Before we start in on the prayers tonight, I need to mention a couple of other things.
One is to say “thank you” to all the posters who filled in for me while I was gone the last couple of weeks: musing85, x, Cali Scribe. You all did a wonderful job. I and all the readers of The Word for the Week and Brothers and Sisters appreciate your work.
Second, a mini-report on our expedition to Mahanoy City. It’s freaking gorgeous up there! I’m glad I took Jen’s advice and thought better of preaching a controversial sermon. There were all of 17 people in church this morning, including the Pastors and the organist. So that’s 15 adults and two kids, and 12 of the big people were old enough to be grandparents.
More below, plus a pic.
Not only was the congregation small in number, they were sweet as the day is long. One grandmother came back after the service and grabbed hold of my hand, held it all through a conversation about the best place to have lunch. We ran into another couple at the recommended diner, and they grabbed our lunch check.
They didn’t need to be harassed about something they couldn’t do anything about. Not when their community is limping along–they’ve recently lost their pastor and one church of their 3-point charge.
Besides, I’m invited back for the next two weeks. I’ll have another crack at them.
In their honor, a hymn of prayer, a real chesnut:
O Master, let me walk with thee
in lowly paths of service free;
tell me thy secret; help me bear
the strain of toil, the fret of care.Help me the slow of heart to move
by some clear, winning word of love;
teach me the wayward feet to stay,
and guide them in the homeward way.Teach me thy patience; still with thee
in closer, dearer company,
in work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
in trust that triumphs over wrong,In hope that sends a shining ray
far down the future’s broadening way,
in peace that only thou canst give,
with thee, O Master, let me live.
You can listen to it here.
Oh, and here’s the pic I promised:
That’s Grace Reformed UCC in Mahanoy City. Next week, I’ll get a picture of the sanctuary.
Thank you for that. It’s 4:29 in the morning and my autistic son is keeping me awake. I haven’t slept for 3 days now. I am looking forward to him going to Kindergarten tomorrow so I can sleep for a few hours.
You must be exhausted. I hope you get some rest finally.
And you’re welcome — though I went through two consecutive Friday nights of “What the f___ was I thinking???”
Prayers, good thoughts, whatevers appreciated for my spouse, who’s dealing with high blood pressure which will probably require a medication adjustment, and may put him on disability till it’s under control (we’ll know Tuesday). It’s not life-threatening, just a little worrisome.
And prayers, good thoughts, whatevers appreciated for me if he does go on disability, that I can gain the patience to have him around more; I’ve gotten used to my peaceful mornings.
Blessings and peace to all…
For small churches, struggling with how to find new life.
For those who will suffer, even die today due to neglect, abuse, hunger and any number of preventable diseases. May we find a way to make their suffering as much of a driving force for our policy making as oil, revenge, and hubris.
For those recovering from addiction – and those who need to start.
For those struggling with fertility issues, for those struggling with choices about unwanted or dangerous pregnancies.
For frazzled parents – may they always remember what a gift their children are.
for all those travelling (as I will be this time next week) – may we enjoy the vacations, be thankful we’re in position to do so, and come back rested and recharged for the struggles ahead.
For all those who have answered the call to minister – in religious settings or not – and care for others spiritual needs.
For those who fight despite really agreeing – may we find ways to shed more light and less heat.
For those who really do disagree – may we find ways to hear the other, not just talk / shout past each other – and may we always remember that our adversary on one issue will be our allie on the next – and that when we win a fight – we must continue to live with those who have been our adversaries.
I wish us all grace, peace, clarity, passion, and justice.
Confession – posted the same thing over on dKos – and enjoyed PD’s response there…
so I’ll add a bit more prayer here, that just might be autobiographical 🙂
For those who are finding good reasons not to go to seminary (at least not just yet) – may they be open to their call and making the right decisions.
may those who struggle with the financial aspects of seminary and ministry find ways to make ends meet and fulfill their responsibilities
And for those who challenge “these folks” and provide opportunities – knowingly or not – to keep thinking things through.