Truthout forwards this terrible story from Agence France-Presse: “Self-styled Taliban spokesman Mullah Abdul Latif Hakimi told AFP the soldier was killed on Saturday and his body was left on a mountainside in the northeastern province of Kunar.” (I don’t care to quote more of the article, which you can read via this Truthout link.)
Update [2005-7-9 13:25:58 by susanhu]: See also: Catnip’s Important News You May Have Missed, Sybil’s Meanwhile in Iraq, Londonbear’s The 70 Million Dead in War on Terror, and more in the diaries lists to your right.
Ah, and alas, haven’t we all heard from the bush’s own mouth that Afghanistan is a free place now. Freedom is on the march! God forbid what this man’s wrath has been put upon this earth.
to really be “wrathful” unless someone questions his actions. I think he is truly a puppet. I don’t even think the Neo Cons are “wrathful”. Greedy, soul sucking monsters yes. If one could believe that a portal was opened and demons came among us Neo Cons would be my first suspect as being demon hosts. Bush is an empty hearted monster as well. But unfortunately they are all too much human representations of what greed and ambition and power lusting will do to any of us, were we not watchful.
I can and will go along with you to a point on this. I do want to make my point here that if bush and his cronies were to change direction and do what is right for the first time in his political life and not be a puppet for once, and do what is RIGHT, some of this shit would stop. I feel that he is a submarginal person but he is a very dangerous one too. The neocons are a subgroup of this whole definition. What we have is several groups working at the same projection to get the confusion of which we have now. NO one is able to draw the groups together to solve any problem. When the subordinates are directed to carry out their role only, then is there no one to draw the conclusion of what is to be made here.
I feel that 1)yes he is a puppet, but one who is a nitwit to not even see the damage he and others are causing to the world, 2)others are not working with others to solve problems, 3)too many countries are directing their agendas, here, to accomplish much of what is their reality, ie, Briton, Poland, Egypt, etc.
What is it that can really be done? Do we really have someone on this earth that can stop this from occurring?
They have created a fear factor that is larger than life, it seems. What rational minds will be there to change all this?
your comment:
” NO one is able to draw the groups together to solve any problem. When the subordinates are directed to carry out their role only, then is there no one to draw the conclusion of what is to be made here. “
I think that we have been purposely divided. We have multiple evidence of this – the idiot mess over the Schiavo case for one. I think we could come together on a solution provided we didn’t have the media megaphone and the political megaphone continually blasting us about who loses and who wins rather than the benefits and side effects of any solution. The political megaphone runs because they envision money sucked from their sides pockets from the divisions. The media megaphone is the more sinister and more covert piece. But you can see shadowy figures of millionaires and glitzy political hangers on in the background.
….and in reference to the Michael Shiavo thingeee, if he chose to sue jeb over what he tried to do to him, it would make a statement like none other. It would stop this madness towards the likes of us out here, that certainly would be worthwhile. We have to fight fire with fire…when will the democrats ever learn this. When will we become united and not divided the way we are today…..even tho, I am not a true and blue democrat, I stand with you always and forever. Some in the party can not see the forest for the trees, so to speak. What a shame it is too…..:o(
wrath= revengeful, now is that not bush??!!
I’m very upset about this.
The Special Forces have been terribly overworked and over-stretched by Bush/Rumsfeld since 9/11.
Their suicide rate has gone up — which I find shocking since these men and women are extremely carefully chosen for their mental as well as physical attributes.
My guess is that the SEAL community will overtly express its outrage and, most of all, its unity with their commander in chief. But, inside each of them, they must wonder about it all. And their families will be affected.
Not only that it is the realization that they left one of their own behind. This will be a hard thing to deal with within their organization as a whole, let alone the unit itself. They take their creed and pledge to heart and felt with rage whenever it is abused. It is amazing the unity of said groups. I only wished that they would define together the real problem and say it out loud and to the whole world. This morning is a definition as to what the real problem is with OBL and his motives. It is quite simple, infact. It has been simple from the get go. NO one has been listening to him. He was betrayed by the cia many years ago and he will not forget this ever. I feel there is more here than what we really know about, due to the secrecy of this administration and others as well. Lets be clear here of what the real problem is. Lets not take our eye off the ball. Look at what the bush administration did early on when they promised the Talaban a carpet of gold and if they did not comply a carpet of bombs.
This is what I was meaning when I spoke of the wrath of this man we call bush. It is larger than he himself. Now he does not know what to do and I really wonder if anyone else does either.
You’re writing especially eloquently this morning, Brenda.
“This morning is a definition as to what the real problem is with OBL and his motives. “
What do you mean by that? Not sure I understand.
It has been defined in several diaries here this am about what OBL has said in his last communication about what his intentions are.
Let it be known, that from the very begining of this mans coordinated effect in this whole affair was back in the early 80’s and we supported his thoughts against the Russians. Why? well because we were against them as well, cold war mentality. Now that there is no more cold war mentality, this administration has to create one. And they are doing a great job at it too. Look at the divisiveness
of the whole world nowadays. Re-insert the cold war mantality here and we are back to the same square we were in the post WW2 days and growing. We are, as a whole, regressing instead of progressing. I could go on with my sight on things, but then again who am I?!..:o)
Found it. OBL is right…. this is destroying our economy. Makes me ill.
in Kunar Province, a mountainous region of Afghanistan near Pakistan border.
US Navy Seals in Afghanistan
BBC Radio reported a few minutes ago from correspondent in Afghanistan.
Related Diaries @BooMan by Oui
posted 03:40am PST @BooMan and EuroTrib
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Thanks, Oui. You’ve given me a lot of reading to do too.
Btw, I just checked in on Froggy Ruminations blog. He’s enroute to Hawaii to attend a memorial service for the SEALs.
He has a list up of the memorial services and funerals around the country.
Individual Funeral Services (UPDATED)
I am getting tired of the Zarquari blamefest too. This is a Zoro of neverending progress, this administration tends to push down our throats every day. They are now entering the never never land of daydreaming/wishful thinking, IMHO…FEAR!!! FEAR!!!! FEAR!!!! They do not know anything esle other than this to speak, ever!!!! damn them!
Isn’t it crazy?! He SO omnipotent! What he really is is a handy bogeyman.
according to the bush ppl and the pentagon, this one man is so much better than even OBL, himself! God how crazy can one group of ppl be. They accuse him of being in serveral spots at one time…I swear they have got to see the dr soon or they will expode!….
They have got to be looking for any excuse to belittle their own incompentancy
This, from a Reuters article:
I didn’t know that. If this is true and he was, in fact, killed, the WoT has just been stepped up a notch.
This must be incredibly hard on the SEAL’s family. I hope they’ll find out exactly what happened very, very soon.
Meanwhile the western press says that 50 Taliban were killed in the fighting while the IT says only four were lost. According to the American military, over 1000 Taliban have been killed this year alone, so where do they keep coming from? Are they really invincible?
Interesting reaction by the Afghans.
<Click photo for map>
Dutch Special Forces in Afghanistan under US Command
Have changed their desert camouflage tenue for the European green camouflage tenue so the Taliban won’t mistake them for US forces!