My server hosting company has been experiencing a case of the yips. It seems to be getting better. I apologize for the poor performance of the site today.
Use this thread to tell what your friggin problem is today.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Yes it’s very mary jane stuff. Ingestion (brownies rather than inhaling) seems to help many with pain management and eye probs. It releases pressure from the retinas.
Doc sez, they may come and go. He told me to just carry on as before, it’s nothing that I did that caused it.
It happened on Sunday, I rode my bike to the café had a latte and read the Globe & Mail, no problems. Got back on my bike and voila, india ink in my eye.
I have those and my doctor said they’re not a problem.
I’ve also had optical migraines for about 25 years. The first time it happened, I thought I’d gone blind suddenly … a black curtain fell over my eye. And I see shooting stuff, and I can’t focus on anything until it goes away — usually about 5 minutes or so. There’s no pain associated with it. Doctors have also told me not to worry about it unless it increases significantly.
I know one thing about migraines and that people who don’t get them many times do not understand what a migraine is…thinking it’s just like a bad headache and you just need to tough it out…or try to tell you migraines must be caused cause you’re stressed out. Which in my case is almost never true. I happen to be one those people who is usually always calm, low key and in fact have been told maybe my problem was the fact that I was ‘too’ calm all the time and never seemed to raise my voice or sound upset-I didn’t know that could be a bad thing…hate armchair doctors.
Unfortunately for me now one reason for my lifelong migraines turns out to be this neuro disease. More particularly that laying down/sleeping brings it on so I wake up with a blinding migraine and have to get up(even if it’s 3 in the morning because I can’t continue to lay down) and try and breathe out the bad air that got trapped-like monoxide poisoning-(and take some migraine pills). Reason for that being the nerves around lungs causes muscles to weaken and you don’t breathe out when laying down. I spent over 30 years having people give me all kinds of excuses why I had migraines and that somehow they were all my fault when as it turns out they never were or are.
SYBIL … one thing I’ve noticed is that those floaters can be distracting … like if I’m driving. My head will turn as if I’ve just spotted something, but it’s nothing but that floater. That made me nervous. You?
The heat. I have no air conditioner, and can’t get one in my window. The fan just moves the icky air around. The last couple weeks have been brutal, and we in Boston haven’t even had the worst of it. I’m just glad I wasn’t in Pipestone, Minnesota this weekend; my folks told me the dew point there was 86 degrees…the bloody dew point!
My poor cat got stuck outside in the heat for several hours today. Harriet now has a sunburned nose. When I got home and let her in, she just laid on the floor purring and panting simultaneously. I don’t think she’s ever been so happy to get a bowl of water.
On the happy side, I finally finished reading Judith Butler’s Bodies that Matter. If my prose ever becomes that incomprehensible, will someone here please slap me.
I would be lost without her, and she comes before any man that will ever enter my life (he’s allergic or doesn’t like cats and he’s out the door). I just wish I had an air conditioner so she could be sort of comfortable while I’m at work…at least she gets her catnip twice a day, which makes up for it a little.
Cat was rescued as a yearling from unpleasant circumstances on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, lived a long and very pampered life, and was buried about eight years ago under a beautiful lilac bush in Vermont.
I no longer feel so sad that she’s gone, though I still miss her, and I thank you for the thought.
there’s a link to a pic of her in my original comment (her name is the link)…it’s a few years old (that picture is from our apartment in Minneapolis).
She’s very much my baby, even though I have a couple roommates. Last summer, I went to visit my folks in Minnesota for a week. When I got back, I was standing outside talking to my roommate, and she was on the balcony above me, looking down and screamin at me. I’m not really allowed to go away for that long…at least according to her. If I do go away for any amount of time, I have a little black and white shadow for about a week when I get back. Yeah, she’s spoiled rotten.
I may have to try something like that…but the roommates leave after me so it probably wouldn’t stay in the shower (and she gets ignored compared to my asshole roommate’s dog). I’ll have to figure out something for tomorrow, since it looks like the worst day this week. It hasn’t gotten as bad as a couple years ago in Minneapolis when she wandered around the apt panting yet, though…I’ve found her in the tub, but I think she was going for the water out of the spigot (her dish was empty–bad Jeff; but this wasn’t when it was so terribly hot…she does seem to like the tiles).
