Progress Pond

Today’s Topical Limericks

The lobbyist Jack Abramoff
Owned “Signatures”, a well to do trough.
But old Tom Delay
It seems never would pay,
Comped his plate of hundred dollar pilaf.

(four more after the fold, plus hate mail!)
In Singapore they pitch for the games,
And to carry on the Olympian flames.
New York pulled all stops,
As 9/11 it drops,
Adding guilt to their frames. Oh, for shame!

The diplomats are continually sacked,
In this “American protectorate”, Iraq.
The latest right to complain,
Comes from the state of Bahrain.
All the while mercs sit around the tarmac.

As the G-8 enters into debate,
Bush postures and swaggers; irate:
“Who’ll step up for Freedom,
Be on call when you need `em?”
Ignoring his economic flyweight.

The litigator for terror now stands,
A position on SCOTUS to land.
“It’s a debt of omerta,
That I owe to Alberto,”
Bush says, standing there, gun in hand.

I really feel like I have arrived! I received my first little bit of hate mail at my website.

I’ll protect his identity, but KG simply wrote me, “Pretty infantile stuff”… that was it! A quick Google of KG shows him to be a pretty prolific and pedantic pontificator for POTUS(pardon the alliteration!). But this was all he had to say to me… I guess that I left him at a loss for words…

Anyhow, I wrote him back and probably won’t continue further, because I haven’t the time. This is what I said:

Wow, thanks a lot for the feedback!  You must be an awfully busy man, as there was only a subject heading to your email, and no message body… I understand perfectly, as I do this sometimes when I’m in a hurry.

I think that you’re the first person who has referred to my work as “pretty”… I never thought of it that way, but I guess I can see it…thanks! Oh, a word of caution, though… while I would agree with you that the current Bush administration is “infantile stuff”, as you say, I would be very careful as to who I said things like that to, if I were you. There are a bunch of very deluded, intolerant people running around in this country who might seek to harm you for saying something like that against the President.

Oh, by the way, just a gentle bit of criticism here, if I may… even when you’re in a hurry, it’s always a good idea to observe proper punctuation. You had left the comma out between “pretty” and “infantile” in your message, but that’s OK because I knew what you meant. Without the comma, your statement becomes open to lots of interpretation…

Well, good luck to you, and take care, sir. And thanks again for the compliment!

The Dood

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