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If you have any good ideas for diaries you’d like to see, post them below.
Please visit our store and check out our new t-shirts and coffee mugs.
If you have any good ideas for diaries you’d like to see, post them below.
I’d love to see a series on our wounded from Afghanistan and Iraq. MaryScott’s diaries a few days ago were awsome. A simple google, however, yields remarkably little.
I’d also love to see the number of top military brass who have been replaced since Bush and his band of thugs came to power and who were the replacements. That must have major implications with the way our military is being trashed with impunity. I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Great idea Nag. We really need to know what’s happening to the people we’re sending off to fight George’s war.
to reframe issues that go in Dubya’s favor. For example, Dubya’s number one issue is the war on terrorism despite the fact that more terrorist attacks have occurred each year since the attack on 9/11. Our national security has been compromised since the leak of a CIA agent and somebody leaked to Chalabi that we had Iran’s code. Plus the Iraq War has weakened our military force and we have proven to the world that we are vulnerable.
The facts show that Bush has been the worst president when it comes to our national security but these facts just bounce off the frame that many Americans have in that the Republican party is the party of National Security. We need to put our heads together and find ways to break that frame.
BTW – I have been reading Lakoff in my spare time. Can you tell?
I tried to do some “reframing” on national security and Plame in my most recent diary:
but I used the word “themes”, an old-fashioned word but I don’t believe in “memes” and I don’t buy enough of Lakeoff’s use of “reframing” to like to use it, but I guess I will have to if I want anyone to read my ideas!
As for diaries I’d like to see right now, there’s a lot of controversy on the net about congressional investigation of the Plame exposure and somewhat related confirmation hearings. The action appears to be in the Senate, I’d love to know more about what’s really going on. I suspect there may be opportunity here for Dems who are members of these committees. They may not be the majority but they can make an impact.
I am so glad you told me about it. I have to go to sleep now (I had a really busy day) but I will take a close look at it tomorrow after my morning appt. with my second cup of coffee. I wish I had my Booman Tribune Coffee Mug (sigh) but at least I have two things to look forward to. Thank you Captain!!!
I see debates on the “Iraq problem” giving left/right political positions and none on what a good policy position is for the Iraqi people.
America has a choice here but what choice do the Iraqi people have? Caught between a military occupation and homicidal maniacs who blow up innocent people, they are given little choice. How much do the suicide bombers represent the Iraqi resistance, we do not really know.
Poll information released in Bloomberg, July 1, 2005 indicates that the Iraqi people want the US troops to leave their country.
A diary on ‘What the Iraqi people want?’ – a diary that would include the polls and also comments from Iraqi bloggers; a diary that would convey good policy that is simply the right thing to do and not just what is politically advantageous to Democrats/Republicans. Who knows, the right thing to do for the Iraqi people may also work to the advantage of the party that espouses it.
That would be a diary that I would love to see, and to see it followed up.
I want to know what it takes to get on the blogroll 😉
I think you already are on the main blog roll, soj.
Maybe you’re looking at the CCR blog roll further down the page (explained in the link).
been on my blogroll, Soj. From day one.
Oops ok then my question is now “how does one learn to clearly see a computer screen?” :)))
Johnny Nash can help. 🙂
But you can join the CCR Blogroll! It’s for a good cause!
I have no idea what is going on in regards to this issue. I am sure none of us want to wait until a couple of months before the midterm elections to have Voting issues hit the fan. Is this a State by State thing? Federal thing? What should we all be doing now? Is there something we can being doing? Which States suck and which ones don’t in regards to possibly stealing another election. Not just legal stuff we need to be prepared for Mischief from the other side.
You read my mind! With all the discussions of the Democrat party yesterday and today, what keeps coming up is that none of it matters if our votes aren’t counted (or if they get switched).
National efforts are terrific, but I don’t know what is happening on that level. What can I do in my state? Where do I even begin to find out if there are proposed changes to how we vote now? (I use paper and pencil – no eraser.)
I am appalled at how little I know about how my levels of government work. So here I sit, buck-ignorant.
But this seems a safe place to ask questions. I so appreciate the people here who explain things without rolling their eyes or sighing.
There’s nothing I love more than a good, spirited (pun intended) argument over religion. Or politics. Or religion and politics. That’s what caused me to start a little blog called TwoTaboos. Trouble is, I get very few visitors, which makes it hard to start a proper argument.
If you get a chance, stop in to post something about the question of the day: did figures from religious history have a more direct connection to God?
I think you meant this though 🙂
Ack. Thanks.
Yar, it’s a poor blogger as can’t even link to his own home.
