[promoted by BooMan]
It’s that simple. That’s our one line summation of the GOP. That’s 2006 in a nutshell.
The buck never stops with these guys.
The GOP is the party of deferred accountability. If you can somehow “put it off” or “change expectations” or “change the rules midstream” then it doesn’t matter that you haven’t done what responsible adult leaders do: take stock of the facts at hand and make the tough decisions.
This is a point we Democrats need to understand and make clear to the nation; and, if I might offer some friendly advice to our Republican brethren on the other side of the blogosphere: it’s high time that someone in the GOP, some faction within the Republican Party, have the integrity to stand up and say, “It’s time for some accountability here, folks.”
Right now, they are a party of lemmings.
In every instance, at every point where our nation has sought to investigate the significant events of the last five years:
- 9/11
- Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay
- the Rove Affair
- Enron and Cheney’s top secret “energy summit”
This White House, hand-in-hand with their friends in Congress, have stymied, thwarted, and deferred their way out of saying anything until they absolutely have to. The buck never stops. And even when this White House does speak, they never answer forthrightly. They just pass the buck.
You would think that there would be some level of accountability to the public, that there would be some respect for our ‘”right to know.” You would think that a Party that espouses traditional, conservative values would step up to the plate, would take responsibility for telling the truth to our nation. Not these guys.
And it goes deeper than that. The policies they do enact are deeply enmeshed in “buck-never-stops-ism.”
When you cut taxes and run huge deficits, as the GOP has done on the national and state level, you’re not being fiscally responsible, in fact, you’re just taxing our kids. It’s that simple. And whether it’s George in D.C. or Arnold in California it’s the exact same tune. Why pay today for something that you can defer into the future? Why be responsible adults?
Let our kids pay for it.
I’d like to remind our GOP friends that they once had leaders who would actually dip a toe in the waters of reality from time to time. Not anymore.
It’s defer city.
- Global warming? We’re still studying it. (sweat, drip)
- Dependence of foreign oil? Let’s drill in Alaska. (defer, defer, defer.)
- Medicare drug plan? Let’s write legislation that has a big hole in it that we’ll fix later.
- Education? Let’s test kids, a lot. Let’s test kids and make the states pay for it. (test, test, test)
Now, this lack of accountability has gone so far that some things that are blatantly obvious to anybody who reads the news in this country…just don’t sink in with the GOP. Friends, Tom DeLay and Karl Rove are huge liabilities. H-U-G-E. And yet the entire GOP has rallied around these two corrupt turds, and played buddy-buddy with them as if there would never come a day when what was obvious to the rest of us would happen:
The sleaze was gonna ooze out from under the door at some point.
It wasn’t a matter of if, it was a matter of when. We all knew that. It comes as no surprise that the President was lying to us when he said he’d fire anyone who had anything to with the leaking of Valerie Plame’s name, that he was lying to us when he told Scott McClellan to go out to the press two years ago and say Karl Rove and Scooter Libby had nothing to do with this leak. Now, this is a serious matter. In a word, is there any accountability here, or is it just lip service?
They’ve deferred for two years on this one. The President has passed the buck on the leak that outed Valerie Plame when all he had to do in the first place was walk down the hall and do the right thing.
And that brings me to some pointed questions for our GOP colleagues in the blogosphere. What are the standards? Are there any? Can you just say anything if you are a Republican politician because your party will never hold you accountable to the truth, to common sense, to American values, to the voters, to your own words?
And to bring this home, I would like to ask our GOP colleagues about the war in Iraq. Will the GOP ever do an accounting of what’s gone wrong? Is there any accountability for the state of the war and our military? Does it even matter to the Republicans that there were no WMD? That there was no link to 9/11? That we are still there with almost as large a force as we invaded with? That our citizen-soldiers are still dying in Iraq? That we haven’t done a full investigation of the crimes at Abu Ghraib?
I know, as a Democrat from a family whose members have served in the Armed Forces, it has troubled me how the GOP has ruthlessly attacked Democrats as if we would not defend our nation. The smear on John Kerry by the Swift Boats was unconscionable. In my view, it is not in anyone’s interest to attack a combat veteran and question his medals and his wounds. More importantly, it is not in either party’s interest to break the longstanding patriotic tradition that regards national security, and service to our nation, as a bi-partisan issue. Does that trouble anyone in the GOP?
