By an object’s absence, I think you can gain some clarity about the nature of the object itself.  Here on Day 4, I am beginning to see some things clearly about Internet news in general (and blogging on BMT and dKos in particular) and why I was addicted to these activities in the first place.

One thing that makes blogging on these sites addictive to me is the immediacy of news and opinion.  I’ve already talked about this a lot I suppose, but that is one of the key things I miss.  I know you guys are out there, and I know you know things I don’t.  You are writing about them, reading about them, and analyzing them.  And me, I’ve got to wait a minimum of 24 hours, and I suspect sometimes much more for MSM lag.
Another thing that I miss is the range of news that was available on BMT and dKos (and elsewhere on crazy Internet sites).  I can only imagine the stuff you might have uncovered and that is being completely ignored by the MSM.  I am thinking that I could be completely missing another Gannongate or DSM scandal.  Because sometimes, my news source might just choose not to cover it.  And that unsettles me.  What are the big stories that only you guys know?  And I won’t hear about until September 1.  Or whenever you prod the NYTs off its lethargic ass so that it will tell me.

But the biggie, as far as my personal addiction goes, is the interactivity that the news allowed on BMT and dKos.  You can read the news, write about the news, and read what others think about your thoughts, then evolve and write more.  The story’s constantly moving, and you are a part of it.  And, that is one of the things I miss.  I can’t stand reading the NYTs and writing these diaries, and then just sitting, hearing nothing.  The sound of one hand blogging.  I feel like Dr. Atkins at a pastry bar.  Empty and yearning.

And it is with this description of my craving for interactivity, that I, like the Reverend Jimmy Swaggart before me, must confess my disgraceful behavior.  I have snuck to my diaries page and read the comments on my diaries.  I stop reading if I think I am going to get news.  That is the main point of not reading — to avoid news.  I don’t want you nice folks slipping me the hot story about how Martians landed, but MSNBC and the NYTs won’t cover it.  But, I was craving interactivity.  Wanting to hear ideas.  Feedback, man.  It is what is missing with regular news.

I’m not going to respond, as I used to, to just about anyone who would write.  But, thanks for comments.  Please don’t break the actual news I am missing.  But, one cool thing a person did (I forget who).  They embedded a link, so I could go back to it later and learn what I missed about something I wrote.  That was cool.  I definitely want to look back on this when I am through.

And the whole brave thing.  A couple people have said this is a brave or bold mission.  Made me laugh.  I am a slug.  Least thing like brave.  I see brave as some Native American warrior who defended his wife and kids against an onslaught that was overwhelming.  My pain threshold is like a negative 10.  I am probably the epitome of what is wrong with this country?  All talk, too little action.  But, I do appreciate the encouragement.  I am a little less like one hand blogging.  At least for a few minutes a day.

And the NYTs on day 4.  Judge Roberts is the really big story.  Page one.  And about 3 or 4 full pages of coverage.  Sounds like a character from a Frank Kapra movie.  Will breeze through the nomination, if this is all the news there is to go on.  And I am extremely troubled.  I think he is the anti-Christ.  Rich kid.  Corporate lawyer.  “Could argue the most absurd points and make you believe them,” said a classmate.  The guy’s entire line seems to be, “I’m just a hired gun.  I didn’t pick my cases, I just argued them to the best of my ability.  And, I just follow the law.  No ideology.”  But, that is patently bullshit.  We all pick our cases.  Our life.  And he chose Republicans and Corporations.  We know where his loyalty lies.  And, at this level, you no longer follow the law.  You, by definition, will be making the law.  I am at least as worried about the enshrinement of religious fundamentalism in the constitution here in America, as I am in Iraq.  And the kicker – he advised Jeb Bush during Gore v. Bush.  He helped construct the arguments for the junta, and is rewarded with the role of king-maker.  I truly believe we are living at the end of the American republic.  Maybe it died long ago.  But, this seems way too much like the Roman descent to Empire.  I feel like I am watching a lecture in history class.

Speaking of a constitution enshrining fundamentalism.  Iraq.  Page one.  Sunnis quit committee drafting constitution, citing security concerns.  It seems that their assassinated colleagues may have opposed the Shiite agenda, and may have been assassinated for their substantive role on the committee.  The ultimate in censorship.  If this whole process doesn’t bring a nostalgic tear to your eye, and fond remembrances of what you learned about our own Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, then I don’t know what could.  Democracy really is on the march.

Other Iraq news on the front page – Iraqi police and military get very poor grades in a Pentagon assessment of their ability to deal with insurgency.  Something like one-half to two-thirds unable to perform mission.  I love it when a plan comes together like this.  Brilliant execution of a post-war strategy.  The daily bombings in Iraq slipped to the later pages.

In a story on page one, that I see as emblematic of our perpetual War on Terror – Brits seek aide to Islamic Cleric In Bombing Investigation.  I don’t really doubt that they are probably truly investigating something.  But, from the information in the story, you can’t really tell.  Story basically says they are investigating his connection because he lived in the same city as one of the bombers and was of Pakistani descent.  That definition probably identifies hundreds or thousands of people.  And within the story, sources are quoted everywhere saying in essence, “officials decline to give specifics,” and “nobody’s trying to make him a mastermind yet,” and “officials reported him dead after a bombing raid in Afghanistan in 2001, but now investigators say he is alive.”  Maybe they really do have secret evidence.  But, the story on page one of the NYTs certainly gives him mastermind status.  Osama.  Al-Zarqawi.  And now, this guy, whose name has not been etched into my brain yet by the daily airing of the Two Minutes of Hate.  Goldberg.  That was it.  Right?

Biggest news on page one, I save for last.  Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.  The video game has rating elevated to NC-17 and is basically banned from stores.  Why?  Because there is a hidden scene that shows actual sex.  Gun all the people down you want.  Run them over.  Kill the cops.  You go.  Cavort with prostitutes in the virtual streets.  Oh yes.  But, for god sakes, do not depict an act of sex.  Blowing children apart with bombs.  Goood!  Sex.  Baaaaad!

Tidbits from the back pages.  In an about face, US Customs service is now considering deputizing Minutemen Border vigilantes.  This can’t be a bad thing.  Right wing freaks with guns running around our borders with badges.  I don’t feel too queasy to utter the word – Fascist?

A tiny, tiny blurb on page 25.  Ohio Election official fined 30 days pay for accepting $10,000 from Diebold.  The 10K went to – the Republicans.

And I didn’t see word one about Rove.  Well, Krugman mentioned him in passing.  But, where did that story go.  Will I ever hear the end of the tale?  I am sure I will.  At least by September 1.