UID Name Time
1900 TAXme 2005-07-27 12:58:08
Welcome, TAXMe! I like the handle.
I think what is happening on Indian Reservations, the quality of life there is something that should be made much more public. There should be more news stories of what is happening to these basically forgotten Americans…except when election time comes around. This is an article from the Black Commentator about the ten worst cities for Blacks to live and gives a graph on how/why…much to do also with the prison system and how that impacts where Blacks live. More diaries on how Americans who don’t happen to white are faring with jobs, health care etc.
It also seems very hard to even find news stories about what is happening in Afghanistan. Do Americans even know we’re still over there or getting killed at higher and higher rates.
More on the environment. Why doesn’t the government have warning labels on all tuna for instance when you’re told that if you’re pg or a young child you should never eat tuna at the most once a week. Due to poisons like mercury in tuna and other fish also.
The environment is the 800 pound gorilla that sits there killing us all…through the air, ground that our food is grown in and the polluted groundwater to say nothing of a statistic that says that a good half of all our lakes and streams are too polluted to swim in or catch fish from.
There should be more news stories
Agreed–but the strength of blogs is the citizen input. They’re the most colorblind real-time system we’ve developed yet.
We are beginning to see elected leaders coming to grassroots-founded blogs. I think the grassroots might have another great opportunity if they could find ways to reach out to nonelected leaders of cultural and economic groups to come participate, whether regularly or occasionally.
What better way to bring points of view to many of us who are otherwise limited to what the media or party leaders deign to show us. In theory it seems like a great opportunity for movement-building. We might even call it party building.
And we don’t need permission.
super awful thunderstorms rolling in with a tornado watch. See you all in a bit.
Let us know what happens…What part of the city are you in?
Well Booman, I bit the bullet and bought a tshirt today. Can’t wait to get it. One of my favorites that I where when I am really pissed has a picture of Bush and it’s says I’m not with Stupid…hah!
I would like to maybe see some team diaries, especially ones that may require a lot of research. If two or more split it up and write it together maybe more users would write diaries. I am just getting started in diaryland and Susan has been a great help and motivator. I am still having problems with tags etc and sure wish we had it in FAQ like at kos. Otherwise it can be very time consuming(for me anyway, pretty computer illiterate).I’m trying thow. Maybe you or Susan could throw out some team projects/ just a random idea.
should be trying though not thow….ugh!
New York State just created a new County Criminal Court Judge position in my county. It has all the taste and feel of political cronyism. The leader of the state senate comes from my county, Joe Bruno. His son Ken Bruno was the County D.A. He left office early to get into the lobbying business and got his… umm… assistant Patricia DeAngelis appointed to take his place. She is under fire. A lot of fire.
She has had cases over turned for misconduct. Her office is under investigation. She has shown absolutely no compassion or understanding of mental illness and apparently thinks the appropriate place for the mentally ill is solitary confinement at Attica or Sing-sing.
So… Joe Bruno got this position created so they can bump her incompetent rear end upstairs into a 10-year judgeship position (where she can screw up more lives by her misconduct), name her replacement before she gets booted out of office by the voters in favor of a Democrat, and allow the replacement to have the incumbency that she was given on a silver platter by her… umm… boss… Ken Bruno… which i think he was given by the out-going guy before him.
So… We’ll be interviewing candidates for the Democratic side of this mess and will name one shortly. I know a couple of the names that have surfaced as interested so far and feel confident that we are going to have a very qualified, very competent, and best of all… decent human being… as the Democratic Candidate for this new Judge seat.
I’d like to be able to ask for all the help we can get once we name our candidate. The legislation creating this position was crafted to take advantage of New York’s byzantine rules in order to give the Republican candidate, Ms. Incompetent DeAngelis, every possible advantage.
I’ll keep you posted but all help folks can give would be greatly appreciated.
Here is an article in the Albany Times Union from yesterday that details some… only some… of the strikes against this woman.
I like to see diaries which are somewhat encompassing. Often times I think the bloggesphere gets really caught up in the most recent stories that we forget to bring up last weeks news and see how some of those stories are playing out. And also look at the big picture.. and sometimes I really mean the BIG picture. For example the long history of imperialism in the Middle East going back to the end of the Ottoman Empire. I have read some excellent ones you have done regarding Iraq..
I’d love to see our environmental experts dig into this piece of information which I just came across:
It seems to me that this may be the demise of the Kyoto-protocol. The cynic in me suggests that anything sponsored by the current US administration will not be supportive of sustainable development, but I lack the expertise to fully understand the potential consequences of this initiative.