Another bad week for Bush in our local paper. The worm keeps turning here. I posted some other weeks elsewhere. I am amazed how people are waking up in this conservative area of the state. Sometimes it is nice just to post something that feels good.
President lied to the people: War was a mistake,
“I am a former Marine, a Vietnam veteran, and I fully support our troops in the operation they are facing. That does not mean that I have to support the reasons given by a president who lied to the American people and then continues to rationalize the decision to attack a sovereign nation by placing us in constant fear of terrorism.”
“Will we face further attacks? I’m afraid so. Should I be expected to live in fear? Absolutely not! We sent our young men and women into a conflict that was decided upon by the most powerful man in America. We all believed, based on what we were told that this was a decision that had to be made. What happened to the facts that got in the way of Bush’s desire to put his name in the history books?
As I told my children, this debacle will surpass Vietnam as the biggest mistake our country has ever made. These infidels, or, as Bush wants to refer to them as, terrorists, will continue to annihilate each other long after we’ve left because this is their heritage. To them it’s a religious holy war that has gone on for centuries and will continue to do so.”
Another today: Scroll down
George W. Bush is clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed
“George W. Bush is clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has learned one thing well from some past presidents. Stonewall ’em!
Unless and until he levels with the American public with regard to Iraq he will not have the support of the majority of the public. In his latest speech he still tries to leave the impression that 9/11 was the cause for going into Iraq. That is after it was weapons of mass destruction.
The Democrats are saying the Downing Street memo and other documents provide proof that George W. Bush committed impeachable offenses in taking the United States to war in Iraq. But hardly a word has been reported. Has Bush muzzled the news media? I think the American people have a right to know the facts. And not just a blip on page 28 or 37! Bush took us to war on false pretense. Spelled out, he lied to the American public. He wants to be recorded in history as a “war president.” Whatever it takes Stonewall ’em!”
And one more from today for good measure:
Wacky liberal notions
“A letter recently complained about the “wacky left” and the “liberal media” — a common point of view these days. It’s interesting how these ideas have become so embedded when the facts are not supportive.
Every significant piece of legislation during the past century has been proposed and supported by liberals and fought by conservatives — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, environmental support, fair housing, anti-discrimination, are examples that come to mind.”
I know for sure one of these people is a die-hard Republican, so it makes me feel better to see 3 letters in one day like this.
It finally started sinking in to the star worshipers of today when it hit them where it counts, in the wallet ; )
If you want to get someone’s attention, take their money, works every time.