To be frank, I look out at the GOP and I see a pack of lemmings. I don’t see a single voice of courage. I see a party beholden to Karl Rove’s attack and smear and distract politics and addicted to “buck-never-stops-ism.” Some Republican Senators may know better, but they do and say nothing of consequence when Tom DeLay and Karl Rove smear us. And they never, ever hold the President accountable for anything. You can say many things about the Democrats, but that is simply not true of our side.
What to do?
Well, when I look ahead to 2006, to the State races and National races this is what I’m thinking about.
- Accountability.
- Reality.
- Pragmatism.
Friends, I know that Democrats are capable of that kind of decision making, reality-based, at home and abroad. We may be a broad coalition representing many different viewpoints; but because of that we do have to deal with facts. Indeed, we’re good at that. Our party is actually into policy and good government. We are the wonks who gave you Social Security and Medicare….and, yes, in cooperation with our Republican colleagues, we fought and won WWII and the Cold War and built the UN.
No, we Democrats are not perfect, no one is…heck, that’s why there have always been two political parties in this country…but we are dedicated to making government work and dealing with facts. And, to state the obvious, we love this country and will defend it like every other American, no more, and no less. Friends, we should never let the GOP smear us like they have on National Security, not ever again. It’s time for us to stand up to this lie, this taunt, once and for all.
I’ve said before that the only language that the GOP understands is a loss at the ballot box. I think that holds, though, sadly, it may be that the only language the current administration truly understands is the force of law and the stain of scandal. From what I’ve seen, no amount of outrage or protest, or even common sense, can break the lemmings from their wild-eyed march over the cliff with George W. Bush.
And so, at the end of the day, it is left to us to whup their ass at the ballot box in 2006, and fight them in D.C. on principle till that point. And we must hope, for all of our sakes, that someone from the other side has the courage to stand up to this mess.
What’s going on in Washington D.C. is not good for any of us in this country. I think we all know that.
The buck must stop at some point. And, imo, grown ups on both sides of the aisle need to stand up and take responsibility. If we can’t do it for ourselves, we need to look in the mirror and realize that it’s time to do it for our kids.
{I’ve cross posted this on dKos, LSF and MyLeftWing as well…not something I’m going to make a habit of since we all read dKos…simply because, well, I’d like this essay to have as wide an impact as possible. Thanks!}
I was waiting for this over here, thx for cross-posting KO. This is a great way to get our talking points out to all our friends and colleagues, we must spread the word and help save our country.
no, thank you.
This was one that I thought might have some use…you know…at the water cooler.
What an excellent diary! Are you really a “kid”? You are so perceptive and articulate.
36 yo. gen x ‘er.
Oakland 8 years.
Mpls. 6 years
NYC 4 years
St. Paul 18.
I think that adds up….I was lucky to learn from some “old school” folks on the way up. So…a kid, but not a kid.
Thanks for posting it here, Kid Oakland! I don’t read Daily Kos.
Decent Rs (and they’re out there!), the rank and file who pay attention, already know this. And they don’t like it — they didn’t like the Purple Heart bandaids, they didn’t like the Schiavo bill, and they don’t like their government outing CIA agents.
Whether or not the Dems can pick these voters up in 2006 remains to be seen. I continue to believe D has to mean more than not-R.
Great line for this whole bushco abomination. And time to start at the top and tie this to georgie and make him responsible. He’s in charge so why doesn’t he take charge-per Rove investigation-and raise holy hell in the White House and find out for himself what was going on? Yeah I know that won’t happen but for the public to somehow believe that he ‘can’t’ ask any questions of his own goddam staff is rather mindboggling. We can ask-whose in charge anyway?
Accountability probably does have political potency in itself for voters. The clearest case to make is the Plame affair. Cause and effect, action (and its absense) to consequences are demonstrable. The underlying “value” or “morality” is widely shared, once its relevance is explained: if you expose covert agents, you hurt the national security, and you have violated a sacred trust.
It is not so easy to establish in other cases–for example, the climate crisis. There, accountability is not the core problem, at least not in the same sense. Violation of trust perhaps is. Trust in leaders to do what’s best for the country as a whole, not just for their friends. Trust that they evaluate science honestly, and not intentionally distort it to support their political agenda of favoritism.
Ultimately it is all about responsibility and accountability, but it’s an easier case to make in some examples than in others.
The core issue may turn out to be trust.
I’d add to your insightful thoughts the observation that the Plame affair in particular, and the testimony yesterday, has impressed upon me that this is not about facts v. faith. It is all about values, on both sides, or all sides.
The Republicans are the party of -‘deferred responsility’.Junior Bush exempilifies this mindset, ‘I get to do my thing and let someone else clean it up.’
The party of waste.
