnell named Karl Rove as the Valerie Plame outing source. O’Donnell said that he expects to be subpoenaed for disclosing Rove was the rotten fucker whispering CIA secrets into Matt Cooper’s ear.
The rest of the panel barely reacted, even after O’Donnell loudly repeated his claim into McLaughlin’s good ear. Tony Blankley released more wind, and Pat Buchanan’s complexion turned from code red to code redder. Barbara Slavin was sitting in for Eleanor Clift, she put aside her crossword puzzle, and placed her right thumb to her ear and her pinky to her lips, while mouthing into the camera, “Olaf, call me.”
I find this to be just fascinating stuff, and opens up a whole new spin in my brain about why Rove has crawled out from under his rock lately. Is it to rally the base around him specifically? I don’t think Bush can pardon before a trial (Ford’s pardon of Nixon may disprove this).
Anyone else have some thoughts? The Mclaughlin Group does not have transcripts up yet.
provided a Tivo transcript and verified the quotes. This would be the ultimate present to find in Santa’s bag.
I haven’t been over to Kos to wade through the comments yet, but the question is when did he say that? Was it in the last circle jerk they do where everyone throws out their wild and entertaining predictions for the week that mean nothing?
I’d just be wary of jumping to any conclusions about he may or may not have had any insider info if he’s just blowing hot air.
Not that I disbelieve it, however.
I read through some of that thread and they said, no, it was during one of the regular sessions.
But I was wondering what is McDonnell’s source? How does he know? We’ll just have to wait and see.
<rolling eyes at self>
O’Donnell said that his comments would get him brought before the Grand Jury, so he suggested that he knows it was Karl Rove. I watched the show last night and posted it at Fishwars.
It was made within the first five minutes of the program.
I have always thought that Rove was the leaker and is connected to Novak in some way or other beyond just a source.
More and more things are unraveling every day….
Let it be and let it stick to him like velcro!!! Of course if he is ever even brought to investigation, let alone trial for anything he will be pardoned. . .but a girl can dream can’t she.
From Editor & Publisher:
Here is the transcript of O’Donnell’s remarks:
“What we’re going to go to now in the next stage, when Matt Cooper’s e-mails, within Time Magazine, are handed over to the grand jury, the ultimate revelation, probably within the week of who his source is.
“And I know I’m going to get pulled into the grand jury for saying this but the source of…for Matt Cooper was Karl Rove, and that will be revealed in this document dump that Time magazine’s going to do with the grand jury.”
Oh please, please, please, please – let this be true!!
Somebody needs to front page this one!
If only if only crossing fingers.
Drag the whole lot of ’em … let’s see, in a frog walk???
Tip jar?
but it is getting drowned out by the oconnor retirement which is even more jumboer.
hopefully this will filter out into some more news outlets very soon.
i always thought it was karl, but figured an underling like scooter libby would take the rap. I guess the consensus on the mclaughlin group was that they wont be able to prove a crime in the actual outing, but that karl denied being the source to the grand jury, and they’ll be able to prove perjury. Anyone know what kind of time one gets for perjury to a grand jury?
will not so instant karma finally catch up with fat pink sleazy karl? stay tuned…
O’Donnell could very easily be labeled a slanderer for this statement, so if Rove doesn’t react quickly along those lines, we’ll know it’s true.
(please, please, please tie in Bolton to this too…please??)
Didn’t Novak say he rcv’d the leak from 2 administration officials?
Check out this editorial and pic about Rove et al in the Hartford Advocate.
“I’m Melting!”
I’ve wondered if Time Mag decided to turn over the notes because on some level. . .one might even call it patriotic. . . they want the info to come out. And now that it turns out to be Rove, I really do wonder. I mean, if you knew it was Rove and you knew you held that secret and that if you didn’t find some sort of excuse to release it then he would continue to harm the country. . .
Maybe they kept hoping the news would come out in some other way. Or maybe it’s too early in the morning and I need another cup of coffee.
Rove told Chris Matthews, according to Joe Wilson’s book.
This would just be too sweet but if you have veiwed “Bush’s Brain” it is so within the scope of what devious tricks Karl has up his sleeves. We all know this man is truly evil and will stop at nothing to get what he wants or to hurt the people he feels need to be discredited. May he rot in Gitmo!