I hope Kitty and the guinea pig are coping…and you guys, too.
“You can help your cat survive extremely hot weather by keeping him indoors in a cool interior room. Rubbing him down with a damp towel will help; so will immersing his feet in a tub of cool water. Wrapping a cold compress under the cat’s neck will also help cool him off. He may fight at first, but most likely will appreciate it once he gets used to the idea. Try wrapping a plastic bag of frozen peas in a towel, and placing in in his bed for a cool spot to lie. The peas will rearrange themselves to fit his contours and he’ll have a “custom spa” for cooling off.”
If I put Kitty’s feet in water… I’d be shredded. ๐
I’m gonna try the frozen “corn” idea. Put them in a pillowcase and lay it in our back tub. She doesn’t have a certain bed – she flop around everywhere.
The worse off is our big black lab. She eats ice cubes and tries not to move too much. ๐
The corn worked nicely overnight. I set up a little bed in a plastic basin, with the frozen corn and a towel…she fell asleep in it last night…I’ll be switching the corn before I go to work (a little catnip as a lure worked wonderfully). She also had a damp towel as a sheet.
Thanks for that link…she’s feeling a lot better this morning than she did yesterday.
I’ve dripped water on my cats’ backs. And used the wet towel trick.
The frozen peas: I’ve used those so many times on my back when it’s gone out! They’re fabulous!
P.S. I’ve been cooking corn on the cob for the raccoons. I put a little butter on it, and put it outside with the dog food and peanut butter sandwiches.
There’s a new mommy raccoon. She’s young and lithe, compared to my ol’ lame Senator Boxer. She’s definitely lactating.
My daughter asked what we should name her, so we came up with “Valerie P.”
Valerie P. comes by every night around 9-ish. On the raccoon mailing list, they told me that when her babies are 8 weeks old, she’ll bring them around. They also told me to give her puppy food since it’s more nutritious for a lactating mom.
So that’s what was going on. But hey, I ran all my anti-badstuff scans so my computer is very happy right now.
MFP? The neighbors’ kitty disappeared on my watch while the neighbors were out of town. But good news! Kitty had crawled into the basement of a recently vacated house. Someone heard mewing and kitty is now safely home, lolling about on satin pillows and eating sardines out of the can.
St Francis is still out there somewhere, watching. Thanks, sir. I owe you.
Bush,Rove,Rice,Rumsfeld,Delay,Frist,Cheney,Iraq,Iran,republi-dumbs,NeoCons,RW Christians,(so called, let me clarify that)taxes,social security,medicare,healthcare,jobs, Enron,the sick,the poor,the ederly, the bull-shit, they spin, the hype, the lies, the torture, the draft, the non governmental support of our troops, education system, racism, pro-lifer’s,retirement,pay raise, living wage,cost of living, cost of dieing,taxes for the rich, the corporations, environmental demise……
outside that, Hell, I’m a happy camper ; ) let’s have a party…
Thanks BooMan for this WYFP space. . .just in the nick of time. MFP is once agian B Gates and his F**KING IE, WORD and all the other never completed Beta testing programs he sells for Big $$$$, the ones sold as finished product, like all of his stuff, that are never debugged or complete.
I have spent god only knows how many effing hours having to edit, post, edit, repost, remove contents, reconfigure in my publishing program (NOT microsoft)and repost once again posts on my own personal blog (Matters Of Spirit. . .in case anyone wants to know), because of explorer and word. I use FireFox and love it, but others out there still use that useless piece of crap Internet Explorer. My site looks perfect when viewed by any other browser in the universe. But if I post something I have copied and pasted from Word, For those using IE, and only those, it shows up with html code in the copy!!!WTF????
Any way. . .rant, rant, rant… took me too long to figure out a solution and I certainly won’t be using word any more for such writing.
Are pretty minimal…I must be getting a life, ’cause I didn’t notice the server gremlins today…or maybe I’ve actually been getting some work done because it’s time for vacation…
My real problem is packing for vacation…kids, kayaks, beach stuff, food, coolers…how will I cram it all into/atop the car?
