Progress Pond

Democracy and Merry-go-rounds

First diary here (Hi, Everybody!), also crossposted at MyLeftWing

I do not need my freedom when I’m dead.
I cannot live on tomorrow’s bread.

If Democracy and Freedom gave to all of us equally would some of us still say they are just another couple of words for nothing left to lose?

Or would we have finally achieved the greatest ambitions of the liberal?  I used to be quite comfortable with the democratic notion that majorities decide, while minority voices are protected and heard.  But, it’s real hard to imagine that the majority of Americans want government to decide what this majority in power is deciding for America’s course:

(Join me in extended and help me list the reasons why the majority is perversely wrong about what America wants, enumerating our basic fear of loss of democratic freedom and the elusive goal of merry-go-round justice where there is no back seat.)
But, first a word from our sponsor…

Democracy will not come
Today, this year
Nor ever
Through compromise and fear.

I have as much right
As the other fellow has
To stand
On my two feet
And own the land.

I tire so of hearing people say,
Let things take their course.
Tomorrow is another day.
I do not need my freedom when I’m dead.
I cannot live on tomorrow’s bread…

Are the following really what America wants?  Not the sleeping America that always worries about its pocketbook and taxing someone else, and hating someone else so they can blame someone else.  No, the other America we believe in.  Tell me it’s not there and I’ll have to give up.  The America that balks at these choices:

Wow, I feel like I’m making a list of “and he for a very long time…” grievances against King George.  The other King George.

And where am I  going with this?  I think I want to know what a lot of you think about whether many here who have written about the fear of one party ruling, and a focus on their corruption, isn’t the perfect playbook for getting Congress back, and eventually the White House.

Fear of losing their cherished way of life to a ravenous, poisonous, drunk with power majority could be our singular focus.  That and election reform for Maryscott!–which actually is very in keeping with our heart’s desire and long held goals of the liberal:  equal freedom and justice, Merry-go-round justice.


Where is the Jim Crow section
On this merry-go-round,
Mister, cause I want to ride?
Down South where I come from
White and colored
Can’t sit side by side.
Down South on the train
There’s a Jim Crow car.
On the bus we’re put in the back–
But there ain’t no back
To a merry-go-round!…

All the things that bother us about what freedom really means (The freedom for capitalist greed to leave you starving!), kind of pale to me when all that’s supposed to be good about freedom has been chipped away.  Peripherally we should talk about the injustices of the war, lack of economic equality, stupid feel good laws, but the rallying cry could be very successful if the passion is poured into making Americans fear that they might lose their own autonomy and privacy and freewill.

So, let me hear it please, how successful would a dogged, laserbeam like focus be on scaring the crap out the American people, not about SS, but the basics:  This majority party is out of control, your freedom as you cherish it is at stake, and they are corrupt hypocritical bums, to boot?

(Poetry is by the great Langston Hughes.)

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