Reid and Pelosi have discussed a relationship between Democrats for Life group and the DNC. Dean has also participated in the discussions, according to Democrats for Life.
Representatives of Democrats for Life, including Nelson’s staff, and 16 House Democrats met with Dean on Thursday morning to urge him to establish an official relationship that would be signified by, among other things, posting the group’s Internet address on the DNC website. So far, the DNC has refused to allow even that modest show of affiliation with Democrats for Life.
DNC spokesman Josh Earnest said, “We don’t have links to any other third-party groups.”
YEah, just a little website link… and Bush just wanted itty bitty investment accounts.
Senate and House Democrats, with the support of Minority Leaders Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), are pressing party Chairman Howard Dean to establish an official relationship with Democrats for Life, an anti-abortion-rights group that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has previously shunned.
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) is leading the Senate effort, while in the House Reps. Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) are playing prominent roles.
Their hope is to respond to last year’s election setbacks, make the party more inclusive and make it less identified with abortion.
This is bullshit… now who are the fucking hijackers of this party… we did not lose because of abortion but we ran a weak assed candidate in a DLC strategy… Jesus would have lost. The this fucking Republican Nelson who has already hijacked the filibuster, planning on doing the same with CAFTA and was ready to support Bush on Social Security now is directing his band of mysognist to accept this crap. If Dean puts DFL stinking shit on the DNC then they will have to put NARAL and Planned Parenthood.
Dear Friend,
DFLA is proud to present its scorecard of votes cast by the Democratic Members of the House of Representatives for the 108th Congress.
It contains a number of key Pro-Life votes taken over the past 20 months including votes on cloning, banning partial birth abortion, and prohibiting U.S. funds for overseas abortions.
We are very pleased to present this unique scorecard that focuses on the voting history of Democrats only.(Warning PDF) Many people have the misconception that the Republican Party has a stronghold on pro-life issues. Yet, by our count, there are pro-abortion Republicans who counter the Pro-Life Democrats in the House. Therefore, only through bipartisan cooperation can we advance life issues. Not one piece of Pro-Life legislation could pass the House of Representatives without backing from Pro-Life Democrats.
On any given pro-life vote, we have a number of Democrats who resist pressure from party leaders and lobbyists and vote their conscience in supporting pro-life legislation. These Democrats understand that the battle for Life transcends partisan politics. These Members should be commended and supported for their votes and views.
It is critically important to support Pro-Life Democrats already in office, as well as those running for elective office, to ensure that the Congress continues to pass important and lifesaving legislation.
The information is now in your hands. Share it with your family, friends, people in your workplace, and those with whom you worship as one way of showing your continued support for our Pro-Life leaders in Congress.
Kristen Day
Executive Director
These mother fuckers can kiss my ass. They don’t give a shit about women nor the children they bare… the fuckwad Nelson was ready to gut Social security, and now the party is going to have to answer to this scummy piece of shit. Look at the DFL website and how the high five each other when they destroy womens lives…
DFL was tickled pink that they are now forcing military women and families to use local facilities for abortion instead of the up to date facilities of the military hospitals EVEN IF THEY PAY THEM SELVES. So if a female soldier is stationed in some godforaken country she will be forced to use the whatever facilities are found locally.
There is a point where these anti-choicers have crossed the line and are just sadist. One thing is certain and that is all of these legislations passed by Democrats has not lessened the rate of abortions.
If these fuckers really wanted to lower abortions they would look at the symtoms of what causes it not just how to punish women.
I agree with Dea that this party can be a big enough tent to welcome Democrats who are morally against abortion but the Democrats to legislate against aboort can fuck off… all they are doing is spreading misery while they roll over on the Republicans dismantling the social safety net of this country.
What is now plainly clear is that Reid and Pelosi have no intention of trying to save Roe… what I want to see is now how many women will no longer have the intention of saving this pathetic excuse of a party.
So what is the strategic response?
There can be no negotiation to lower the rates of abortion of the DFL keep harming women with the legislative hangers.
What’s really scary is how many Democrats support the Republican agenda in whole or in part. Nelson, Salazar, Reid, Pelosi, Lieberman, Kerry, Edwards, kos…
Ah. Now it makes sense. This is what the “Dean is pro-life” push by the RWCM a few days back was preparation for. Bets that it was an attempt to get the pro-choice people to attack Dean for something he didn’t say, making him more receptive to more polite, reasoned entreaties from the pro-life wing?
If so, a bunch of people here fell for it, hook line and sinker.
Looks like Pelosi and Reid are just as traitorous as we thought they were. I really have to wonder how much of this is an orchestrated campaign by Dixiecrats to roll back post-war progressive reforms?
Pieces are starting to fit together… along with the anti-NARAL rants…
When you say “post-war progressive reforms” which war are you referring to?
World War II.
I seem to remember that the US has not, in fact, ever actually declared war since then.
is the “Pro-Life” Dems’ counter to Reid’s “Prevention First” bill. I referenced and linked to 95-10 in my ‘Eye of the Storm’ diary, but if you haven’t read what this societal blueprint for The Handmaid’s Tale really calls for, please do.
And they promote it as an initiative to “Empower Women.”