We had our usual every-other-Tuesday crew meeting and another opportunity to sit in a small hot windowless room under florescent lights with our evil boss. I’ve been doing this for nearly 30 years (well the bosses have always been evil), watched my hair turn gray in that puny restroom mirror. This overseer came straight out of a lifetime in the military into our (formerly) lovely little bit of socialist public employee heaven and began taking out all the hurts of his sorry life on us and the other unionized staff. He’s so nasty he’s still on probation even though the admins seldom harm their own. Even when he’s being nice there’s an edge to it. And then there’s my idiot pseudo-cowboy coworker, Junior (that’s his behind-the-back name), who has wrecked a number of pieces of equipment in interesting ways. Both of my beloved breaktime confidants are gone, one on a road trip for a month and the other maybe permanently. Cranky? Youbetcha!
And to think I almost chewed out my teenage son for hogging all the household bandwidth with his on-line video games!
MFP is that I tore off half of the fingernail on my right index finger with a potato peeler while getting dinner ready last night – OUCH! Fortunately, I’m left handed.
Also the heat, but hey, it’s going to cool off in two days, so they say on the Weather Channel.
Latoyia Figueroa is still missing after 8 days. And as tragic as the Natalee Holloway case might be, Natalee doesn’t have a seven year old child wondering where she is, nor was Natalee (to the best of our knowledge) 5 months pregnant.
1) Latoyia (we should only use her first name) is not white.
2) She does not have blonde hair.
3) She was not scheduled to get married last weekend.
4) She’s from West Philadelphia.
5) There may actually be a lead or two in her case.
7) To the best of our knowledge, no one from Texas has yet offered to bring in cadaver dogs to search for Latoyia, nor have forensic dive teams volunteered to scour the Schuylkill or Delaware rivers.
8 ) Also to the best of our knowledge, the FBI hasn’t been requested to participate in the investigation (even though Philly actually is in the US of A), nor have any DNA samples been rushed to Washington, DC.
I hope this enough for you to run with – certainly, the crackerjack CNN research team available to you can fill in any speculative details or obscure leads of prurient interest. While it’s doubtful that Latoyia’s family can offer $100 reward, much less $1 million (as has Natalee’s), I’m sure they’d still have an undying gratitude for any of your viewers who could turn up a lead on Latoyia.
Oh, and here’s a picture of Latoyia, in case you need one when you run your full hour show devoted to Latoyia. I’m sure her family can provide more.
Lastly, I note that “Natalee Holloway” rates “about 5600” Google News hits, while “Latoyia Figueroa” rates two. Here’s hoping your show and CNN’s website can contribute another hit for Latoyia.
I look forward to watching the show!
Snarkiness to Ms. Grace aside, if you have a blog, whether you have 1 visitor per day or 1 million, please consider blogging about Latoyia. Visibility does make a difference. Also, if you’d care to contact Nancy Grace, just click on her name, above.
Update, 7:30PM EDT – Because of the wide publicity this story has received in the blogosphere, All Spin Zone, in conjunction with the Philadelphia Citizen’s Crime Commission, has established a reward fund for information on Latoyia Figueroa. More details here. Five or ten bucks each from the thousands who are reading this post today will make a tremendous difference.
Whenever a site balks, I open another browser window and try a few other sites. Google was hoppin’ and Kos seemed mostly OK so I figured the problem was not me or my ISP.
I haven’t located a “dos prompt” yet in my XP SP2 but I carry around an antique WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS, which I fired up, <ctrl><F1>’d a prompt and pinged boomantribune just to check if it was present.
WP 3.x-4.x, with a keyboard with the F keys to the left instead of along the top, was a really fast word processing program as I recall from my touch-typist clerking days. Too bad the keyboards of that era had a sledgehammer touch to them due to being hawked by, and demo’d to, ham handed ex-football player sales and manager types who never had to use them for their primary work. My wrists would ache after an hour or two pounding those beasts, and they threw off my tin whistle timing most weeknights.
You bring back memories … Word Perfect was great altho I didn’t use it much … I used Spellbinder, a DOS desktop publishing tool that was available in 1982. Actually, the first version I used was in CPM, and on a Kaypro II with no hard drive.
I got Windows eventually but never used it except to play Solitaire. Then, finally, when Windows 95 came out, I made the switch. Sigh. Miss Spellbinder.
