You’ll recall what Larry Johnson wrote yesterday about Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas):
I guess Senator Pat Roberts believes that if he repeats a lie long enough it eventually becomes true. While it is one thing for a political bag carrier like Ken Mehlman to be woefully ignorant about CIA practices and procedures, it is downright alarming that Senator Roberts can be so misinformed. Today, while appearing on CNN’s Late Edition, Roberts repeated the specious claim that Valerie Plame could not be undercover because she went to work everyday at CIA Headquarters.
Now comes word via that:
Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas intends to preside over hearings on the intelligence community’s use of covert protections for CIA agents and others involved in secret activities.
[T]he Senate Select Committee on Intelligence [chairman] could hold hearings on the use of espionage cover soon after [Congress’s] August recess …
[T]he Senate committee would also review the probe of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, who has been investigating the Plame case for nearly two years.
Come on. This hearing is an attack on “covert protections,” not an investigation into leaks. There’s more below on the NYT‘s take on the hearing, Johnson, and CIA covers.
The July 25 NYT story mentions Roberts’ appearance on CNN Sunday and quotes Johnson:
The chairman, Senator Pat Roberts, Republican of Kansas, said on the CNN program “Late Edition” that the committee was “going to go into quite a series of hearings in regard to cover.” The practice of intelligence cover has come under scrutiny during the investigation of the disclosure of the C.I.A. employment of Valerie Wilson, who had worked under cover for the agency for 18 years before being publicly identified as a C.I.A. operative in 2003.
“You cannot be in the business of outing somebody” working under cover, Mr. Roberts said. He said, however, there were questions about the depth of Ms. Wilson’s cover, because she had been based at the Virginia headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency at least since 1997.
“I must say from a common-sense standpoint, driving back and forth to work to the C.I.A. headquarters, I don’t know if that really qualifies as being, you know, covert,” Mr. Roberts said. “But generically speaking, it is a very serious matter.”
In a letter to Congressional leaders last week, 11 former intelligence officers said that even if the law was not violated, “we believe it is appropriate for the president to move proactively to dismiss from office or administratively punish any official who participated in any way in revealing Valerie Plame’s status.” The letter added, “Such an act by the president would send an unambiguous message that leaks of this nature will not be tolerated.”
Larry C. Johnson, a former C.I.A. analyst who organized the letter, said in an interview that “there are lives on the line” in the leak of an operative’s identity, because foreigners known to have met with the operative may come under suspicion.
The NYT also reports that:
Another former C.I.A. officer, Reuel Marc Gerecht, called Ms. Wilson’s cover “very, very soft” and said cover “is the Achilles’ heel of the agency.” He said cover is too often easily penetrated by foreign intelligence agencies.
Hangs head. I apologize for my stupid state.
No need to apologize. Many Americans that are paying attention to this (regardless of party) are shocked that republicans in the Whitehouse, Senate and Congress would put politics ahead of national security. To be quite honest, I knew there are many corrupt republicans but even I am shocked that not one Republican leader had given priority to the national security of Americans over party politics. This is just sick.
I’m thinking this is the only upside-some of the more reasonable Republicans I know are starting to get disillusioned and a few are really angry. Better late than never.
if both wingnuts in the senate from Kansas keep up this charade of supporting democracy, while covertly working to subvert our Constitution, maybe those moderates in our state, will wake up and smell the progressive movement.
All I know is Brownback is silent on Judge Roberts, Roberts thinks he is Barry Goldwater incarnate and both of them don’t have enough sense between them to come in out of the rain. Party line, party line, party line and both of them have yet to suggest that what Rove has done is not in the best interest of National Security.
I will be excited as hell when both of these wingnuts are no longer elected to anything other than toilet bowl cleaner in the federal penitentiary for their support of these egregiously criminal enterprise that has infected our government.
Bushco and company have given new meaning to the old saying, don’t steal the government does not like the competition.
How does this relate to the letter sent to the Senate leadership by Senators John Kerry, Carl Levin and five others, requesting congressional investigation of the exposure of covert CIA agent Plame?
Was Roberts’ a preemptive move? What Democrats are on that committee?
Anybody know?
When was this letter sent? I just sent a note to Levin yesterday urging him to look keep up the pressure on this investigation. Very nice.
last night and he was hilarious. Go to this link here and listen. He mentions Booman Tribune and TPM the first two minutes! YEAH! I love this man.
That is way cool. Larry “J” gave Booman Tribune a free advertisement on a national radio program. Wow! It will be interesting to see if this spikes traffic and brings in more new voices. Hey, Booman, you ought to send Larry a coffee mug and t-shirt for so clearly enunciating Boo-Man-Trib-Une-Dot-Com.
Sen.Roberts’ threat to start an enquiry on the Special Prosecutor reminded me of Frank Zappa’s statement ( and I am paraphrasing), that the smiling face of our rulers will continue as long as it works. It is when that no longer works that the props will be taken off, the curtains will be parted to reveal the brick wall behind the smiling face.
The totalitarian impulses of the GOP were always there.It only took a crisis for them to go into their attack mode while paying lip service to our democracy.
It is people like Larry Johnson that give me hope that we will see this administration taken down. It is so unfortunate though that the RWM will not put him on the nightly news or any of the pundits like Tweety will interview him. He spent 1 1/2 hours with a CBS news crew interveiwing only to be cut because of “time constraints”.
And a big standing ovation to Larry “J’ for mentioning Booman!!!! Bravo!!! Hey Boo…are you ready for that knock on your door?
Brilliant. Keep tying yourselves to Karl, you idiots. You can’t keep him afloat, and if he sinks, no way is he not taking you with him.