Straight from Reuters, about two hours ago:

Gen. William Westmoreland, who commanded U.S. military operations in the Vietnam War, died on Monday night at a retirement home in Charleston, South Carolina, said Linda Maines, night supervisor at the facility.

Westmoreland, who lived at the Bishop Gadsden retirement community with his wife, was 91. The cause of death was not immediately available.

The silver-haired officer, whose name will always be linked to the Vietnam War, was known for highly publicized and positive assessments of U.S. military prospects in the conflict.

I thought the guy had died long ago.  But he hadn’t.  His sunny assessments about Vietnam troop strength and objectives have some resonance today.  He thought more and more troops would have won the war; the Busheviki think fewer troops will win, and this without a draft, too.

Same kind of lying and self-duping, though.  Comments?