A client is less then a week away from going live with their new business software and I’m working with a client contact can’t be pleased no matter what I do.
8 page project plan with every task laid out by due date and responsible party that is updated weekly – Not detailed enough.
Over 40 customized procedure instructions with screen shots plus standard manuals and 2 weeks of training – Not enough documentation or training.
200 pages of documented software settings gathered from almost 2 weeks of design meetings – Not sufficiently discussed or documented.
The best part is they own several companies and this is only the first of several that I’ll be working on for the rest of the year.
is that I’ve had to listen to the same “clean up your act or else” speech — first time from the gynecologist, this time from my new Personal Care Physician (PCP in medspeak). Only good news is, the spouse had to listen to the same freakin’ speech today. Okay, okay…I take the hint. Just went through and cleared out most of the old cookbooks that ignored stuff like fat grams and sodium levels (you know, the really good ones), and went out and bought replacement cookbooks from the American Heart Association and other worthy organizations.
If I can lose, say, about 20 pounds in the next three months before I go back for follow-up, maybe that’ll be enough to keep the doc off my back. But I’ve got to admit, I’m very impressed with her overall; she’s extremely thorough and I feel like I can trust her to do a damn good job…so maybe I don’t have an actual FP after all…
Had some hiccups here as the page wouldn’t load. Or would take forevahhhhh. I figured it was my machine and did some sweeps and system check ups.
Glad it’s back. Yay!
Glad it was your Gremlins and not mine…lol. Glad you are back up to speed cause Gawd it was forever.
Glad things are working now. Booman, thanks for getting back to me.
I have no special FPs today.
I had the symptoms but the doctor sez it’s good news and bad news. No retinal detachment, but it could happen anytime. The symptoms: “get used to it.”
It’s like someone spashed tiny drops of india ink in my eye with some caligraphy on the sides.
But I am stubborn, I will keep on painting.
I hope the good luck continues.
I have a friend who alerts me about Cannaboids and their use in severe eye diseases. Maybe it’s something that can help you? I wish you well!
Thank you, I will Google “Cannaboids” – are they legal?
Hmmm maybe I can qualify for medical marijuana.
We’ll have a party!
Yes it’s very mary jane stuff. Ingestion (brownies rather than inhaling) seems to help many with pain management and eye probs. It releases pressure from the retinas.
Gotta go eat. Take care!
My mom had/has a similar problem last year…she calls them floaters, and they have gotten somewhat better, but haven’t gone away completely.
Will yours go away eventually?
Doc sez, they may come and go. He told me to just carry on as before, it’s nothing that I did that caused it.
It happened on Sunday, I rode my bike to the café had a latte and read the Globe & Mail, no problems. Got back on my bike and voila, india ink in my eye.
My mom was swimming when she got hers…IIRC took a few weeks before it started to clear up. I hope yours goes away quickly.
Sounds good, you give me hope that it will go away.
I have those and my doctor said they’re not a problem.
I’ve also had optical migraines for about 25 years. The first time it happened, I thought I’d gone blind suddenly … a black curtain fell over my eye. And I see shooting stuff, and I can’t focus on anything until it goes away — usually about 5 minutes or so. There’s no pain associated with it. Doctors have also told me not to worry about it unless it increases significantly.
I know one thing about migraines and that people who don’t get them many times do not understand what a migraine is…thinking it’s just like a bad headache and you just need to tough it out…or try to tell you migraines must be caused cause you’re stressed out. Which in my case is almost never true. I happen to be one those people who is usually always calm, low key and in fact have been told maybe my problem was the fact that I was ‘too’ calm all the time and never seemed to raise my voice or sound upset-I didn’t know that could be a bad thing…hate armchair doctors.
Unfortunately for me now one reason for my lifelong migraines turns out to be this neuro disease. More particularly that laying down/sleeping brings it on so I wake up with a blinding migraine and have to get up(even if it’s 3 in the morning because I can’t continue to lay down) and try and breathe out the bad air that got trapped-like monoxide poisoning-(and take some migraine pills). Reason for that being the nerves around lungs causes muscles to weaken and you don’t breathe out when laying down. I spent over 30 years having people give me all kinds of excuses why I had migraines and that somehow they were all my fault when as it turns out they never were or are.
