Sy Hersh should be man of the year,
He’s ripped off the Bush “Freedom” veneer.
An election Bushwhack,
With Iraqi kickbacks,
Doesn’t seem to be tinfoil headgear.

(five more after the fold, plus My Harry Potter story!)
Happy Birthday today, Disneyland!
It’s the fiftieth for the park Walter planned!
Will they someday provide,
A new Bush-themed ride,
Called “The Pirates of Iraqiranistan”?

We’re continually told “All is well!”,
As Musayyib is sent straight to hell.
Yes, it seems up is down,
That’s a smile, not a frown!
As Bush postures to seize a Nobel…

Sixty years of presumed aplomb,
Mark the birth of the Trinity bomb,
But now Fat Men and Little Boys,
Are but firecracker toys,
With our potential for nuclear napalm.

As Emily bears down on Cancun,
And the placid lagoons near Tulum.
Lets all hope what’s ensuin’,
Doesn’t add to the ruins,
Of this Mayan civilization entombed.

We’re all rushing to read Harry Potter,
JK Rowling is such a great plotter!
But please don’t offend,
I’ve not got to the end,
If you spoil it for me, you’re a rotter!

I thought I might share with you my little “freemarket/anarchy” experience Friday night at our local Barnes and Noble. I decided to go and experience the true flavor of the “Potter Party” and get my book that night…

I show up at ten `til midnight and there’s this huge line of people getting their plastic glasses and such… I decide that while cute, I don’t really need them and just headed for the entrance…

“Can I help you?” says Professor McGonagill, blocking my way…

“Um, sure..” I say, “I just wanted to buy the new book tonight…”

“Do you have a reservation?” Professor McGonagill asks, a little tersely.

“Um… nooo….” I reply.

“Well then you can wait in the second line over there…” McGonagill says, with a twinkle in her eye…

I then notice that the big, long line is actually two… the majority of which is composed of the second line that I journey to the end of…

Oh, well… whatever… I think to myself… at least it won’t be a long wait. I watched with the amicably intoxicated but decidedly restless college students as the rest of the reservists trickle in.  Midnight arrives, and I think, OK… here we go!  We don’t…

The line remains just as stationary as the Futureland line on a hot summer day at Epcot.  For fifteen minutes, the fermenting college students and I watch as excited adults and kids leave with their new books… Waiting…

Eventually Professor Snapes appears at the entrance to address our growing crowd of drunken muggles… “We will try to get you all in just as soon as possible… but we must observe the firecode regulations…” he says with a smirk.

Hmmm… I think to myself… It’s interesting that all the “reservists” seemed to cap off the occupancy number… and that people have been leaving for fifteen minutes now…

Now, those among you who are without sin may feel free to cast the first stone… I don’t appreciate being treated like a second class muggle…

I immediately turned to a group of grousing college students and say loudly, “You know… it’s after midnight and WalMart’s open… I bet you could buy it there! I’m going to go check it out…”

I left with a spring in my step, just glancing over my shoulder to see this huge, excited line dispersing like dust in the wind, and Professor Snapes hurling an easily deflected Imperious Curse at me with his eyes…

Five minute later, I’m walking out of WalMart with my new book that I paid $16 for instead of the $30 that Barnes and Noble wanted… mischief managed…

I keep expecting an owl any day now telling me that I’ve been expelled from Gryffindor and that I should report to Slytherin…