Update [2005-7-27 22:3:21 by susanhu]: I LOST THE POLL! It’s back now! Take it!
“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: “O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.” And God granted it.” – Voltaire
“A Nutty Little Law“
The Intelligence Identities Protection Act must go.
By Christopher Hitchens. Slate
A morsel: “Could it be that there is an element of politicization in all this? That there is more to Mr. Wilson’s perfunctory ‘no problem’ report from Niger than first appears? … But who is endangering national security here? The man who calls attention to a covert CIA hand in the argument, or the man who blithely says that uranium deals with psychopathic regimes are not in train when they probably are?” (Emphasis mine – susanhu.)
“John Madden Infiltrates Fox News!“
A morsel: “Late this morning Fox News brought on military analyst retired Major General Bob Scales to update viewers on the War on Terror. Today’s topic: The Cone of Instability. … Yada, yada … After much, much more map-making that needs to be seen to be believed … “The expanded cone now includes India, Mozambique, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Tanzania, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Malawi, Zambia, Greece, Cyprus, Malta and any nation in the Indian Ocean (yeah, we’re looking at you, Mauritius).
“(Apologies to any country left off the Cone of Instability list. As we said, we’re doing our best with the grainy maps available.)”
So, what’s your favorite swear word? Poll below:
Oh yeah. The last Fox News cone map:
We used to have a chimp at the San Francisco Zoo who, whilehe didn’t speak, was particularly adept at tossing his own shit at people with an astonishing degree of accuracy. I think he was called “Joe” but I’m not sure.
…Hitchens ridiculous. He’s achieved that all by himself. For a while, long ago, he was just a liberal, pro-life hawk, a pain in the ass, but still worth a read for some devastating critiques of conservatives. Now, he’s just a shill, and, frankly, I’d rather read Ann Coulter. She’s an idiot, but she’s not a drunken turncoat.
All that alcohol and all that denial is finally pickling his brain cells.
It’s always a shame when someone as gifted as he was careens off the rails of rationality.
The earth is being attacked by a giant female reproductive system!!
Watch out Indonesia, you’re heading into the cervix!
So snort! Well, it was bound to happen. We fucked with Mother Nature one too many times.
My son as a teen-ager invented a boredom shield that looked a lot like the cone of silence from his descriptions.
He pretended to lower it over his head whenever we
talked about any of his ‘forbidden subjects’ that is,
subjects that bored him. He would start by making a
spacey sound, like zip, zip, zip, …
I’m thinking I need a boredom shield whenever I see Chris Hitchens’ byline. He really has drunk up the kool-aide talking points on RoveGate.
and there was the “Portable version”:
I’m going to look into this guy!
Am I blind? I can’t find the fucking poll…thus my favorite swear word. It is such a useful word…just ask Maryscott!!
Wikipedia has tons of stuff about the word fuck…go here to see it’s history and when it became vulgar etc.
I recall an entertaining ride back from Gatwick on Freddy Laker’s airline with a load of Brits and Irishmen, a few of whom we heard elbowing each other at every “fuck” to try to remember that it isn’t a casual word to many Americans.
I opt for a creative mix of expletives, the more the merrier.
my favorite expletive is one I stole from a former boyfriend: “Fuck, oh dear!” I just love that.
At certain times I wonder at the intelligence of Fox News viewers (all ~ 1.6 million of ’em.) And then I don’t have to wonder. They are, indeed, bat-shit crazy.
There is more to that map than you realize. I know that map because I’ve seen it on a wall in a large evangelical church in Virginia Beach, VA. Why I was there or whose church it was I will not say.
It is indeed the map of the region of the world where Christianity is the minority religion. The circled areas are Arab North Africa, Tanzania/Kenya/Somalia, the Middle East (notice Israel not circled) and Indonesia/Malaysia slash Singapore and the Philippines.
Meanwhile Colombia does not appear on the map, although it is fighting a 30 year guerilla war. Indonesia is instable?? They have two minor civil wars but they are no more or less “instable” than Sri Lanka, which is not circled.
This map, whether fellow Boo Tribbers realize it or not, is simply a map that many evangelicals know quite well from church. I forget the name they use for it but I know it’s often hung in the church so people can pray especially hard for this area of the world.
This map is no laughing matter to me.
More code for the fundies…. if I weren’t a heathen, I’d recognize that 🙁
If that map is in most of the fundie churches, they are making headway into taking control of our country, that scares the bejeezus out of me. If these wacks get control of our Nukes, there won’t be a safe place left in the world from their fascism.
my favorite swear word is feces…..:o)
As the spelling bee competitors say, “Can you use that in a phrase, please?”
To bring some multicultural flavour to the poll, is my favourite swear word is : Nom de Dieu !
old enough to pick up my language, I now use the acronym “SDFH” for shit, damn, fuck, hell. We were at our local grocery store, the one that can still compete with Wal Mart in my community and my son stumbles, falls and yells out shit. I looked at him and he looked at me and the two ladies in the aisle looked at us and I said quietly, we don’t say that word.
He looks at me and say, but daddy, you said shit, this morning I heard you.
I smiled at the two nice ladies and picked up my son and said, daddy won’t be saying it any longer so you won’t be saying it either. He smiled that beautiful smile of his and said ok daddy.
So now I use SDFH most of the time. I still slip up but have become much more conscious of my language around my son.