SYBIL … one thing I’ve noticed is that those floaters can be distracting … like if I’m driving. My head will turn as if I’ve just spotted something, but it’s nothing but that floater. That made me nervous. You?
The heat. I have no air conditioner, and can’t get one in my window. The fan just moves the icky air around. The last couple weeks have been brutal, and we in Boston haven’t even had the worst of it. I’m just glad I wasn’t in Pipestone, Minnesota this weekend; my folks told me the dew point there was 86 degrees…the bloody dew point!
My poor cat got stuck outside in the heat for several hours today. Harriet now has a sunburned nose. When I got home and let her in, she just laid on the floor purring and panting simultaneously. I don’t think she’s ever been so happy to get a bowl of water.
On the happy side, I finally finished reading Judith Butler’s Bodies that Matter. If my prose ever becomes that incomprehensible, will someone here please slap me.
The beautiful Harriet looks just like my late, lamented Cat. Tuxedo cats are so wonderful!
I would be lost without her, and she comes before any man that will ever enter my life (he’s allergic or doesn’t like cats and he’s out the door). I just wish I had an air conditioner so she could be sort of comfortable while I’m at work…at least she gets her catnip twice a day, which makes up for it a little.
Sorry to hear about Cat.
Cat was rescued as a yearling from unpleasant circumstances on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, lived a long and very pampered life, and was buried about eight years ago under a beautiful lilac bush in Vermont.
I no longer feel so sad that she’s gone, though I still miss her, and I thank you for the thought.
Harriet is VERY VERY lucky to have you and your love…. I suppose you’ve put up a pic of her and I’ve missed it?
there’s a link to a pic of her in my original comment (her name is the link)…it’s a few years old (that picture is from our apartment in Minneapolis).
She’s very much my baby, even though I have a couple roommates. Last summer, I went to visit my folks in Minnesota for a week. When I got back, I was standing outside talking to my roommate, and she was on the balcony above me, looking down and screamin at me. I’m not really allowed to go away for that long…at least according to her. If I do go away for any amount of time, I have a little black and white shadow for about a week when I get back. Yeah, she’s spoiled rotten.
Right on! Harriet is a cutie! Thanks for the photo.
Glad she’s back indoors. We don’t have AC either. Kitty, all black, has been laying low in the back bathroom in the tub where its cool.
I’ve been experimenting with frozen water/soda bottles for our guinea pig. Might work for in the tub for the cat to lay near(?)
I may have to try something like that…but the roommates leave after me so it probably wouldn’t stay in the shower (and she gets ignored compared to my asshole roommate’s dog). I’ll have to figure out something for tomorrow, since it looks like the worst day this week. It hasn’t gotten as bad as a couple years ago in Minneapolis when she wandered around the apt panting yet, though…I’ve found her in the tub, but I think she was going for the water out of the spigot (her dish was empty–bad Jeff; but this wasn’t when it was so terribly hot…she does seem to like the tiles).
I hope Kitty and the guinea pig are coping…and you guys, too.
How to Help Your Cat Avoid Heatstroke
“You can help your cat survive extremely hot weather by keeping him indoors in a cool interior room. Rubbing him down with a damp towel will help; so will immersing his feet in a tub of cool water. Wrapping a cold compress under the cat’s neck will also help cool him off. He may fight at first, but most likely will appreciate it once he gets used to the idea. Try wrapping a plastic bag of frozen peas in a towel, and placing in in his bed for a cool spot to lie. The peas will rearrange themselves to fit his contours and he’ll have a “custom spa” for cooling off.”
If I put Kitty’s feet in water… I’d be shredded. ๐
I’ll definitely take a look.
Harriet has had one bath since I got her…she sat there and purred while I poured water over her. I have an odd cat.
I’m gonna try the frozen “corn” idea. Put them in a pillowcase and lay it in our back tub. She doesn’t have a certain bed – she flop around everywhere.
The worse off is our big black lab. She eats ice cubes and tries not to move too much. ๐
Hope tomorrow is cooler. Take care!
just went to the grocery store to get some frozen corn…hopefully she’ll be smart (for once?) and lie near it.