The party of denial.
The party of ‘it’s not my prob’.
That is why Chimpy got away with all his ridiculous ,irresponsible behavior,he was never called to account for ANYTHING.
What we responsible adults refer to as passing the buck, or just plain old LYING, the neocons call creating their own reality. Most of them have never had to face any consequences from their actions like us poor working slobs do. If we neglect our responsibilities, the lights get shut off and the kids don’t eat.
Bush Sr and Barbara never allowed Georgie to face the consequences of his own actions; they bailed him out, or found someone else to bail him out (Salam Bin Ladin)every time he got in trouble. This coupled with power of the presidency and the Republican party has made him a raving megalomaniac. People learn from their mistakes. Since George never bore the consequences of his mistakes, he thinks he’s never made any.
The Bush government acts in much the same way. They think they can do no wrong, the laws don’t apply to them. They never have, right? The Mighty Wurlitzer spins a cover-up for them, buries the truth under an avalanche of lies, and deflects the consequences right back to us. The Bushco felons don’t even understand the CONCEPT of accountability, let alone their need for it.
gave me hope for the first time in a long time. To me, those people are patriots. Is there anyone in the gop with the kind of patriotism it takes to dissent from the chimp in charge? Anyone who with a strong enough conscience to risk a seat in congress to save this country?
This country was founded to: “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”
Common defense? Nope. They keep telling us how vulnerable we are, terrorizing us into, uh, Tranquility? I don’t think so. General welfare. No, but corporate welfare. Liberty. The Patriot Act? Our Posterity will be chained to debt for generations!
From here, it looks like the American people starting to wake up. Most people I’ve known assume politicians are liars, so it’s not news until they find out the magnitude and results of the lies. They know in my small town’s only restaurant that the war was based on lies, and they know of friends or relatives who’ve lost a mother, father, or child. They’ve heard something about a CIA agent being exposed, but aren’t quite sure about the details.
Frankly, it seems like a long time until the 2006 election. Will the vote be honest? How many will die in Iraq or Afghanistan before then? Will the torturer cum attorney general be sitting on the supreme court? What will the national debt be by then? Then two more years into facism?
I’m still hoping their Plame problem brings them down before the next election. It could happen!
I just watched the testimony today. When Larry Johnson was almost pleading for any responsible republican to put aside the politics and stand up to denounce what is being done to Valerie and Joseph Wilson, you could hear the anger, frustration, and disbelief in his voice that not one single person could find it within themselves to do the right thing. All four of the witnesses gave powerful testimony. Especially the two on either side of Mr. Johnson. The fact that they are, or at least were republicans, made their testimony that much more compelling.
What struck me the most though was how well they all communicated the real damage being done beyond the Wilsons. This incident will have a lasting negative effect on this country’s ability to protect itself in the future, and lives have probably been lost, and will continue to be lost because of this. It is mind boggling to me that there are traitors in the White House and nothing is being done. Nothing. Pass the buck.
Great Diary KO. I’m sure you have heard this before but I just think you have a special knack for these encompassing diaries, ever thought of being a speech writer?
Think of me as a roving, renegade pamphleteer who believes that words have power and that they tend to find their way…..just like the truth.
[Pointing to the side of his head] I think about war all day.
From the movie/documentary of Michael Moore, that I watched in full for the first time :: today on Dutch television.
Bush Meeting
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, also known as the 9/11 Commission, met with President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on April 29 in closed session. According to a statement by the Commission “the meeting was extraordinary and lasted for more than three hours. The Commission found the President and the Vice President forthcoming and candid. The information they provided will be of great assistance to the Commission as it completes its final report. We thank the President and the Vice President for their continued cooperation with the Commission.”
After the meeting, Bush said to the press that he answered every question the Commission asked and the meeting was a “very cordial conversation.” When asked about why he appeared with Cheney, Bush said that “look, if we had something to hide, we wouldn’t have met with them in the first place … I wanted them to know how I set strategy, how we run the White House, how we deal with threats. The Vice President answered a lot of their questions – answered all their questions. And I think it was important for them to see our body language, as well, how we work together.”
Rob makes a reference to “Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States.” This was the title of a briefing that Bush received on August 6, 2001 and that noted “patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks.” The memo’s title was made public on April 8, 2004 and was released on April 10.
Old Pals in the White House Cabinet Room, 17 June 1976
Bush Senior (left middle), Cheney (centre, with hair!), Kissinger (right, sitting)
Dallas Morning News — Nice summary relationship Rove – Bush
Rove puts Bush’s loyalty to test