(Cross-posted at dKos)
I have been following Traitorgate as avidly as anybody. Yesterday, while all the hoopla in the news was about the speculation about Bush’s SCOTUS pick, I was reading the Feb 2005 Fed Appeals Court decision that allowed Judy Miller to be sent to jail and compelled Matt Cooper to talk. However, this morning I woke up deeply concerned by the consensus being developed that the Roberts pick was moved up as a distraction from Rove.
I think it’s the other way around. I think the Roberts pick and its announcement in the thick of the continuing Traitorgate revelations is actually aimed at ensuring that Roberts gets through without a fight.
Lawrence O’Donnell, who originally broke the news that Rove was Cooper’s source and who has been following Traitorgate extremely closely argued pretty persuasively on Franken yesterday that the WH knows indictments are coming and that it is that event and not the dust-ups this week that are the big fight on the Rove front. If that is the case, then what was the point of moving up the Roberts announcement now?
I’ll present my theory of WWRD? (What Would Rove Do?) below the fold.
You are Karl Rove. You know something big, heavy, and ugly is headed your way from a Rottweiler named Fitzgerald, because for once in your nasty political career you miscalculated big time. However, being Karl, you figure you can deal with that battle when the time comes. In the mean time, you see a way to use initial skirmishes to your advantage.
You have a different battle you’re also trying to fight. You want to get Bush’s SCOTUS nominee confirmed and confirmed handily, but you’re replacing O’Connor instead of Rehnquist as you had expected. You’ve found a great stealth candidate who will be like Scalia, only younger, prettier, and with a picture-perfect family. However, you’re still wary, because the interest groups are organized and ready to fight you tooth and nail on whomever you pick.
Then you enter your own personal shitstorm, and you — in your usually Rovian way — see an opportunity. What if you use the frenzy around your own battle (that you realize is just a skirmish before the real war, even if your enemies do not) to provide the perfect cover for your candidate? Before the enemy (us) and the press (fickle allies of late) figure out what you’re up to, it will be too late, because public opinion about Roberts will have solidified into positive support and any attempts to challenge him will receive the following frame: “no Bush candidate, no matter how mainstream, will satisfy these left-wing extremists.” Roberts will be confirmed and any Dems who challenge him will risk backlash.
If you’re Rove, you’ve used your lemons to make some pretty damn good lemonade, especially since the lemons are unavoidable.
So what should our response be?
I don’t know enough about this guy at this point to form more than a sketchy impression of him. The rest of the country is in the same boat. A headline last night described it well: Republicans jubilant, Democrats wary.
It’s precisely in the next few days that people are going to form their EMOTIONAL reaction to Roberts. This window is finite but crucial, and we’d better make the most of it. Traitorgate isn’t going anywhere, so let’s put our focus where it’s most needed.
A couple more points:
- The Rove story will ripen with or without us. While emotionally it’s more satisfying to pursue Rove right now, we have to be disciplined and keep our eye on the ball. Roberts will be around to screw up our lives (if he’s so inclined) long after Rove is led away in a lovely orange jumpsuit.
- Emotion is the key. People are getting these first impressions of Roberts now. Trite but true, first impressions matter. Last night was a conservative photo op come true. If Roberts is really a Scalia clone (a more handsome, telegenic, and perhaps dangerous Scalia clone?) that some suspect he might be, we’d better figure it out fast and jump on his weaknesses. Once public opinion hardens, we won’t have a bat’s chance in hell to shift it.
- Strategically, I see this very akin to the first Swifty attacks right after the Democratic Convention. If we’re going to fight Roberts, we have to make up our minds to do it soon, and then hit back hard and fast, or we might as well give up the fight.
- Fitzgerald has plugged along fine on his own up to now. A few days without us enjoying daydreams about Rove in cuffs isn’t going to affect the case against the WH traitors one little bit.
- Finally, lets show Rove and the Right that we have the discipline to go after the story that we need to go after instead of the one that gives us that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Turdblossom isn’t going anywhere. Fitgerald isn’t either. We’ll have plenty of time to fight that battle later.
that Rove is pulling another one on us. The right is just too happy about Roberts for him to be a mainstream pick. If you are concerned about this, too, please recommend.
no, I think you are the one trying to pull a fast one…
good try… but no cigar.
Whoa, that’s harsh. I don’t agree with Katrina, but her diary seems to represent a legitimate point of view to me. I looked up her past diaries here and on Kos and I see nothing but sincerity.
Why has the immediate response that all we on the liberal side were supposed to give to this “mother of all battles” not occurred?
Simple answer: we’re consumed (understandably) with Rovegate.
My simple point is that Rove knows this better than anybody, so when better to launch the mother of all battles? I have no doubt that Fitzgerald will soon send Rove to his Waterloo. In the meantime, however, I don’t want to play Rove’s games and hand him a last victory on a silver coated platter.
Btw, a simple perusal of my diaries and comments would have saved you the silliness of thinking I was from the other side. That’s a reflex response that doesn’t really help this discussion.
A couple of things:
about how narrow the time frame is unless we can reverse the damage.