The corn worked nicely overnight. I set up a little bed in a plastic basin, with the frozen corn and a towel…she fell asleep in it last night…I’ll be switching the corn before I go to work (a little catnip as a lure worked wonderfully). She also had a damp towel as a sheet.
Thanks for that link…she’s feeling a lot better this morning than she did yesterday.
Hooray!!! I’m so happy to hear that MaJeff ๐
I’ve dripped water on my cats’ backs. And used the wet towel trick.
The frozen peas: I’ve used those so many times on my back when it’s gone out! They’re fabulous!
P.S. I’ve been cooking corn on the cob for the raccoons. I put a little butter on it, and put it outside with the dog food and peanut butter sandwiches.
There’s a new mommy raccoon. She’s young and lithe, compared to my ol’ lame Senator Boxer. She’s definitely lactating.
My daughter asked what we should name her, so we came up with “Valerie P.”
Valerie P. comes by every night around 9-ish. On the raccoon mailing list, they told me that when her babies are 8 weeks old, she’ll bring them around. They also told me to give her puppy food since it’s more nutritious for a lactating mom.
down the memory hole
All’s well that ends well…
So that’s what was going on. But hey, I ran all my anti-badstuff scans so my computer is very happy right now.
MFP? The neighbors’ kitty disappeared on my watch while the neighbors were out of town. But good news! Kitty had crawled into the basement of a recently vacated house. Someone heard mewing and kitty is now safely home, lolling about on satin pillows and eating sardines out of the can.
St Francis is still out there somewhere, watching. Thanks, sir. I owe you.
Never feed the server after midnight!
Bush,Rove,Rice,Rumsfeld,Delay,Frist,Cheney,Iraq,Iran,republi-dumbs,NeoCons,RW Christians,(so called, let me clarify that)taxes,social security,medicare,healthcare,jobs, Enron,the sick,the poor,the ederly, the bull-shit, they spin, the hype, the lies, the torture, the draft, the non governmental support of our troops, education system, racism, pro-lifer’s,retirement,pay raise, living wage,cost of living, cost of dieing,taxes for the rich, the corporations, environmental demise……
outside that, Hell, I’m a happy camper ; ) let’s have a party…
You made me laugh, and I really really really needed to laugh.
Virtual beers for everyone. Send me the tab.
You did include torture. My eyes are still dilated, from the eye-doctor. I better go.
Actually, he forgot Poland…
nope…I did mention racism..; )
naaah..the torture was read’n through the damned comment, and knowing it was all true…LMAO
How’s that gator? Don’t want him gettin’ your Yeller dog, ya know…
decided to move on to a quiter, less harassing area ; )
Ol’ Yellar is sleep’n, eat’n, and scratch’n,
geeesh…spell check quiter…eeeeks…”quieter” (I was’nt lett’n that sucker rest that day, and well into that night, I don’t blame him for mov’n ; )
Thanks BooMan, it’s working well now.
Thanks BooMan for this WYFP space. . .just in the nick of time. MFP is once agian B Gates and his F**KING IE, WORD and all the other never completed Beta testing programs he sells for Big $$$$, the ones sold as finished product, like all of his stuff, that are never debugged or complete.
I have spent god only knows how many effing hours having to edit, post, edit, repost, remove contents, reconfigure in my publishing program (NOT microsoft)and repost once again posts on my own personal blog (Matters Of Spirit. . .in case anyone wants to know), because of explorer and word. I use FireFox and love it, but others out there still use that useless piece of crap Internet Explorer. My site looks perfect when viewed by any other browser in the universe. But if I post something I have copied and pasted from Word, For those using IE, and only those, it shows up with html code in the copy!!!WTF????
Any way. . .rant, rant, rant… took me too long to figure out a solution and I certainly won’t be using word any more for such writing.
There I feel better now!!!
Thanks again for the rant space.
Are pretty minimal…I must be getting a life, ’cause I didn’t notice the server gremlins today…or maybe I’ve actually been getting some work done because it’s time for vacation…
My real problem is packing for vacation…kids, kayaks, beach stuff, food, coolers…how will I cram it all into/atop the car?
Oh, one more problem…My Booman mug STILL ISN’T HERE! and I’m feeling jealous of everyone else who already got theirs…maybe tomorrow?
