Daily Kos’s Mike Pridmore has started an informed and enlightening discussion of Kramer’s attack on Middle East Studies professors in the US.
See also Susan Hu’s diary on the indications that some military bases may be blocking Informed Comment and presumably other similar sources of information on Iraq. I have a lot of .mil readers, and know for a fact that the blog is valued by many intelligence professionals in DC, so it is a shame if it is not available at some bases.
I’m honored. The story originated here. Below, the preface to Mike Pridemore’s diary:
by mikepridmore
Tue Jul 12th, 2005 at 10:48:22 PDT
To get an understanding of what Juan Cole is up against you need a peek into what others in his field are saying. A recent symposium at Georgetown University provided the perfect opportunity to do so. A synopsis of that symposium is available online here. Several themes are apparent. First, and this is the biggest concern for Cole’s fellow academics, Arab studies programs are having to defend the need for their very existence if they refuse to toe the official government line. Here is an excerpt from a 2002 piece by Martin Kramer, who also happened to attend the symposium (link): …
Read all of Mike Pridmore’s diary.
That’s really good, Susan, to be recommended by somebody as knowledgeable and reputable as Juan Cole. It’s esp. great to see that particular diary get a wider distribution.
Congrats, Susan! You do such excellent work, especially in pulling in all those different strings of a story and tying them together… I am consistently impressed. Obviously Cole and others are as well.
Susan, you do consistently fine work – great to see it acknowledged even more widely.
Susan, It is wonderful to see that others are coming to recognize the solid work that you do. You deserve a little notariety, and from Professor Cole! A big loud Toots to you… I’m so glad we have you here.
Wow Susan…that is great. It is time someone outside the blogosphere recognized your outstanding work. Way to go! We LOVE you.
Me too Susan, I just want to comment to the fact that this administration an dall it far reacing arms from the control center is always making the information suit the policy. Always, what ever they want it to be, it is. Look at just everything that has come out in information, it is fixed around the policy they want to run.
Congrats, Susan, we always know you were special. Now we have it print…:o)