The news out of Iraq just keeps getting worse. This time, it may create a diplomatic nightmare for the Bush administration because the Iraqi UN ambassador claims that US marines murdered his unarmed cousin:

IRAQ’S UN ambassador today accused US marines of firing at and killing his cousin in cold blood during a house raid near the western town of Haditha on June 25.

Ambassador Samir Sumaidaie, a supporter of the United States, said Mohammed al-Sumaidaie, the son of his first cousin, was shot by marines during a raid at his father’s house in the village of Al-Shaikh Hadid, near a US military base at the Haditha Dam.

“All indications point to a killing of an unarmed innocent civilian – a cold-blooded murder,” Mr Sumaidaie said.

Following on the heels of the news that some 8000 Iraqis have died in the past 6 months, this accusation of murder is sure to incite strong passions in what is already one of the most dangerous places in the world. The repercussions could be staggering and very deadly.

He called for an investigation into the killing, saying outrage over the incident could jeopardise public support for the US-led reconstruction of Iraq.

The US military said in a statement from Iraq that the events described in the allegations “roughly correspond to an incident involving coalition forces on that day in that general location”.

Of course, the US military has stated that it will investigate, but that certainly won’t calm those who are already so inflamed about the illegal war and occupation. The military can’t just sweep this one under the carpet – not considering the prominence of this dead man’s cousin who will make sure that no stone is left unturned in order to find justice.

BBC News has the chilling story:

In a letter to colleagues, Mr Sumaidaie explained in detail what happened to his cousin Mohammed al-Sumaidaie on 25 June in the village of al-Sheikh Hadid.

He said Mohammed, an engineering student, was visiting his family home when some 10 marines with an Egyptian interpreter knocked on the door at 1000 local time.

He opened the door to them and was “happy to exercise some of his English”, said the ambassador.

When asked if there were any weapons in the house, Mohammed took the marines to a room where there was a rifle with no live ammunition.

It was the last the family saw him alive. Shortly after, another brother was dragged out and beaten and the family was ordered to wait outside.

As the marines left “smiling at each other” an hour later, the interpreter told the mother they had killed Mohammed, said Mr Sumaidaie.

“In the bedroom, Mohammed was found dead and laying in a clotted pool of his blood. A single bullet had penetrated his neck.”

Mohammed was 21 years old.