I’m going to get the T-shirt for my brother in Seattle.
He won’t know what the hell it means. Ha ha!
He’ll think it is some Canuck slur against French Canadians or something until I straighten him out.
We had our usual every-other-Tuesday crew meeting and another opportunity to sit in a small hot windowless room under florescent lights with our evil boss. I’ve been doing this for nearly 30 years (well the bosses have always been evil), watched my hair turn gray in that puny restroom mirror. This overseer came straight out of a lifetime in the military into our (formerly) lovely little bit of socialist public employee heaven and began taking out all the hurts of his sorry life on us and the other unionized staff. He’s so nasty he’s still on probation even though the admins seldom harm their own. Even when he’s being nice there’s an edge to it. And then there’s my idiot pseudo-cowboy coworker, Junior (that’s his behind-the-back name), who has wrecked a number of pieces of equipment in interesting ways. Both of my beloved breaktime confidants are gone, one on a road trip for a month and the other maybe permanently. Cranky? Youbetcha!
And to think I almost chewed out my teenage son for hogging all the household bandwidth with his on-line video games!
MFP is that I tore off half of the fingernail on my right index finger with a potato peeler while getting dinner ready last night – OUCH! Fortunately, I’m left handed.
Also the heat, but hey, it’s going to cool off in two days, so they say on the Weather Channel.
From The All Spin Zone:
Whenever a site balks, I open another browser window and try a few other sites. Google was hoppin’ and Kos seemed mostly OK so I figured the problem was not me or my ISP.
I haven’t located a “dos prompt” yet in my XP SP2 but I carry around an antique WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS, which I fired up, <ctrl><F1>’d a prompt and pinged boomantribune just to check if it was present.
WP 3.x-4.x, with a keyboard with the F keys to the left instead of along the top, was a really fast word processing program as I recall from my touch-typist clerking days. Too bad the keyboards of that era had a sledgehammer touch to them due to being hawked by, and demo’d to, ham handed ex-football player sales and manager types who never had to use them for their primary work. My wrists would ache after an hour or two pounding those beasts, and they threw off my tin whistle timing most weeknights.
But anyways no FP today!
You bring back memories … Word Perfect was great altho I didn’t use it much … I used Spellbinder, a DOS desktop publishing tool that was available in 1982. Actually, the first version I used was in CPM, and on a Kaypro II with no hard drive.
I got Windows eventually but never used it except to play Solitaire. Then, finally, when Windows 95 came out, I made the switch. Sigh. Miss Spellbinder.
Click on Start/Run
Type “cmd” (no quotes)
Click OK
And there should be your dos prompt.
The DLC.
is that I have to catch up on so much reading since I’ve been MIA for the past few days–no tv, cellphone, laptop.
A client is less then a week away from going live with their new business software and I’m working with a client contact can’t be pleased no matter what I do.
8 page project plan with every task laid out by due date and responsible party that is updated weekly – Not detailed enough.
Over 40 customized procedure instructions with screen shots plus standard manuals and 2 weeks of training – Not enough documentation or training.
200 pages of documented software settings gathered from almost 2 weeks of design meetings – Not sufficiently discussed or documented.
The best part is they own several companies and this is only the first of several that I’ll be working on for the rest of the year.
Ah, but did they just tell you that their astrologer insists that the product go live at at specific time on a specific date???
Josh Marshall at TPMCafe is saying to expect a Bolton recess appt … maybe by this Friday.
is that I’ve had to listen to the same “clean up your act or else” speech — first time from the gynecologist, this time from my new Personal Care Physician (PCP in medspeak). Only good news is, the spouse had to listen to the same freakin’ speech today. Okay, okay…I take the hint. Just went through and cleared out most of the old cookbooks that ignored stuff like fat grams and sodium levels (you know, the really good ones), and went out and bought replacement cookbooks from the American Heart Association and other worthy organizations.
If I can lose, say, about 20 pounds in the next three months before I go back for follow-up, maybe that’ll be enough to keep the doc off my back. But I’ve got to admit, I’m very impressed with her overall; she’s extremely thorough and I feel like I can trust her to do a damn good job…so maybe I don’t have an actual FP after all…