Thou Shalt Not Accuse George Bush!!!

That seems to be the holy writ followed by the corporate media.  Never call it what it is.  Never say he, or any of his cohorts ever LIE or ENDANGER the nation.  The accusation, not the crime has become the sin.  Are we all mad?????  Probably…..

Thou Shalt Not Accuse! (Regardless of the Evidence)

TvNewsLIES Challenges the Unwritten Commandment

What an inconceivable time we live in. It is now more sinful to expose the crimes and lies of an American president and his administration, than it is to commit them! The American media and most members of Congress have sat silently by, blindfolding themselves with the American flag, while the most criminal administration in history continues to defecate on the soul of our nation.

In the America of today, the nexus between evidence and criminality is almost non-existent.  You can present the average, blindly trusting, red state Bush worshiper with video evidence, a signed confession and a convoy of witnesses to any one of the great number of crimes, lies and outrages committed by this administration, and the typical reaction would be “How can you say that?” There appears to be no reality in the perceptions these people have of their president. Logic and reason within the George W. Bush base have become inert. These people actually believe that it is inappropriate to expose heinous crimes and despicable actions even when there is no denial about them by the perpetrators themselves.

These people choose, instead, to hear no evil, see no evil and never speak of the evil around them. They prefer close their minds to what is obvious, evident and indisputable.  They live by an unwritten commandment: Thou Shalt Not Accuse This President or Any of His Cohorts of Their Lies – regardless of the evidence! Breaking this commandment has now become the ultimate sin. No matter what, Thou Shalt Not Accuse George Bush!

Just consider the outright lies told by the Bush administration in the form of a slew of vital reports whose conclusions were altered or concealed from the public. Clear evidence exists that a series of very critical scientific and economic reports were edited or hidden in order support the lies Bush wanted the people to believe. We have proof of instance after instance where the Bush administration changed the results or the implied urgency of reports issued by authoritative bodies because they contradicted false claims made by the White House. We have the evidence, but there is no one willing to accuse the criminals. The corporate media simply continue to lie by omission as they support the most lying administration in US history.

Simply stated, numerous reports indicated in clear and concise terms that the Bush administration was wrong or was lying about something relevant to domestic or international policy.  Summarily, the information in the reports was changed to allow the lies to go on unquestioned. The Bush administration went on to use the manipulated reports to support their false claims. They have been doing this since they got into office, brazenly and openly. What is even worse, even when the distortions were exposed, the corporate media and the Congress have done nothing about it. Many individuals and organizations whose reports have been manipulated by the Bush administration have publicly decried these outrages, even to the point of raising public alarm.

However, because of today’s nonexistent American news media, the public remains largely unaware of the duplicity of their own government.  They don’t have a clue about how they are being manipulated on a regular basis. But even worse, half this nation would pounce on the accuser for daring to reveal the lies.   The sin is in showing them the evidence.  The crime is exposing the criminals.  No one may ever accuse.