Well, here it is: leaks from Congressional aides hinting that Bush may appoint John Bolton as the new US ambassador to the UN this Friday nite:
Congressional aides said a recess appointment could be announced as early as Friday night, immediately after the Senate is scheduled to adjourn for the monthlong August break. A recess appointment would allow Bolton to take up the U.N. post but he would serve only until January 2007.
I don’t care how short his stint might be. It will no doubt be a nightmare involving a very huge bull in a very delicate, diplomatic china shop. Bush knows that this nominee cannot be approved by the usual channels, so he’s planning on annointing him regardless. What hubris.
If you haven’t followed the Bolton nomination and confirmation process, all you really need to know at this point is that John Bolton is no diplomat. His confirmation is currently stalled because the White House refuses to release confidential information. Along with his history of being the worst boss and most vengeful civil servant ever, Bolton and some of his former State Department staff were given access to some unredacted NSA intercepts that the Senate wants to get its hands on so they can investigate the names involved to see if anyone suffered retribution or malice at Bolton’s hands.
At this point, I think it’s safe to invoke the words “cover up”. Even the Senate Intelligence Committee has been denied access to the names. Chairman Pat Roberts drank the Kool-aid and told the senate he didn’t really care to see the names. Dems on the committee, like Joe Biden, politely told him and the WH to go Cheney themselves and to cough up the information so the senate could make a truly informed decision on everything pertaining to Bolton’s activities. But, who needs all that information when King Bush can just ship Bolton off to the UN anyway?
There will no doubt be very serious and loud repercussions from such a recess appointment. Bolton’s confirmation process has been watched closely by diplomats from around the world who will have to be subjected to his rash and aggressive behaviour. A recess appointment will result in the world knowing that Bolton does not have the confidence of the congress. The word “shill” comes to mind. Oh – and the word “puppet” a la “sock puppet”. But, I digress…
I dare Bush to follow through on this threat. He’ll have hell to pay from the vast majority of Democrats who have opposed this nomination from the beginning. It’s almost like being handed red meat for the left on a silver platter. And, I know we can handle this and the Rove situation at the same time. We really are that good.
From the same news article:
Wait a minute. This from Hardball:
According to lawyers, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and undersecretaries, including John Bolton, gave testimony about this memo.
Okay. Who’s not telling the truth here?
Regardless, Bolton is probably one of the worst choices Bush can make as US ambassador to the UN, so let’s sit back and watch what this bull tries to pull off in his efforts at so-called “reform” of the UN – an organization he has absolutely no use for in the first place. It should be a wild ride.
they are insane. I mean, total screw loose insane. I actually hope they do do it. It will initiate a tsunami they will never recover from.
With everything else going down right now: Plame, Roberts, dead on social security, press turning against them, polls on Iraq in the toilet with the Koran, DeLay’s troubles, Cunningham’s troubles, CIA in open warfare with them, McClellan unable to answer a question, Mehlman totally discredited and humiliated, Miller in jail, fallout from Shaivo, the Abu Ghraib pics, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq…
This is going to PISS off the Senate at a time when their support may be needed for the administration to survive.
Has this news made it to your blog yet?
Congress plans to scrutinize Plame-related issues
CIA-leak controversy surrounding senior Bush adviser Karl Rove, officials said on Monday.
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence plans hearings on potential national security threats posed by leaks, including leaks to the media, and will aim to toughen legislation barring the unauthorized disclosure of classified information.
I’ve been away doing so much stuff that I haven’t yet had the time to catch up. (As long as I keep standing, I’m in very little pain).
put I haven’t written about it. We have a lot of fresh content on the front-page right now, so I’m holding off on writing about a couple of things.
I’m not sure if Susan is working on something right now or not, but pastordan’s latest is very very good. Maryscott’s labor diary is very good. And susan and I have some recent threads too.
Someone should write a diary about the hearings.
Someone should write a diary about the hearings.
I can take a hint. I’ll do it in a bit. 🙂
I’ve noticed an increase in diaries and the wide variety of content lately. I need to take some time to do some serious reading here!
This should be fun. No – really. 🙂
if you follow the link to Yahoo News, is the very last paragraph.
This stinks, IMHO. Congress may have oversight over the executive branch, according to the letter signed by 26 Congressmen, but why does the Senate have to “look into” Fitzgerald’s two-year-old investigation?
I feel a squeeze coming on. . .
If the Congressional hearings start after the August recess. . .and Fitzgerald’s findings are to be published (I believe) in the Oct/Nov time frame, isn’t the timing by Congress oddly coincidental to the most politically sensitive period in Fitzgerald’s probe?
Anybody else feeling a pricking in their thumbs?
I’m sure the talking points memo on dicrediting Fitzgerald was already written quite a while ago.
Also, with the big time shill Pat Roberts carrying the bush regime’s water, it’s not likely any real investigation will take place anyway.
kind to the wingnut Senator that represents the state of corporate america. He sure as hell doesn’t represent me or most of kansas, even though he took 60+% of those that cared to vote. I understood that only 45% of eligible voters turned out for that election.
Anyway, Roberts hasn’t had any thoughts outside of what the RNC tells him, since the day he claimed to become a Republican. For the four + years I have lived in Kansas, all I have ever heard come out of his blowhole, is GOP talking points. I wonder if he has to have a manual to walk and chew gum at the same time.
He is far less a threat than Brownshirt is, for Brownshirt wants to see a Theocracy with him at its head. That man is evil, evil, evil and if the GOP moderates don’t watch their asses, Brownshirt will be loading them up too, shipping them off to re-education camps.
IN A BLAZE OF GLORY hi catnip..hope you’re doin ok.
does that mean that he gets impeached instead of indicted when fitz nails him for treasongate?
Uhh, let’s see, wanna bet on a fixed race? Well then get your ticket on this that he WILL do it.
In case anyone has’nt noticed lately, Bush don’t give a shit what the Dems think for the most part, nor does his gang ; )
I want my country back!
My latest diary will be cross-posted @ BooMan soon —
Oh my God, That sign says it all. I want that to make flyers out of and plaster those flyers on every car that still has W/Bushy/Cheney stickers on their SUVs.
Just glad I found a cozy place to hunker down and watch it. I hope the Froggy Bottom will be well stocked with provisions.
Well of course there is a need for another diversion away from Rovegate because the Roberts nomination didn’t distract in the way they hoped it would. Don’t you think. God, I get dizzy watching this spin show.
So, when this doesn’t distract folks from Rovegate either, what will be the next thing they throw at us? Anyone care to guess?
My guess is that they’ll try for sympathy with Cheney having heart/health issues again.
I suppose this is better than a “terrorist attack.” I mean, if I have a choice…
Brownback is certifiably insane, as are all of his prominent evangelical fascist pals. And as you say, anyone of them would load any and all citizens who didn’t adhere to their commands onto the cattle cars in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it.
Not to diminish the destructive potential of lunatics like these, but they do carry the seeds of their own destruction with them in their insane pathology. Not only would the weaponized ignorance of their ideology create a non-competitive, under-educated populace unable to compete economically in the global work environment, the more imminent flaw they have is very simple. Because they are authoritarians, there is only room in each of their little minds for one person to be atop their pyramid of power. This means that even if they did start to gain control of the country in a big way, each of these purported leaders would inevitably turn on his fellow believers. The very idea that Dobson or Falwell or Robertson or Brownback or any of them would be willing to share power in such a theocratic environment is absurd. They would attack each other with such vehemence, that even a lot of their followers would be scared.