Think Swift Boat Liars here, people. The damage (Roberts being accepted as an inevitable confirmation) is already being done and it won’t be long before that opinion hardens into conventional certainty that will be difficult if not impossible to dislodge. I hate to say it, but I think a lot of the liberal blogosphere is blowing it on this one — blowing it bigtime.
you would not investigate other information that katerina has offered before you offered up this assessment.
Knee jerk reactions do little to help us combat the reichwing take over of our government and our country.
I hope you will at least be open enough to investigate this option and provide some insight into why you think this was a smokescreen.
Oops. My 4 rating here was meant for Katrina up above, and now it won’t change for me. Sorry about that, Katrina.
This is about ideas not mojo. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
hell, man it has just been24 hours since d-day. what do you expect…total ignorance as to what is going on? I am going back to trying to get rove indicted, as if I can do anything about it!! All I can do is try to connect this man to the whole administratino of crooks. and sure enough he is very connected.
I wrote a diary down in the page of diaries on Mr. Robert’s history. Wished you would take a look at it. His history is very interesting and I also sent to Susan, a PDF sorce of information as well. This man is not squeeky klean as one wpuld want to think…
Yes this man is a get us out of jail free card. I think he has a lot of excess baggage that really does need a closer look at.
Excellent assessment. THe Rove issue has plenty of attention now. I want to know more about this guy.
Simple solution: Tie Roberts to Rove. Refer to him as “Rove’s pick”. Talk about how Rove’s trying to use him as a stealth candidate to overturn this issue or that issue. Go for Roberts coverage, but make it all Rove all the time.
this way we keep alive both battle fronts and don’t arbitrarily divide our focus and our resources.
Great approach if we can manage it. However, what I’ve observed is that analysis of Roberts is so muted it will be difficult to rise above the tabloid level sexiness of the Rove story so will be subsumed like seaweed in the tide.
Well all I can offer is that I will be writing my Senators from Kanas, both wingnuts, but it can’t hurt to let them know I oppose anyone who is not supportive of personal freedom and privacy in all matters of life.
Sam the Brownshirt Brownback, has already come out in favor of Roberts, probably because Roberts is opposed to Roe v Wade, because that is Brownback’s forte in politics. He has always supported interfering in the personal lives of American’s because he is a theocratic wingnut asshat. A personal digression.
I am sure many in Kansas will step up to plate and write letters to Brownshirt and Pat Roberts about this nominee.
Great point. And for those who no longer venture over to DKos, I’d highly recommend you make just a brief foray over there to this diary by Kid Oakland. He’s got the rhetoric right on how to approach the whole BushCo circus and link up Rove, Roberts, the war — everything.
The public’s one-week attention span has been exhausted. Remember the DSM? That scandal was, what, two weeks ago? Fading into history already…
that is not the point at all. The point is that all our speculating and chortling in glee over Rove details doesn’t advance our goals at this point. Take a listen to Lawrence O’Donnell’s piece on Al Franken yesterday. This is all preliminary in Rovegate. The real fireworks are going to occur when Fitzgerald brings down his indictments and/or publishes his report.
In the meantime, being focused on Roberts instead of Rove is good tactics. The buzz about Rove will continue as long as more info is forthcoming. If it isn’t, it will die down for a while as it would anyway, UNTIL Fitzgerald fires his ammunition.
Look, I spent yesterday reading the 82 page opinion that the 3 Fed Appeals judges wrote that ended up forcing Miller to jail and Cooper to testify before the grand jury. Believe me, there is plenty there.
I’m talking timing here and focus. We must focus on Roberts now. Rovegate will ripen in its own sweet time and then burst out into the world without any help from us. Roberts, on the other hand, will be confirmed unless we start fighting right now and don’t let up until September. Rove is betting we don’t have what it takes in the way of discipline to do just that.
I want to prove Turdblossom wrong.
But what about the DSM? Two weeks ago I thought THEY were going to be what took down Bush.
How about if we agree to revisit this in August? I bet:
would be firing quite so hot if it wasn’t for DSM. Big difference is that Rovegate doesn’t rely on the fickle press to have an effect; it relies on law, a grand jury, many judges who have seen the evidence and find it damning, and a reporter sitting in a DC area jail that may soon be facing criminal contempt charges.
I’m confident something’s going to give, but I understand your wariness. However, if Rovegate doesn’t come to fruition, it will have nothign to do with Roberts and everything to do with Fitzgerald and his ability or inability to get indictments from the grand jury.
You and I have no power over that process. So we might as well focus on that upon which we may have some impact.
Katerina is as FREEPER !!!!!!
Joking, joking… 😉
Is this window as critical as you suggest? Aren’t Dems going to be painted in this manner “no Bush candidate, no matter how mainstream, will satisfy these left-wing extremists” anyway?
How much does the much ballyhooed notion of public opinion matter anyway? Bush’s approval rating is in the toilet. Bush’s trust quotient is in the toilet. And, the American public holds a majority opinion now that the Iraq War was a mistake.
Has this “public opinion” led to serious talk of withdrawal?
