This video is great, and MSNBC gave it heavy play, in the past 24 hours.
Click Photo to play As you’ll see, Paul Hackett is a fresh, compelling guy. He’s running a positive, energetic, uplifting campaign.
He’s tall, good looking, and he has a lot of charisma. He even kinda looks like Lance Armstrong.
You get inspired just watching him. Everyone seems to like him:
Even Republicans …a lot of us are impressed
On the other hand, his opponent is a sour, sneering, snipping Pol. She has nothing positive to say. It’s just negative, negative, negative. Her unpleasant persona just pours through.
She’s also a phony. On one hand she belittles Hackett’s credentials as a Iraqi veteran (a Marine Corp. Major, no less).
Yet as you see in the photo, she wears a button of a Soldier on her collar!
And this brings up last night’s vote on CAFTA.
Let hit the Goopers right in the kisser with a big fat Wedge Issue – CAFTA.
Tie her to CAFTA, like a Deer on top of a Chevy, via Rob Portman and her statements about being a Bush loyalist. – see below
I recommend making CAFTA an issue.
At the end of the video Hackett’s GOP opponent says that voters should vote her because she supports George Bush – it’s a Republican district.
Well that doesn’t say much. In short, she offers nothing personal to the voters – no vision, no hope, no nothing. Instead her message is: “vote for me and I’ll be Bush’s Toady in Congress.”
And this brings up last night’s vote on CAFTA.
I find it hard to believe that a District in the Rust Belt would support CAFTA. Moreover, this particular election is to replace Rob Portman, who is Bush’s new Trade Representative, and Portman ran the CAFTA vote through Congress. Is this what OH-2 wanted? I don’t think so. Do they want more off this?
The campaign themes to use are clear:
Where do you Stand on CAFTA? Do you support the President or do you Support the District? I would have supported the District – I would have voted for Ohio jobs. I wouldn’t have voted to sent them to Central America. You send me to Congress, and you’ll have a representative looking out for you and for this town; not somebody who will blindly support the agenda of the national Republican party. Now if she comes out and says that she would have voted against CAFTA, then question her credibility.
First, attack her for Flip Flopping. On one hand she says, vote for her because she’ll be a sold vote for Bush’s agenda. Now she says she would have voted against Bush’s CAFTA-trade agenda. Which is it? Stop wavering. Then attack the sincerity of her statement. Say it’s hard to see how you could vote against CAFTA, when it’s Rob Portman who pushed CAFTA through Congress. Say that it’s hard to believe that you would have voted against your own party, against the president, and against Portman? Say that it’s especially hard to believe because you’ve been campaigning as a party loyalist? Finally, challenge her to renounce the President and challenge her values.
Hackett’s Campaign Head Quarters – on Main Street
Ask her: are you with the people of District #2 or are with the Trade lobbyists in Washington? Ask her: are you with the people on Main Street, or are you with the fat cats on Wall Street – who bought and paid for this Trade sellout? Ask the town: what kind of person puts partisan politics and a national agenda ahead of local town values? Ask her: are you with the hard working people of this town or are you with Bush and the CAFTA Trade lobby? Ask her: are you with District #2 or are you against us?
Recommended and a request to have this FRONT PAGED!!!!