“Democratic senators have contributed far more from their personal campaign accounts to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) than Republicans have given its GOP counterpart, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), fundraising reports due out today show,” reports The Hill.


  • “Usually, the majority party has a marked fundraising advantage because it controls the legislative agenda.”
  • “[There’s a] long-standing difficulty in getting GOP senators to give to the party”
  • “More significant than the Democrats’ $1.7 million advantage is that they now have $15.2 million on hand after the first six months of the year, while Republicans have $8 million”
  • “One reason for the disparity is that Democrats were able to pay off their debt from 2004 before the start of the new cycle, a feat accomplished because of the efforts and gifts of individual senators, such as Kerry.”

We Democrats really are better with financial planning and budgeting for the future, aren’t we.

It’s a good thing. First-term Sen. Maria Cantwell of Wash. state — Senate site; campaign site — will need all the funding she can get:

Mike McGavick, after announcing his resignation as CEO of Safeco Insurance yesterday, confirmed he is forming an exploratory committee for the 2006 Senate race against Maria Cantwell. He is a Republican stalwart. — from Switzerblog’s diary, July 19, 2005

Don’t miss the screenshot of a possible McGavick spoof site, below:
Switzerblog diaried about this site too: “WA-SEN: mikemcgavick.com, spoof or really stupid Republicans?”

Which do you think it is?

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Site: MikeMcGavick.

Both of Washington state’s U.S. Senators are women: Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.

All joking aside: McGavick surely has immense personal wealth.

Further, McGavick is connected with the richest and most powerful members of Washington’s business community as well as national insurance company lobbyists.

Maria Cantwell: Senate site; campaign site