An astute observation. The right and the FRWM are going to try to use this to try to redefine mainstream again. We’ve got to counter that. A judge who’s pro-torture, anti-constitution, pro-corporation, and anti-equal rights is not a viable Supreme Court pick. Once again, any Democrat that votes to prevent a filibuster on this joker needs to be raked over the coals come their next election.
You tell me. Kos has pretty much signed on to the notion that we’ll ask Roberts some tough questions in September that show our progressive values, he’ll be confirmed, and then we’ll wag our fingers at the public and say ‘told you so, this is what you get when you don’t vote for us.’
We’re already framing ourselves into a defeat on this the morning after the nomination. How long do you think it’s going to take the MSM and the general public to do the same?
Everyone has been expecting that Bush would send a moderate for his first pick in order to have more room to send a radical conservative for the chief justice appointment. I thought this, too.
This is, in retrospect, a failure to understand Bush. He’s going to send radicals for both.
These people do not compromise.
I wish to give you 500 “4” for this one. This man nawed his teeth in the Reagan administration…get my drift?
I’ll be emailing those tv news shows all day with the question about “Rove’s pick” – He loves the ‘evil genius’ tag so much, let’s play along with it. and tie Dick to that anchor as well. Which one will george save?
Just one reason to oppose Roberts-Hamdan vs. Rumsfield
from Slate
I find this scary stuff-let alone his anti-worker, anti-woman, pro-corporation stance.
I agree that he can’t be allowed to slide into place without a fight, I also called my Senn. and voiced my opinion, for what little it’s worth.
Yes. I saw that too, and it is mucho frightening.
Not to mention that throwing out long-standing legal principle just because its inconvenient is incredibly Bush-like.
Exactly. Now to get our esteemed Senators to use that little two word phrase. let us start a two day email/phone call campaign to get this point across to the committe. Anyone have a quick referenct link to the Judiciary Committee members and the contact email/phone #s? let’s get busy! Time’s a wasting!
Senate Committee on the Judiciary. I’ve had this one bookmarked for a while.
So many horrific nominations . . .
Has a great article and thoughts about this at his blog page here:
He sees the Traitorgate as the new ‘sexy” story and he says it’s going to be around for quite awile without people loosing interest because of the “tabloid” type story line to it. I think he has a valid point.
which is why Roberts as a story — as a fight — is the story we have to be pushing with all our might or it will disappear.
Which do you think has the media salivating more — the thought of Turdblossom in an orange jumpsuit or the idea that thoughtful analysis of Roberts’ positions is vital to the the future of the SCOTUS for the next quarter of a century?
I mean, come on now, people. Let’s get real.
Wait… Yes! This is perfect! Rove’s given the left all the ammo it needs to kill this judge and hang him at the same time. We have to connect it very explicitly to the whole Traitorgate issue. Say something like “There is no possible way this judge could be acceptable to the American people. Nominated as he is by a White House that continues to conceal and protect a traitor, there is no doubt that the process that lead to his nomination was corrupt and improper. As long as the White House continues to refuse to reveal the traitor and turn him over to the proper authorities for persecution, we must assume that every nominee they put forward is intended to further the traitor’s agenda.”
Nice Freudian slip.
Rove will certainly be “persecuted.”
How? Here’s how…
Have at him, Bubba.
I love political animals. yes we have to attach them both at the hip!!!!!!!!!!! deny any surgical detachment! feed the animal his rightful hate…bs
Problem with this concept is that it won’t work. It’s too complicated and indirect and it reduces focus. Rove and Roberts in the same story = Rovegate subsuming Supreme Court story pick in a New York minute.
Thinking these two stories can usefully co-exist is like believing that hanging out with the prettiest girl in school will net you more dates.
Roberts, on the Supreme Court, can do untold damage to human rights and civil liberties. His attitudes will affect … and possibly end … human lives.
Rove is a putz. His value to the GOP is in being their brain. He’s as cold as they come, willing to sacrifice American credibility around the world in the name of partisan politics. No question he’s an evil man.
But what would knocking him out of office do? He’ll still have a phone. He’ll just set up an office and keep going. Criminal charges are not in our power.
If we’re going to go prioritizing shitstorms from the fucktards, I feel that Roberts is a much more pressing matter.
Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists has just posted on Judge Roberts and the Iran-Contras affair.
Here’s the link.
Aftergood has just posted an apology that the Supreme Court nominee is not the same Roberts that worked for Reagan.
Supreme Court nominee John Roberts was not named in the Iran/Contra Independent Counsel report, as Secrecy News erroneously reported today.
There were two individuals named John Roberts who served in the Reagan Administration — John G. Roberts, Jr., the former Associate Counsel to the President and present Supreme Court nominee, and John B. Roberts II, who served in the White House political office.
It was the latter individual who was named in the Iran/Contra report.
Secrecy News regrets the error.”
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agree completely! i saw plenty of troll-like comments on another blog yesterday evening, all urging “us liberals” “don’t worry about Roberts, he’s the best we’re going to get, and stay focussed on Rove” – that seemed to be the repug talking point. and the plan- to get an extremist on the supreme court.
so far, roberts looks pretty bad to me [environment alone!] why give up in advance? Besides, Fitzgerald is handling the Rove situation.
But I can walk and chew gum at the same time.