Joe and Valerie Wilson’s lawyer had a brutal editorial in yesterday’s USA Today:
I have another view from my window, of a neighbor who is a working, devoted mother of 5-year-old twins, a volunteer for charities, a woman active in her church, and a caring person. Soft-spoken, self-effacing and very private, Valerie is very easy to label “the lovely woman next door.”
To some, I am known as Joe and Valerie’s lawyer, a fact that has surfaced by my occasional statements on their behalf. The Wilsons don’t need a lawyer for any pending proceeding; I am simply helping them understand some of the technicalities of the criminal investigation and collecting facts for any eventual civil suit.
Other Plame news, below the fold…
Dennis Hans has a hilarious article that exposes actor Tom Cruise as the real leaker.
Meanwhile, a lot is being made of the 12-hour gap between when Abu Gonzales informed Andy Card that the Justice Department wanted all records preserved, and when the White House staff was informed.
“I specifically had our lawyers go back to the Department of Justice lawyers and ask them, `Do you want us to notify the staff now, immediately, or would it be OK to notify the staff early in the morning?’ And we were advised, go ahead and notify the staff early in the morning, that would be OK.” He said most of the staff had left by the time the Justice Department called and that “no one knew about the investigation.”
Somewhere there must be film from that night showing a steady stream of smoke piping out of the Old Executive Office Building’s chimneys. What is Fawn Hall up to these days, anyway?
Down in Alabama, lying and leaking classified information is considered perfectly acceptable:
In addition to his star power, organizers likely want strategic advice from the man critics sometimes call “Bush’s Brain.”
And, in an amusing twist:
Rove is still active on other fronts as well. Apparently he is trying to convince Katherine Harris not to run against Sen. Bill Nelson.
But the polling data Mr. Rove and others have shown her suggest otherwise. A Quinnipiac University poll last month showed Mr. Nelson leading Mrs. Harris by 12 points (his 50 percent to her 38 percent). She runs especially poorly among independents, a large and growing force in a state of political transplants.
The essay by Christopher Wolf, the Wilson’s lawyer, was quite poignant and really drove home the humanity of this courageous couple. If the Law doesn’t get Novak, then maybe an eventual civil suit will bankrupt him. I rather think losing a chunk of his ill-gotten fortune would hurt him more than a stint in prison.
Ha! I’m hoping that the Zel Miller story is true. Why would anybody want to see him, Republican or Democrat? Fawn Hall, smuggler of documents in her bra, possibly a future spokesperson for Victoria’s Secret? 😉
Who called from the Justice Dept. at 8 P.M.?
Why was the DOJ still operating at that hour when, according to Gonzales, the White House staff had gone home?
When was the POTUS informed? Or had he also gone home for the day?
The POTUS had definitely gone home for the day. Well, we all know that Mr. Bush is asleep at 9:00pm. He leaves work promptly at 5:00 doesn’t he? Why on earth would anyone expect him to be bothered by work related nonsense on his off-hours? Think of him as that guy in every office who comes in at 9:00, leaves at 5:00, and in between, cracks jokes, pushes a few papers around his desk, takes a 2 hour lunch, and talks on the phone. He’s that guy who we all know was hired for something, but just what is a mystery. He’s that guy. There was a lot press, early on, about how Bush runs the White House as a 9:00-5:00 business office, unlike that policy wonk Clinton, who frequently burned the midnight oil.
That said, this is bullshit. Gonzales intentionally left a window for Card to start hustling. Don’t be surprised if we don’t start learning about a midnight shredding party.
This is a continuation of the conservative mentality that the government is now a private institution, but individuals who don’t belong to a certain party should live in fishbowls.
In a world turned upside down …
Dammit, when will the GOP stop stealing first lines from my unborn novel? GWB already stole It was a dark and stormy night … for his Baghdad Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot that deprived 200 tired troops of their festive meal.