Progress Pond

[UPDATED] RNC Talking Points: Rovitt

Ugh, I’ve been totally engulfed in my determination to find the RNC talking points that have been referenced in a few articles that I’ve seen.  I figured the best way to find them would be in Freeperville.  I’ll post them below the fold, but then I’m off to take a shower…

Update [2005-7-13 12:3:53 by Man Eegee]: The best response to this, in my opinion, is not to enter the argument with rebuttals, but rather to call them on the B.S. Write letters to your local papers, contact your media sources, Congress(wo)men, Senators, etc.

Let them know that you have read the RNC talking points and are appalled that they are spinning a very serious situation. Our national security has been compromised with the Plame outing, otherwise there wouldn’t even be an investigation.

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