The New Gilligan’s Isle writers will try,
To make producers with labor comply.
Seems they’ve brought a lawsuit,
In their quest and pursuit,
Of a much bigger slice of the pie.

(five more after the fold)

The dust settled in old London Town,
And England avoided meltdown.
With spirits quite plucky,
They’ll still say life is ducky,
Unlike cross-puddle fear mongering clowns.

The legislature went to bed at two twenty,
As the Governor bartered a’plenty.
While they dicker about wealth,
School systems and health,
Seems Minnesota’s not the land of Pawlenty.

An archbishop of the Catholic Church,
Cardinal Schönborn, left things in a lurch.
With an OK from the Pope,
This mitered head dope,
Writes new creed with evolution besmirched.

In a new film starring Nicholas Cage,
Ollie Stone writes his next hist’ry page.
Can World Trade Center Towers,
Out-draw Austin Powers,
In a blockbuster patriotic assuage?

With the quaffing of many Coronas,
The bulls have just run in Pamplona.
Dennis Rodman appeared,
For the second straight year,
But the bulls fled from him, no bologna!