I spent about 20 minutes writing a comment on a diary entitled “What the hell happened to my party” by PeteyP. I checked back to read a few other diaries and cruise the Trib and the diary was deleted. I’m not sure if it was deleted by Mgt…or the author. I just want to state my opinion as someone who spent a good 20 minutes working on a comment in regards to Susanbohu’s (who I adore) comment and just an over all (long, very long) comment on my thoughts about the Democratic party/blogs/people/life. When people delete diaries I wish they would think about other people who have spent time, enery, creativity, emotion, and the fact that they even went to the dictionary and looked up how to spell some fucking words. It is NOT COOL TO DELETE DIARIES. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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couldn’t take the heat.
It’s still up at My Left Wing if you’re registered there.
what do you mean? Who got rid of it? Still pissed.
I’m guessing the diarist deleted it. Susan commented on it, and seemed fine with it, and I thought it raised some fair (though I think wrong) questions.
I can’t imagine Booman or Susan deleted it. Maybe I’m wrong.
even saw it.
not your style to wipe something out, (bless you for that), and you always confront people directly when you disagree, without bullying (which makes this a nice pond to hang in). Didn’t seem your style to kill it. Seemed against your ethic to kill it.
BTW, I know I’m a bit of a pain in the ass, but this really is a great community.
We thrive on “PITAs”. 🙂
As of Last night it was posted over at MSOC MLW. I commented to the diarist if he deleted it. I will go check his answer. ALthough if you didn’t delete it, and I was sure you didn’t, someone is gonna catch some hell from me. SusanBoHu did comment on it also. This is me…still pissed. Beware of PeteyP Diaries..your comments may be erased.
is extraordinarily uncool.
When you write it, be prepared to stand by it when you press post.
(of course, you can edit it…..I do that all the time. and even incorporate suggestions from the comments sections…but I’m a touchy-feely-leftie type….lol)
The reason I really like the blogWorld is people are held accountable for their comments. I will get to the bottom of this.
comments on our own hard drives, especially “20 minute, long, very long ones.”
I’m keeping a blog for my obscure fast disappearing diaries.
I just got up, commenting as soon as I could.
I deleted it.
It was not my intention to start a blog-war, or a shit storm. Unfortunately, that where I felt it was heading, as the comments seemed to be devolving from thoughts on Party/blogs/people/life to more of the same stuff we seen and heard before (people staking out their battle positions, etc.). The diary (and thus I) was responsible: although it was meant to be a “WTF” combined with a “Can’t we get along” with a little bit of Chicken Little, it turned out to be finger-pointing and unnecessarily divisive. Thus, I thought the best thing was to take it down.
I apologize to Chamonix and the community for the inappropriate diary and for yanking it.
over at MLW…Did you also post your diary over at Dkos since you were trashing Kos and his folks? I find your actions appalling. Kinda like what the Bush White House is doing with some of their Documents. Scrubbing Doc’s. You delete it here, you leave it up over at MSO’C’s MLW and you don’t even Post it over at DKos. What a fucking ChickenShit.
Actually, I wasn’t “trashing” Kos and his folks [although I have made it known there, loudly and repeatedly, of my beliefs that Kos and the FPers are becoming too heavy-handed and controlling.] In fact, the shock and dismay I felt were directed at those who were attacking Kos, remember?
I left it up at MLW because the comments weren’t becoming hostile and unproductive. I didn’t post it at Kos because, like I said, I’m in self-exile. If that makes me a Chickenshit, so be it.
and the diary you left up at MLW appears to be similar (parts missing and edited) but not the same, my memory of your diary that you had posted here at Booman Trib did Trash Dkos and other Blogs and diarists. My credibility is not in question…Yours is. I hope you have learned your lesson in regards to Deleting Diaries. NOT COOL. Still Pissed.
The diaries are identical, as I cut and pasted.
I am sorry: I recall that parts of the middle of the diaries were different….LOL
You tailored them, or so it appeared, for the blog at which each appeared….and in each diary you claimed to find your “home”…
It was very evident to me. You had different commentary about Left Wing in the diary here than what appears at LW (is it still there tho?…LOL)
But: Deleted at BMT… and before a chached version was captured.
As I say, there has been much deletion around over the past year… always a tad squirrely.
The referencial aspects required some modification depending on where the diary was posted, I had forgotten that, thank you. Apparently I didn’t do enough, though, since I didn’t mean to say I found a “home” in two places.
Thanks again…I don’t like it when I start to feel like the star of the film “Gaslight”.
diaries and posts at several blogs. I am glad to hear that you have learned your lesson. Since this is my first run in with you. I accept your apology. I just felt it important that everyone knew to beware of commenting on your diaries as they might be erased. I have read comments on other diaries in the past year on many blogs, Comments that people have researched for not just minutes or hours, but Days, doing research and putting blood, sweat and tears into. Just something to keep in mind for the future, not only for you but for others that read these comments. I appreciate you getting back to me first thing this morning and owning up to your mistake. That does score points with me. I am sorry to have continued to harp on this, but I was proud of my comment and I worked long and hard before hitting the post button. I am hoping not just you, but all people will learn from this episode in regards to the future of deleting diaries. I am not sure how many diaries have been deleted here at BooTrib, but I am hoping it does not happen again.
Yes, I owned up to it immediately, explained it, and apologized for it, and I think one should be able to conclude from my comments here that I had the best of intentions (yes, the road to hell is truly paved with them) and was not motivated by the desire to hide anything. I’m not sure if it merits monitoring, but I can understand why you would want to do so.
Let me just say again that I feel terrible about your lost work and will both never delete a diary again and choose my words carefully when posting them so I’m never put in a position of thinking that I should.
In deleting the diary you render your characterisation, posted here today, null. To me anyway… LOL. But then I am a bit of stickler on deleting.
As a point of sheer reality your characterisation does not fit my post to the deleted diary in whihc I discussed my Democratic history (I have voted Democratic as long as Kos has been alive, as it happens) and invited you to stop by at LSF. and, you know, belly up to the big bad barre…;) My post was about 20 lines. I know you read my post as you yourself posted to the diary after my post was int he thread. Complicated is it not? And deleted… LOL
I am not registered at the other blog where your diary appeared and would decline to register just to post a reply, LOL, yet again.
Sorry, I don’t believe in deleting. And there has been far too much of that over the past year…
Take care now….;)
Marisacat for your comment. I wish I could have read what you had written in the diary that was deleted. I have never heard of such a piss poor excuse for someone to delete their diary. To me it is one of the biggest uncool, no no’s in the blog world. Until proven differently..PeteyP is someone who continues to try and divide our community not unite it. When people do something like the Bush White House (Scrubbing Doc’s) they are a Troll in my Books. Anyone who tries to make their past disappear is suspect to me. Still pissed.
If it makes any difference, it was not your comment to which I was referring. You may not believe that, and I’m sure Chamonix will not, but…there it is.
Look, we all do things we regret, this is one of them. Chamonix appears hell bent on holding it against me forever. So be it. If I could undo it, I would, if only to restore the comments of you, and susanhu and others. My aim was to prevent a shitstorm yet not only did I fail I created one instead. What’s done is done and I accept responsibility.
Funny about blog posting (and shit storms) isn’t it?
But then all I am interested in, as it happens, is political discussion. Really.
I do apply my interest in what is political, and up for discussion, a bit more broadly then some are comfortable with… LOL.