I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do. (Helen Keller (1880-1968)photo of Helen Keller)
For the past four years there has not been a day gone by that I did not do something to try to end the war in Iraq, to try to relieve the suffering, to try and stop the criminal insanity. Some four years ago the way I tried was to give 20% of my earnings to Medicins Sans Frontieres. They broke through the embargo against Iraq. They got food and medical supplies through. What did I do? I wrote and I talked. Gave speeches and talks and raised money. And I wrote. And today was no different. I wrote. I published. But today I changed my ways. I will not fight this war the way I have fought in the past. I have a new way. I am finding my way out of the dark towards the end of the war in Iraq.
Since then I am asking myself today, was there anything I didn’t try? Well, I didn’t lay down on any runways to try and prevent warplanes from taking off. I didn’t disable any war machinery or cause any material damage. I didn’t do any violence. I did some civil disobedience. I marched and marched, one day twenty miles in a day. I assembled anti-war materials for distribution. I worked with groups and groups and groups. I did secretarial, I fetched coffee. I made lunch and washed dishes. And I wrote.
What was driving my machine for all these years? It was a hatred of war and a hatred of George Walker Bush. Him and his whole cabinet which I see today like a many-headed Hydra. Cut off one head, and another appears in its place. I can’t even begin to think about Gonzales as a Supreme Court Justice. I can’t do it. Gonzales is the main author of the torture policies, the main facilitator for such horror camps as Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. Was the torture systemic, systematic and widespread? Yes, it was US policy. Gonzales wrote that policy. He ordered Bybee to write that policy.
No sane person could think of Gonzales as a Supreme Court Justice. It would break one’s mind… to put Gonzales and Justice into one sentence… that is such a contradiction as to prove that Orwell saw it all. We are living in the world of Newspeak. It’s just a matter of time before Big Brother (who apparently fell off his bike in Scotland today) has completed his mission. We are all smiling benignly at evil.
Not me, boy. The thing is all my strategies have not worked. I had too much hate in me. Too much anger. Too much rage. I was getting burnt out and exhausted and I was achieving nothing, just my ruined health, some articles, and a few really nice letters. I knew I was wrong, but I couldn’t figure out how. Activism was the right thing. Resistance was the right thing. Sending money when one could and supporting others in the anti-war field was the right thing. Then why didn’t I feel right?
Two days ago that changed. I had a day of peace. I felt peaceful and slept peacefully. For a day it was as if the war in Iraq had stopped for a cease-fire. (peace-fire I called it) And when I came to life again, after a deep sleep, I could see clearly how to change my ways.
Now, has anything changed really? No, I will do everything I have done before, and maybe even more, now that I am not so likely to burn-out and knock myself out doing stuff that just doesn’t work. But fundamentally there has been a profound shift, and it is back to the childhood message I got from Dr. King about non-violence.
He preached that message in the shadow of trees used for lynching. He preached that message in front of the church where three little girls going to church got blown up by a bomb. He preached that message when the US was rocked by hatred and violence.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Now, it’s been a long, long time. And I do not remember what I was taught when I was a child. I remember what my mother taught me about Dr. King and Mahatma Ghandi, and I remember my mother. But I do not remember what I knew then. And I do not remember what I studied. So I am going back to school. And on my way to school I will sing a song I do remember:
Ain’t gonna study war no more,
Ain’t gonna study war no more.
Ain’t gonna study war no more.
Here is some more that I am studying:
– Dwight David Eisenhower
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
– Dwight David Eisenhower
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. And however undramatic the pursuit of peace, the pursuit must go on.
— John F. Kennedy
The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows.
– Martin Luther King, Jr
And the one I’ll leave you with. Can you believe that once there was a US President who said this?
“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind…War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.” — John F. Kennedy
feeling better now
I loved your diary, but I don’t know how to give “tips.”
This may be hokey as hell, but remember the 70’s and The Maharishi and TM. Peace starts inside each individual and will spread outward. But I admit I’m biased – I meditate and believe in it. Or maybe I’m just rationalizing, because I havn’t been 1/1,000,000th the peace activist you have:) I wish you well.
it was tm back then, and it is now so close to tm it is just a syllable off. and i read and have read the dalai lama and tich nhat hahn (sp) and these people are absolutely correct. and i love buddhism because it is correct and practicable.
and i love more than i did two days ago, when i was trying to get rid of rage and anger the way one tries to get rid of a fever.
and everything is pretty good today. I look forward to your next diary. just write the truth and you can’t miss.
and to give tips, you rate someone a number and then hit rate. i’m going to give you a four now, and see if you don’t get it.
You are a sweetheart!
The rating thing confused me because I’d find the 4 and then the next field asks for “rate all”. Who’s “all?”
And you flatter me – I don’t do diaries, just comments. I don’t like to write – a neat trick considering I teach! The fifth grade is learning about “juicy words.” I get it, truly, but can’t help connoting “juicy” with sexy. Really appropriate.
I had practiced “GCism”, based on my own concepts of how to live. And then one day, I happened upon Taoism. Apparently I’m Karmaed forward thousands of years because Taoism and my beliefs are nearly identical:) The wisdom of the organism.
What you have discovered (rediscovered?) is so important!
Another diary by Scribe, “What keeps me going…” on Sat Jul 2nd, 2005, is similar to yours and worth a read, too.
Our anger (and fear) only adds to the anger and fear in the world, notching it up bit by bit.
Years ago I read about a psychological study in which two photos of the same woman were shown to people. They were asked to choose the photo they liked best. A significant number chose the same one.
Now there was a slight difference between the photos. The pupils of the woman in photo most often selected were slightly larger. Enlarged pupils can be indicative of a relaxed state, trusting, vulnerable. (Think of a baby’s eyes.)
If we are capable of discerning such a subtle difference as pupil size, what other differences are we able to discern unconsciously?
My point is that if we are angry and afraid, if we believe people who are not viewing the world the same way we are, are “sheeple,” and “stupid,” how can that not come through some way to the person we are trying to change? What subtle messages do we send? Body language, tone of voice, pupil size? What are the “vibes?”
I believe you will be much more effective without your anger, no matter what you do. You will have lessened the anger in the world by one – and that is a significant number!
You will be healthier, too, which means you will have much more staying power.
Thank you for posting this. And let us know what you do to maintain or find again this new (remembered) place within.
it was desmond morris, that book you’re talking about. and the name was something like man watching man… i had that book with the two photos of the two women… and i will go to scribe’s diary as soon as i can find it.
because i am in a study phase… everything to learn, so everything to study.
thank god! i am much happier now. thank you so much. you are a great help!!